Part 22

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Swara was eating apple without cutting it and was roaming in whole house.

"this house is like maze and i am feeling myself as a rat...."swara said while making face and open door of hall and entered inside.Apple from which she was going to take bite got stuck between her teeth,seeing a very serious meeting happening.

There was large round table and many men,all suit up in black were sitting around it and sanskar was sitting at edge chair,looking at her with furious face.he looks down at her cloth,she was wearing sweat shirt and shorts which was coming to her upper thigh.all men turned and looked at her.swara quickly turns and runs from there,closing door behind her.

"so many criminals at my home....sanky will kill me.mama help me"swara whispered to herself and takes bites from her apple.


'what the hell were you thinking before coming there?" sanskar said angrily,running after her.swara hides behind abheer.

"sanky i didn't knew it,you all are there.....what is my mistake in this?"swara said innocently.

"From now you will not wear clothes like this....."sanskar said,getting more furious thinking all had looked her with their lustful eyes.

"why did anyone comment......Mr sanky your wife is so beautiful,hot,sexy and....."abheer tried o stop swara,seeing sanskar face but swara was swara.

"i will cut your tongue today...'sanskar said, shaking with anger.swara push abheer toward him an run toward washroom and closed door at sanskar face.

"sanky if anyone had asked for taking me out for date then tell him i am ready to husband is not interested in me'swara shouted from inside and sanskar hits his fist on door with bang.swata jumps from her place,seeing door rattled a little.

"i will break you legs woman...and if i saw you in those clothes again then swear on God i will press your neck"sanskar shouted and again hit on door.swara stuck out her tongue at door.sanskar turns toward abheer,his eyes were extremely cold.

"i want everyone of them dead..and take out their eyes.'sanskar said in cold steely voice.abheer gulps hard,nodded and leaves.

Swara was pacing in washroom,making bad bad faces.suddenly she saw smoke coming from room.she walks toward door and opens it a little,so that she can close it again but her eyes goes wild open.

"sankyyyyy!!!!!..."swara shouted and run outside and tried to snatch her clothes from him but sanskar throw it on fire which was burning in mid of room.

"haye! can you burn my clothes? so beautiful beautiful,clothes"swara said holding her head with both hands.

"you burned my whole wardrobe.........i knew it from start you need doctor's help."swara said,looking at sanskar.

"you will get new clothes..."sanskar said in plain voice as its nothing and throws her last dress on fire. swara gritted her teeth,imagining his neck between them.sanskar passed a smirk toward,turns and leaves.swara stamps her foot on ground angrily.


Swara was sitting on mid of bed while looking at her new clothes which had just came there in many ranks.All were Indian,from simple plain frok to heavy lehanga saree,matching accessories and shoes.swara keeps her face between her both hands.

"ma'am dinner is ready..."one servant informed her in very obedient way.

"i am not coming ask your mannerless idiot boss to eat.."swara said angrily and murmurs under her breath.servant smiles a little,bends his head and leaves.

"Listen...i am coming"swara said loudly,servant nodded and left.she jumps down from bed while her eyes were flashing with mischievousness.she picks up a beautiful frok and go to change.

Sanskar smiles a little,seeing her coming in Indian attire but hides it quickly.swara sits opposite to sanskar at far distance(king size table)

'abheer how am i looking?" swara asked sweetly,blinking rapidly.abheer who was standing at back of sanskar,joins hand and sign her that sanskar will kill him.

"ABHEER!!!...."swara said angrily hitting her fist on table.

"beautiful..."abheer said gulping down hard.sanskar was ignoring as he is only present there.

"abheer why are you standing,sit and have dinner with me."swara said in extra sweet voice and abheer wipes sweat from forehead.he was going to sit near sanskar but swara interrupts him.

"why are you sitting there alone...come sit here"swara said,pointing at chair near to her.she shows him eyes and abheer looks at sanskar who was still ignoring them.he goes and sits near swara.

"why you want me to die.."abheer said in low whisper.swara ignores him.

"As sanky is not here..i want to tell you very important thing."swara said looking at sanskar.

"he is sitting right there..."abheer said in whisper.swara again ignores him.

"from now call me bhabhi....bhabhi means wife of brother......."swara said in serious tone and sanskar looks at her with warning eyes.swara pass a sweet smile to him.

'she dare not said that stupid thing to him"sanskar thought angrily.

"from now sanky is like your brother...don't you dare look at him with bad eyes"swara said in serious warning tone,moving her gaze from sanskar to abheer.

Sanskar closed his eyes,cursing her badly.abheer coughed hard,food got stuck in his throat.sanskar looks at abheer with smile on lips.

"God can you think like this?"abheer said in little loud voice.sanskar  starts looking at them and somewhere enjoying it.

"wha ji wah! you are remembering God when you were having  affair with married MAN then you didn't think about God.."swara said like a punjabi woman.

"i am leaving...."abheer said,got up and left.

"face the truth now.."swara shouted at his back.

'done with your comedy.."sanskar asked in plain tone.swara ignores him completely.

"why the hell you are doing this?"sanskar asked getting serious.

'what am i doing?"swara asked,looking at him

"why you have came here?...i had told you to stay away from me still you came here."sanskar asked keeping both arms on table,across plate.

"tell me real reason for behaving like this...i will leave."swara said in full confident voice.

Sanskar heart stopped a bit,hearing her sentence.

"i had told are not safe with me."sanskar said in same plain tone.

"you think i am stupid.....the person who had saved me three times when i was a step far from death,seeing this to me."swara said in little angry voice.

sanskar tried to speak something but swara stopped him.

"if you would have not there in construction building i would have dead till now....same case in when i was again kidnapped and now at beach....i am alive because you didn't loose your senses.if anyone else would have their he would have thought i am already dead.......and you are saying i should believe your bullshit then i am sorry dear hubby.i am stupid but not this much"swara said,gets up and leaves.sanskar saw her leaving,laid back and closed his eyes while rubbing his temple.

"how to tell you,you are facing all this because of me"sanskar whispered to himself.



"swara....i mean bhabhi why you want to learn shooting?"abheer asked with raised eyebrow.

"arrra!....your idiot boss didn't told me truth earlier...i have such a big list to whom i want to kill"swara said making face.abheer coughed a little.

"who are they?..."abheer asked chuckling a little.

"sanky is on top..."swara said through gritted teeth.abheer laughed loudly and saw sanskar coming from back.swara had not seen him.

"abheer tell me na how to use it???"swara said making face.

"bhabhi you really don't care sanskar is mafia prince????"abheer asked and corrects gun in her hands.sanskar stopped and start hearing their talks.

"i didn't think about it and i don't want to think about it...for me he is my sanky"swara said and pulled trigger.bullet don't know where gone but it didn't hit aiming board.

"you can't learn.."abheer said dryly.

"who learns in one day....."swara said making face.

"swara but you should think about..."abheer tried to speak but swara starts singing song loudly.

"lalalalala...."swara sings loudly and pull trigger again but again got missed.sanskar comes near to them and sign abheer to leave.sanskar makes swara stand in correct way by holding her waist. swara's singing stopped in a second and  looks at him and blinks.

"what wrong abheer said???....i am criminal and kills people without caring for a second...can you live with such person"sanskar said in normal tone and corrects gun in her hand and makes her hold it tightly.

"i don't care.."swara said in low voice.sanskar looks at her face.

"do you know how many men i killed today....i.."sanskar said in harsh tone but swara moves back and looks at him with teary eyes.

"sanky this is very cheap trick to make me hate thing clear in your stupid brain i am not going to hate you but if you keep on telling me this shit then i will surely start hating myself for loving a person like you and that day i will kill myself......"swara said two tears falls down,she keeps gun on his hand and leaves from there.

"i will kill myself if something happened to you because of me..."sanskar said sighing heavily.


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