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Sanskar stopped car in front of hotel and both came out from car.sanskar hugged her tightly

"i am going back from tomorrow's flight."swara said sadly while hugging him back.

"good..."sanskar said in normal tone.

"what?.."swara asked while looking at face,still hugging him.

"anger is always on your nose..."sanskar said while chuckling and kissed on forehead.swara blushed but quickly hide it and pushed him back slightly.

"someone will see..."swara said,with pink cheeks.

"so?.."sanskar asked with raised eyebrows,held her arm and pulled her close.

"sanskar..."swara said in worried tone,pushed him back again,giggled and run from there.

"swara i will come to see you off..."sanskar said,stopping her.

"'t even think about that.i am serious about it."swara said,looking back at him,shaking her head vigorously then left from there.

Sanskar smiled and left from there.


Swara entered inside hotel while smiling fully when uttra and dida came in front of her.

"where were you?..."dida asked with serious face.

"i was here only...."swara said,showing her full teeth.

"she is lying...i saw her escaping with my own eyes,when i stopped her,she threatened me."uttra said in her dida's ear.

"uttra!...'swara threw daggers at her.

"you are no one to get angry here....we saw you coming with someone.who was he?."dida glared at swara.

"he even came to meet her in hospital."uttra whispered in dida's ear in loud voice.

"i can hear everything..."swara said through greeted teeth.uttra hide behind dida,a little scared from swara.

"they were fighting in hospital....i think she committed suicide because of him."uttra whispered in small voice in dida's ear.swara tried to listen,moving close to them but uttra pushed her back.swara cursed at her in her mind.

"what?.."dida asked in shocked tone.

"dida don't believe her?...she don't know anything."swara said quickly after seeing dida expressions.

"i know everything and i feel sorry for you....our family is very cruel."uttra said in full dramatic tone.

"what is she saying?.."swara said,raising her hand to hit her but dida held swara from both arms.

"uttra leave i want to talk to her alone."dida said,uttra nodded.

"don't spoil the plan..."uttra whispered in swara's ear who was blinking at dida.uttra left from there quickly.

"swara you were very small when your parents died and i always tried to fill their place in your life.i love you just like uttra and know it right?"dida asked in emotional tone.

"dida i know everything....why are you asking?"

"then tell me honestly....who is the guy? did you committed suicide because of him? or because of us?...uttra told me everything,don't lie"dida asked,making her faint almost.

"uttra!..."swara said and looked for her,she was standing at some distance from them and winked at her when swara looked at her.

"you are dead from my hand..."swara muttered to her.uttra showed her eyes.

"why are you not saying anything."dida said in desperate tone.swara took deep breath and nodded her head.

"actually dida he is already married and have two children,i knew it you will never agree for it."swara said while cursing at herself in mind.dida stared at swara with serious face.swara looked down at her hand.there was a small pause between them.

"where is his wife?..."dida asked in more serious tone.

"she died few years ago..."swara said gulping a little.

"okay go inside..."dida said in thoughtful tone.swara nodded and quickly went inside.


"sanskar dida saw us today...."swara said quickly the moment sanskar attended the call.

"did she say anything to you?...."sanskar asked,stopping car to side,he had not reached home till now.

"she asked about you and i told her everything.....and i told her i committed suicide because of you.."swara stopped and cried in frustrated way,slapped on her head.sanskar laughed loudly at that.

"don't you dare to laugh.....i can't believe myself.i told her I committed suicide because of YOU."Swara said stressed her words,making him laugh again.

"sanskar..."swara shouted.

"okay okay fine...i will not laugh."sanskar said,controlling his laugh.

"it was uttra's idea....don't know where she went.the moment she came in front of me swear on God i will kill her with my bare hands"swara said in furious tone,pacing here and there.sanskar pressed his lips to control his laugh.

"what did your dida said after hearing this..."sanskar said,diverting her mind.

"she didn't say anything....maybe she will want to meet you before leaving but that is not problem right now...problem is my reputation is ruined completely.i build it so hardly after so many pranks."swara said,crying like child.

"swara i am so honored to get a girlfriend like you.....who can give her life because of me."sanskar said in dramatic tone.

"stop dreaming....i will never.i will take your life instead."swara said through greeted teeth and cut the call.sanskar laughed at that,started car and drove off.



"Swara! how can you?..."uttra said in loud voice after entering inside her room.swara who was lying down on bed,using mobile,got up hurriedly after hearing her loud voice.

"what happened?..."swara asked with wide eyes.

"i didn't expected this from you...."uttra said while shaking her head side to side.

"what did i do?..."swara asked in worried tone.

"father of two children......"uttra said in dramatic tone.

"is it crime to fall for a father of two children?..and he don't look like father at all."swara said like a feisty woman."

"i saw him from far...he is handsome..."uttra said,nodding her head.swara smiled.

"therefore you killed his wife to get can you,there are so many handsome men in this world.didn't you feel shame."uttra said,doing more drama.

"i didn't killed his wife..."swara shouted in complete shock.

"you lied to dida....i know you,you can do anything."uttra said with full belief.swara picked a pillow and threw at her.

"get out....OUT"Swara shouted at top of her lungs.

"leaving....leaving."uttra said laughing while covering her ears,turned on her heels and walked out.she stopped at door and looked at swara.

"what now?...'swara said in furious tone.

"dida said,she wants to meet boy and his family tomorrow before leaving for india."uttra said and left from there.

"oh God!...'swara said while biting her lower lip.



Gaddodia family was doing breakfast when dida cleared her throat,moving everyone's attention toward her.

"One family is coming to see swara tomorrow."dida said in calmed tone.

"What?..."many said in shocked tone.

"All of sudden?..."sulekha asked in worried tone.swara was looking at everyone face.

"They saw swara at marriage therefore they want to come...what's wrong in meeting them."dida said in authorative tone and no one has dared to speak another word. swara released a sigh at that.


Swara was sitting with dadi,talking about different thing with smile.sanskar was sitting opposite to her,talking with lakshah and chacha ji.

"mama! shouldn't boy and girl talk alone?"utta muttered in her mother's ear.

"are you mad?..dida will never allow it.keep quit."sulekha glared back at.utta made faces.

"swara! go show him around."dida said in calm tone while sulekha's mouth dropped to the ground.swara also looked at dida without a blink.uttra hit her elbow to swara,making her come back to senses.swara nodded her head and quickly got up and went outside with sanskar.

"mama! close your mouth.."uttra muttered with naughty smile.


"i missed you so much..."swara jumped and hugged sanskar excitedly,the moment they came out in garden.

"what are you doing?...someone will see."sanskar said while looking at door and pushed her back,by holding her from shoulder.

"so what?..."swara asked with both raised eyebrows,extended her arms and again tried to hugged him but sanskar maintained distance from her.

"have you lost your mind....behave yourself."sanskar glared at her.

"they way you behaved yourself when i visited your house for the first time?"swara asked while pulling his both cheeks.sanskar remembered himself teasing her and smiled.

"swara! this is different than that...if someone saw us then we will be in a lot of trouble."sanskar said in sweet tone but swara shook her head from side to side.

"what was thing?..Ah! right? you tell me what services you will provide after marriage?"swara said in thoughtful manner firstly then looked at him with quizzical eyes,pulling his cheeks to painful level.

"shopping every week?"sanskar quickly said,making her happy.

"really? will take me out for shopping every week?"swara asked in excited way,leaving his cheeks.sanskar kept his hands on both cheeks and hissed a little then looked at her.

"are you mad? why will i take you,you take so much time to buy one dress.i will only give my credit card."sanskar greeted his teeth while thinking but nodded his head.swara jumped happily and hugged him.

"she really holds a grudge..."sanskar muttered while touching his cheeks.

"you said something?"swara asked,moving her head back.

"no..."sanskar said and hugged her.

"sanskar i really can't believe we made till this day.."swara said,while hugging him tight.

"hmm...'he said while caressing her head.

"do you think your family will agree?"sanskar asked after a pause.

"No..."swara said in honest tone,sanskar sighed heavily.

"but don't worry...dida will handle.she is amazing and once she made a choice,no one can go against her....except me."swara said while moving back and laughed.sanskar smiled and caressed her cheek.

At that time someone cleared his throat.they looked in the direction and quickly separated while moving back.

"dida i...actually...we.."swara tried to speak but dida cut her.

"go inside...."dida said in serious tone.swara pressed her lips together,looked at sanskar then walked inside.

"why is she leaving me alone?..."sanskar thought after seeing swara vanishing behind door.

"why do you want to marry her?"dida asked,making sanskar look at her.sanskar kept silence for a minute,thiinking of their moment,he teasing her,her pranks and smiled a little.

"i found myself a different person when i am with her...she made me see a whole different sides which i didn't know existed therefore i want to be with her always."sanskar said with small smile.

Dida stared at his face for a min then turned and walked two steps ahead but stopped and looked back at him.

"don't think i am convinced for this marriage...."she said and left.sanskar took a deep breath then went inside.



Dida and sulekha were sitting in lounge when sanskar entered inside.both looked at him with surprise and got.sanskar greeted them.

"sanskar when did you come india?"sulekha asked,still surprise and sign him to sit.

"yesterday...."sanskar said while sitting.

"why didn't you informed us...we should have come to receive you.where are you staying?"sulekha asked

"chachi he don't like these formalities therefore i didn't tell,he told me about his arrival."swara said after coming there.

"what formalities...he is our soon to be son-in-law."sulekha said,in annoyed tone while looking at sanskar.

"dida can we go out for dinner?"swara asked while blinking at her innocently.sulekha gave her death glare.dida took very deep breath and nodded.swara gets happy,held sanskar's hand and almost ran out,before dida change her mind.

"maa! their marriage is after few months,how can you allow them to go out like this.what if someone in family saw them together.bad rumors will start in family."sulekha said in worried tone.

"how can i refuse in front of sanskar....what will he think? that brat purposely asked in front of him."dida greeted her teeth.


"did you see dida's face...'swara said while laughing loudly.sanskar looked at her confusingly.swara cleared her throat after seeing his confused face.

"in our family girl and boy can't meet when their marriage date is fixed.therefore i asked in front of you because i knew dida will not refuse in front of you."swara said,to clear his confusion.

"why can't she refuse in front me?....i can't even speak in front of her.she is kind of scary."sanskar muttered last sentence under his breath.

"your whole family lives in abroad.she don't want you think we are narrow minded."swara sat inside card,sanskar closed door for her then sat beside wheel.

"your family is narrow...they took so much time to accept marriage proposal,just because i have two kids."sanskar said in annoyed tone.swara looked at sanskar face then moved close to him and kissed on his cheek.

"they did agreed in the end...didn't they."swara said with smile.sanskar nodded and kissed on her cheek.

"where are we going?"swara said,sitting back on her seat.

"surprise!....."sanskar said with smile.

"i love surprises...."swara said in excited tone.



"Oh my!!!!..."swara squealed as sunny and pari hugged her the moment she stepped down from car.

sanskar just stood seeing swara,sunny,pari walking inside hotel without him.he shook his head and went inside.they were already seated,talking nonstop.sanskar went and sit with them.

meanwhile waiter came and gave them menu.trio started arguing with each other.after taking a lot of time they decided and gave waiter their order.

"am i invisible?...."sanskar thought while looking at them,busy with each other.he sighed heavily,feeling pity for himself.


"i am going to miss you a lot..."swara pouted while hugging sunny and pari together.

"we too!....."they said in union.

"hurry up we will miss flight."sanskar said in annoyed tone,glaring at them.trio looked at him and giggled after seeing his angry red face.

"you two close your eyes."swara muttered to them and they quickly closed their eyes and kept hands on eyes.

"you are so cute."swara said while shuffling his hair.sanskar glared at her and moved her hand away.

"i am not cute....i...."sanskar was speaking when swara pecked him on lips and moved back.

"you are very very cute...especially when you are angry."swara said with wide smile.

"yes papa you are cute!...."sunny and pari also shouted with closed eyes.

"you two promised to be in my time."sanskar said in fake angry tone.

"we are always in mama's team."they stuck their tongue out at him,after opening their eyes.swara giggled at that.sanskar showed them his eyes.they quickly sat inside car.

Sanskar put arm around swara's wait and pulled her close.swara blinked at him.

"after marriage i will not let you off hook with just a kiss...."he whispered in her ear,making her blush red then kissed her head,sat inside car and they drove off.swara waved her both hands at them until they completely vanished then walked inside the house.



"Dadi!!...'sunny and pari went and hugged her who was sitting on sofa.

"did you two enjoyed a lot?..."she asked with smile.

"YES!!!!!!...."they shouted.swara also sit beside her and gave her 8 months nisha to dadi.

"did she trouble?..."dadi asked while caressing the girl with love.

"not at all....she was sleeping all the time,just now woke up."swara said with love.sanskar silently went to his room.

"but someone else is troubled...."swara muttered,seeing sanskar leaving.

"i will just come."swara said to dadi.she nodded her head.


Swara entered inside room and saw sanskar removing his clothes,continuously blabbering.she bite her tongue then went and hugged him from back.

"you are so cute when you get angry..."

"today tell me honestly...why did you marry me?"sanskar asked while looking at side as she kept her face on his shoulder.

"do you need to ask this course because of sunny and know i can be kid around them and dadi is such a nice mother-in-law,she don't say anything.i am so blessed."swara said non stop.

"what about me?...where am i in your life?"sanskar asked in serious tone.

"you have such a big role in my life.if you wouldn't be in my life then how would i have met sunny and pari."swara said,blinking at him

"are you serious...."sanskar asked while starring at her.swara started laughing,broke hug and came in front of him and cupped his face.

"cutie pie!..."

"didn't i warn you not to call me cute..."sanskar said through greeted teeth.

"i will call what will you do cutie pie..."swaara said in teasing voice and pulled his cheeks.sanskar held her both writs and twisted on her back.

"door is open...what are you doing?"swara said tried to pushed him to side but sanskar held her still.

"so?...."he asked with raised eyebrows.

"sanskar behave father of three kids now."swara scolded him.

"Does being a father means I can't be with my wife?"He asked with a raised eye brow. She shook her head and placed her head on his chest with a smile.Sanskar let go of his hands and hugged her tightly

THE END........

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