Part 22

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"sunny pari..."sanskar called them after stopping behind them.sunny and pari quickly turned while swara's heart shrunk after hearing sanskar's voice.

"daddy what are you doing here?.."sunny asked in shocked tone.

"papa why are you here?.."pari asked in panic tone,remembering his scolding.sanskar sit on his one knee,in front of pari.

"i am sorry for yesterday...i shouldn't have scolded you.i am sorry"he said while caressing her head.

"its okay papa..."pari said with smile and hugged him.they broke hug after sometime and smiled fully.

"if everything okay then can we go to eat ice cream..."sunny asked excitedly.

"its will get sick."sanskar said while shaking his head.

"papa/daddy please...please after so long time we met..."pari and sunny said in union but swarmayi quickly interrupted them.

"sanskar if they are saying so much then take them..."swarmayi quickly said with fear visible in voice.

"okay fine..let's go."sanskar said while sighing and got up.

"yeah!!!!!...."sunny and pari shouted happily then looked at swara.

"can she also come?.."sunny asked while pointing at swara.sanskar looked at swara who was still standing facing swarmayi,not able to move a muscle.

"who is she?..."sanskar asked with curious tone.

"she...she is my friend.actually they were insisting so much therefore me and my friend was taking them out but now you came so they can go with you."swarmayi said in panic tone and held swara's arm tightly not wanting her turn around.sunny and pari looked at swarmayi with narrowed eyes at her lie.

"if she want then she can also come with you..."sanskar said while looking at sunny and pari face who were looking at swara with pouted face.

" you go..mendhi function has started.we should go inside."swarmayi quickly said and tried to take swara inside with her.but swara held her hand,on her arm removed it while giving her a look then held her lengha and walked inside,not turning backward.sanskar stared at her back unknowingly then jerks his head and went toward his car with sad sunny and pari.swarmayi took deep sigh after seeing them leaving.she quickly turned and went inside.


"you come with me..."swarmayi said after holding swara's hand and dragged her outside the hall.

"what are you doing here?...what do you want now?"she asked in anger filled tone.

"and who are you to ask this questions from me?..."swara said in strict tone while freeing her arm with jerk.

"don't you feel shame even after doing so are still here,acting shamelessly and using sunny and pari to get close to sanskar again."

"unlike you i don't play these cheap tricks and don't worry about me, i don't want to be with that whose trust breakdown with one blow.."swara said while patting her shoulder and was about to turn back looked at swarmayi.

"but i feel pity for you...even after doing so much you didn't get what you want and still scared of loosing that to me again."swara said in sarcastic tone and left from there.swarmayi closed her both fists angrily.

"swara where were you?.."lucky asked after stopping swara when she was going inside hall.

"what?.."swara said while sighing heavily.

"what's wrong with you mood...did dida again scolded you?"he asked while looking at her face.

"nothing what do you want?.."swara asked shaking her head.

"adi is calling you..."lucky said while pointing at stage where adi was sitting with pareenita.swara walked toward stage,apply mendhi on pareenita hand with smile then sit beside adi.

"where the hell were you?.."adi whispered in her ear.

"this is all because you you...why do you have to marry here."swara muttered back with greeted teeth.

"what is you problem with my marriage here?...such a beautiful country."adi whispered back with narrowed eyes.swara give him death glare.

"okay forget about this...did you do what i asked for?"he asked in little excited tone.

"what?.."swara asked in confused tone.

"my bachelor can you forget about it?..."adi gave her death glare.swara looked at him dryly.

"don't look at me like arranged such a big party for ragini di...why are you behaving like this in my marriage."adi said in such tone taht he wanted to grab her neck.

"don't you feel shame you are sitting with your bride..."swara said and pinched him hard.adi hissed but control himself quickly and smile at guests.

"she also want to come...don't worry."adi said,making swara open her mouth.

"pareenita! she is swara i told you about her if you want to do anything which elders shouldn't know about it then ask from her...she is master in it."adi said making pareenita giggle.

"thank you for such good introduction..."swara said pinching him again.

"please we want to go for party something."pareenita said with innocent face.

"i will do something..."swara said while sighing.


"come on time...."swara said in warning,pointing finger at adi,ragini,lucky and utra.

"thank you..."they said while hugging her together.

"swara you too come...."ragini said and everyone nodded.

"who will handle dida here?..."swara asked while glaring at them.they chuckled,pulled her cheek.

"now go and come back quickly..."swara said pushing them toward car.they laughed,sat inside car and drove off.

"if dida found out then she will kill me..."swara said to herself while walking inside.


"bye papa love you!..."sunny and pari wave their hands at sanskar before running inside the house.he took out his mobile,dialed a number and kept it on ear.

"kavita!..."sanskar said while turning around and walking back toward car.

"yes sir!..."kavita said in sleepy voice it was almost striking 11 in night.

"send me all files by mail i will not be..."sanskar was speaking when someone strike him while passing with so much force  that his mobile fell down.sanskar cursed under his breath  and looked behind him and felt like his breath stopped for a moment.swara was running toward parked car.

"sorry!!!!!...."she shouted without turning back as she was talking with someone on mobile.

she quickly cut the call,opened car's door,sit inside and drove off.sanskar came back in his senses after seeing car vanishes.he quickly picked up his mobile,sit inside car and followed her.


"swear on God! i didn't do anything....i just showed him few small stars."utra said with most innocent face.

"have you lost your almost break his head.thank God he didn't file assaulting case against you."swara said slapping her on head.

"i should be the one to do harassment on him..."utra said in complete shocked tone.

"shut up! and tell me one thing why did you left the club alone...where the hell were you gone?"swara said while slapping her again.

"shopping!...i was getting bore in club and that day also because of that jerk i didn't do shopping so i thought why not know here shopping mall are still open like it is a day time."utra said in excited tone.swara sighed heavily

"but why do i always meet with jerk like....YOU"Utra shouted last sentence in shocked while looking forward.

"don't shout!..."swara slapped her again on head.

"swara he is the one who insulted me yesterday....."utra said while pointing at sanskar.swara looked at sanskar stopped in her walk.

"what are you doing here?..."utra asked while walking toward sanskar.

"Oh My God! are you stalking me?...."utra asked in scared tone while sanskar was looking at swara.


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