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"I heard someone in groom's family committed suicide."

Swara was about to sit on chair when she heard a woman voice from one side.swara sighed heavily,got straight and walked to another seat far from crowd.

"one of the bride relatives told me she is one who committed suicide."

Swara turned her head back to look at woman who was talking,standing just behind her.women quickly looked away.

"she is so young and pretty...why did she do that."another woman said and shook her head.

"its so embarrassing..."swara muttered while covering her face with both hands,got up,ran from there and stroke with someone.

"ouch!..."pari exclaimed in pain after falling down.

"i am sorry...from where did you came in front of me?..."swara asked helping pari to get up.

"dadi said we can meet you therefore we were coming to meet you."pari said while rubbing her hips with one hand.

" why are you running with closed eyes."sunny asked with both raised eyebrow.

"these women don't have any other work then gossiping about others therefore i am escaping from here."swara said in frustrated voice.

"but we especially came to meet you otherwise we were not going to come."sunny said with cute pout.

"why were you going to come?..."swara asked as trio walked to side.

"there is so much tension at home....nano and maasi left yesterday when we were sleeping.papa didn't come out from his room from yesterday and dadi is also very sad but she came with us as we forced her to come but she said we will leave early."pari said in sad tone.

"let me think....i have an idea,you two go and tell your dadi,you two are going out with me and i will drop you two home after that."swara said after thinking for a minute.

"you will take us out?.."they asked in excited tone.

"off course i promised you two...i will wait in parking area."swara said with smiled.sunny and pari exclaimed happily and ran toward women crowed.swara looked around carefully then sit down and started walking out when someone stopped in front of her.

"shit..."swara muttered and looked upward and her expressions changed.

"where are you going?..dida gave me duty to keep eye on you so that you can't escape."uttra asked with raised eyebrows.

"and i told you don't come in front of me otherwise i will kill you have death wish."swara said through greeted teeth,got up and raised hand to slap her.

"Aaa mama!...."uttra squealed,covered her face and ran from there.swara mutter some curses,sat down again and escaped out carefully.



Dadi entered inside room and switched ON the lights.sanskar covered his eyes,blinked twice then looked at dadi and sit on bed.

"how long you will be like this?..."dadi asked after sitting like this.

"i am fine dadi,just tired,will be fine after some rest..."

"what did swara say before leaving?..."dadi asked after starring his tired face.

"she thinks we never belonged with each other...."sanskar said in broken tone.

"and what do you think?...'

"when i should have think then i didn't think...what's the point now?"sanskar said in sarcastic tone.

"sanskar everyone do mistakes in relationship...which relationship is perfect?the thing which matters the most is when we release our mistake,accept it and make our relationship strong...and i strongly believe relationships become more strong after such incidents,don't you feel,if such problem came again you will trust her this time."

"she will never agree...."sanskar said,shaking his head.

"did you try?...she still loves you therefore she came here to reveal truth otherwise she would not give a damn to whomever you marry."

"papa/daddy...'sunny and pari entered inside happily,jumped over bed and started putting things in front of him.

"from where are you two coming?..."sanskar asked after seeing shopping bags.

"we went for shopping swara...we had so much fun,we ate ice cream and..."sunny started blabbering but stopped when pari hit her elbow in her stomach.he released he shouldn't have took swara name in front of him.

"papa dadi said we can go out with her..."pari said while glaring at sunny.

"today is last function therefore we went out with her...she has flight yesterday and she will leave don't know when we will meet her."sunny said in sad and scared tone,not looking at sanksar face.

"papa she even give this for you."pari said,forwarding a packed meal.

'she told us not to tell him,she gave this...'sunny glared at pari and she pressed her lips.sanskar looked at meal box then at dadi.she smiled.sanskar cursed under his breath,then quickly went out after picking his car keys.

"dadi papa got angry with me..."pari said sadly seeing sanskar rushing out.

"women can't hold their tongue.."sunny said while shaking his head.

"you started it.."pari said and slapped on his head.

"don't two did right."dadi said,stopping them from fighting.


Swara applied brake with full force when sanskar stopped car in front of him.swara's forehead hit on the wheel

'who is this crazy jerk...i am already suicider,want to make murderer."swara said in anger filled tone,rubbing her forehead.

"if you want to die then die somewhere else why you want to die in front of my car?..."swara shouted in furious tone after coming out from car but blinked twice after seeing sanskar coming out.

"are you mad? this the way to ?.."swara sentence was not completed when he hugged her tightly. 

"what are you doing?..."swara asked ,trying to break hug but he didn't let her go.

"don't leave again...."he said during hug.

"sanskar don't start this again....we already saw its end."swara said while breaking hug.

"i love you."sanskar said while holding her both hands.swara tried to free her hands first then released something and looked at him worriedly.

"sanskar you have fever...."she said while touching his forehead and cheek with one hand.

"God you are burning and you are not even wearing something warm.what the hell?..go home"swara said in worried tone.

"i am not going anywhere and not letting you go...."

"you will get sick...."swara said in scolding tone.

"i don't care..."

"you(stopping herself from cursing) least come inside car."swara said in helpless tone and tried to pull toward her car but sanskar dragged her toward his car.

"why should i go in your car?..what about my car?"swara asked in confused voice but sanskar didn't listen,made her sit.swara quickly ON heater and glared at sanskar,who just sat at driving seat and drove off.

"where are we going?..."swara asked,trying to be calm but he didn't reply.

"sanskar stop car.....i said stop never listen"swara said getting angry.sanskar looked at her then stopped car at side and looked at her.

"why are you doing all this?...."she asked 

"can't you give us another chance?..."sanskar asked in straightforward tone,like always.

"is this so easy for you?...starting again?"swara asked while starring at him.

"yes because i love you...."sanskar said honestly.

"if you love me this much then why didn't you come to check on me...did you even tried to look for me for for once?"swara said in taunting and hurt voice then she closed her eyes,regretting what she said.

"i am sorry i shouldn't blame you..just drop me near my car,i don't want to talk about it."swara said,covering her eyes with one hand.sanskar held her hand with which she was covering face and with other hand he made her look at him.

"you can blame me...i was at mistake,i fell for you first,i should have trusted you,i should have come to meet even after kavita said you don't want to meet anyone."sanskar said and swara looked away,tears started welding up in her eyes.

"believe it or not but i came to meet you...its just i got late,you were already can ask from kavya if you don't want to trust me."

"what?..."swara asked,looking at him.

"after receiving those messages i was very angry but after sometime i started trying your number to confront you but your number was not reachable.after trying so many times i decided to meet you face to face and came your home but kavya told me,its been half an hour to your flight take off...if only i had come a little earlier.""sanskar said while wiping her tears..

"and i thought you don't care if i am alive or dead...."swara said while crying a little,hitting on his chest.sanskar pulled her in hug.

"i am sorry...."sanskar said while caressing her head.

"i want to clear one more thing...."swara said breaking hug.


"that bit**h didn't let me go near sunny and pari room.swaer on God,i tried to check on them."swara said holding her neck between thumb and index finger.

"i know..."

"then why did you believe those messages....those were so stupid childish messages why did you believe them,you jerk"swara said,punching him on shoulder.

"you also believed her,just because i didn't attend your call.i was in meeting why didn't you use your own brain."sanskar said,glaring at her.

"so its my mistake?...."swara asked,pointing at herself.

"no i didn't say that.."sanskar said,clearing his throat.

"no no you are saying that its my can i forget you always tried to pick fight me? you are still same.i am not talking to you."swara said,pushed him back and tried to step down from car but sanskar held her hand,made her turn and kissed her.swara's eyes widened at that,sanskar put arm around her waist and pulled her close.swara closed her eyes and kissed him back.


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