Part 23

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Sanskar walked toward swara and stood in front of her.

"oh hello! i am talking to you? are the same guy from shopping mall right?...why are you following me?"utra said while moving swara to side and stood in front of sanskar and gave him death glare.

Sanskar stared at utra for a second then held swara's hand and walked toward his car.

"where...where are you taking her?"utra panicked but swara just followed sanskar like a robot.he made her sit inside car then sat beside wheel drove off.

"Dida will kill me if something happened to swara...what's matter with this rude man?"utra pulled her hair while seeing the car vanishing in front of her eyes.


Sanskar stopped car in front of mahesawri mention and look at swara who was looking at the house.

"get off.."

"why did you bring me here?..."swara asked with mixed emotions then looked at his side.

"i have something of yours which i don't want to keep...."he said without a single emotion in his tone.

"what?.."swara asked in small confused tone while staring at him but sanskar didn't answer and got off and walked inside the house.swara sighed then got off and followed him.

"everything is same..."swara muttered to herself while looking around as they walked toward study.sanskar stopped for a moment after hearing her sentence then jerked his head and entered inside the study.

"i should have thrown this but am not good as like someone."sanskar said while putting guitar case on table and said last sentence while looking at swara.

Swara looked at the case then sat down and opened it and her eyes got wet a little after seeing her mother's guitar.she traced her hand on strings then looked at sanskar with wet eyes but he was facing other side,not looking at her.

"take these and leave...."sanskar said in stern tone.

"when you threw me out from your life why didn't you throw this away..."

swara wanted to say this to him but she just wiped her tears,closed the guitar case,got and left without saying anything.

Sanskar closed his eyes as foot steps touched his ears.


Swara was walking on road while holding the strip of the case tightly on her shoulder,immersed in deep thought when a car stopped in front of her with jerk.swara looked at utra,sitting on driving seat then opened door and sat inside.

"thank God swara you are fine...such a bad bad thoughts were coming inside my mind."utra said while starting the car.swara just kept silent.

"what is this?..."utra asked in curious tone while looking at case.

"my guitar..."swara said in small tone.

"guitar?...who gave it to you?"she asked with full confused tone.

"don't tell me that rude jerk gave this to you?...why?"utra asked in full shocked tone while stopping car in front of their house.

Swara didn't answer just stepped down and walked inisde.

"what is this? is swara related to that rude jerk?...why is she behaving like this?...was he following swara all this time...then why was he rude to me?..ugh so much confusion?"utra said in frustrated tone then hit her head on steering wheel.

Swara entered inside room,kept her guitar on bed then laid beside it and stared at roof while one tear skipped from corners of her eyes.


NEXT DAY(sangeet function)

"chachi i am not feeling good can i go home?...."swara asked from sulekha after holding her hand.

"what's wrong with your face...are you okay?"sulkha said after seeing her face completely.she touched her forehead and her eyes widened.

"swara you have high fever...why didn't you tell anyone?"sulkha said in worried tone.swara removed her hand from forehead and held between both hands and smiled.

"i am fine chachi just tired...i will be fine after taking some sleep."swara said in assuring tone.

"but how can you go alone.....i will ask someone to drop you."chachi said and looked around,everyone was busy,enjoying function.

"chachi i am not kid and don't trouble anyone because of me...there is so much work to be done,bride's family will be arriving any moment.i will go myself."swara said and sulekha nodded after sighing.

"be careful..."she said and swara smiled.

Swara was walking toward parking area when she saw bride family entering inside hall and everyone welcoming them.swara smiled after seeing happy faces then wiped sweat from her forehead and turned toward her car.she was looking for car key in her bag when dida called her from behind.

"why are you here?..."dida asked in strict tone,making swara turn around to look at her.

"i..i was..."swara tried to speak but dida cut her in between.

"trying to escape again?...."she asked in taunting tone.

"why will i?.."swara asked in hurt tone.

"why did you escaped before....if you don't want to stay with us then tell us.we will let you go.why do you have to such things which make everyone are so selfish,don't care a little about others,they will get worried or something but no you always want to do what you want."dida said in furious tone then turned and was about to leave when swara called her.

"dida!..."swara said in loud hurt tone.dida stopped but didn't turned around.

"i know what i did i shouldn't have done...i shouldn't left house like that but  i just wanted to live my life like i it too much to ask? it very big mistake that you are punishing and hurting me like this....i am accepting my mistake,can't you forgive me?.."swara said as tears rolled down from her eyes.

"why are you not looking at me? i so bad that no one wants to look at me?"swara asked while remembering that sanskar also didn't turn to look at her.

"should i go somewhere for forever?..."she asked in lost tone

"do whatever you want.."dida said while wiping her tears and walked out.swara closed her fists,seeing her leaving.she opened back seat of the car,sat inside and started crying while hiding her face in hands.after crying for sometime she wiped her tears and was about to go to front seat when she started feeling dizzy.

"Ah! my head!..."swara cried when her head buzzed and closed her eyes because of double vision.she hold the front seat to stabilize her but felt to side on seats,being unconscious.


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