Part 24

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Sanskar was working in his office when his mobile started ringing.he picked his mobile with one hand and kept it on his ear while his eyes were sti;; glued to laptop screen

"hello!..."sanskar said in busy tone but didn't hear anything from other side.he removed mobile from ear and looked at screen.'unknown number' was flashing on screen.

"hello who is this?.."he asked again after keeping mobile on ear.

"sanskar!...."swara said in weak sad tone.sanskar got straight after hearing her voice.

"why did you call?.."he asked,making his voice as strict as possible.

"i am sorry....."

"sorry for what excatly?....for making me hate myself or..."sanskar said in angrily while clenching his fists but swara cut himin between.

"Everything....i know i hurted you a lot but you know....i am also hurt."swara said while tears rolls down her cheek.sanskar gulped visibly after hearing her hurt tone but restrained himself from saying anything.

"therefore i am leaving.i just wanted to talk to you last time..."swara said and cut the call.sanskar kept mobile on table and stared at it.

"wanted to talk to me?...why this time? and what LEAVING?...why bother to tell me this time? when i don't want to know anything about her...."sanskar said in angry irritated tone and hit his fist on table angrily.

"this woman...i hate her."sanskar said while jerking his head and started working.

"wait a second....she wanted to apologise after so long and what is she thinking i will forgive her."sanskar said after closing his laptop angrily and mutter some curses.


"what this woman think of herself?...not picking my call?"sanskar greeted his teeth while dailing swara's number again while walking toward hall when he struck with someone.

"sorry i was not looking."sanskar apologised while picking his mobile from ground and looked at the person.

"you again...."utra pointed her finger at him while giving him glare.sanskar sighed and tried to walk pass her but utra came in front of him while keeping hands on wait like fiesty woman.

"move...i am not going to apologise again."sanskar said in annoyed tone but utra didn't budge a little.

"where is swara?...where did you leave her alone this time?"utra asked like fiesty woman.

"what do you mean?..where is she?"sanskar asked in worried voice.

"don't try to be over smart with me...tell em where is she? you had taken her somewhere like before right? tell me before i call my whole family have no idea what my family will do...."utra said in warning but sanskar cut her.

"shut up...i didn't took her anywhere."sanskar said in loud angry tone,making utra jump in her place.

"o..okay!..i guess she went somewhere on her own."utra stammered,getting scared because of his loud sound.

"what's the matter?..."sanskar said,this time in calm tone.

"swara is no where....she was not feeling therefore she told mom that she will go home and take rest but she didn't reach home therefore i got worried and blammed you for it.sorry"utra said in worried tone.

"utra!!!..."dida and sulekha called her while standing at hall entrance and utra went toward them.

"she didn't do anything wr...."sanskar jerked the bad thoughts in his mind and again dialed her number and gulped hard but no one picked.he was going to dial her number again but stopped at utra's shout.

"DIDA! HOW CAN YOU DO THIS?...."utra shouted at top of her lungs,not bothering anything that guest can here.sanskar went toward them and stopped at distance.

"utra behave she is elder."sulekha scolded her

"but mom..."utra tried to speak but sulekha stopped her by raising her hand.

"i am going to talk with your father...maa come with me."sulekha said while giving a look to utra and went inside with dida.utra held her head with both hands.

"from how long she has been missing?.."sanskar asked,trying to calm his nerve.

"about an hour i guess....what did she go?"utra said in hell worried tone.

"what the hell were you doing from an hour?.."sanskar almost shouted at her.

"i didn't knew that she and dida had a fight....i thought she went somewhere and will come back in an hour or few.she always do this.don't shout i am also worried."utra shouted back at him.sanskar mutter some curses under his breath while utra closed her eyes to calm down.

"what did she took? you know her car number?"sanskar asked after a minute while dailing a number on mobile

"car number?.."utra scratched her head and got a dead look from sanskar.

"how am i supposed to remember her car number?..but i know from which company dad rented car for few days."utra said first in apologetic then quickly as something hit her brain.

"i want you to look for a missing rented car which is from..."sanskar was giving instruction on mobile when utra spoke.

"i don't think swara took her car.."utra said while looking at swara's car which was parked at distance and went toward it.sanskar gave other instructions on mobile and went after utra.

"oh my God!..swara!"utra shouted while seeing swara lying unconsious in back seat.utra quickly opened door and tried to wake her.

"why...why is she like this..."uttra said in panicking tone while patting her cheek.

"she is burning...we should take her hospital.sit inside."sanskar said while touching swara's forehead.utra nodded her vigorously and sat inside while keeping swara's head on her lap.sanskar cclosed door for her then sat behind wheel and drove off.

"doctor how is she?..."utra asked from doctor in worried tone.

"she is fine but please avoid from giving her stress.she needs complete rest."doctor said in professional tone.

"thank you doctor.."utra said in relief and quickly went inside the room.sanskar walked inside,stood outside the door and looked at sleeping swara from small window of door.

"are you with patient?"nurse called him after standing beside him.sanskar looked at her and nodded.

"you need to come with me and fulfill some formalities."nurse said and went toward counter,followed by sanskar.

The counter nurse gave him some document to fulfill and started working again on computer.sanskar started filling 2 page document.

"exuse me sir!..."counter nurse called him.sanskar looked at her with raised eyebrow.

"have you patient been admitted in this hospital before due to a accident?"nurse asked while looking at computed screen then at him.sanskar thought for a minute then nodded his head.

"her belongings from last time are still here...please take them."nurse said then called a female nurse to bring the things.sanskar remembered when he came here before.


"where are the patients from car accident?.."sanskar asked from counter and almost ran toward rooms.

"papa..."sunny and pari said while sanskar hugged then as both were sitting on same bed.

"are you hurt somehwere?..."sanskar asked in worried tone while looking at them from head to toe.

"we are fine papa...."they said and sanskar hugged them again.

"fine?...don't lie to him.have you seen the car's condition.God i have never seen such a worse condition of car and look at their forehead.such a big scar."swarmayi said while getting up from couch.sanskar closed his eyes and caressed kids head.

"papa have you seen swara?..."pari asked after sometime.

"how is she?..."sunny asked with same concern as pari. swarmayi stared at both with narrowed eyes then smiled wickedly.

"she left from hospital in morning...she was not injured much,just scartches therefore she left after first aid."swarmayi said.

"didn't she met you two before leaving?..."sanskar asked,feeling strange emotion surrounding him.sunny and pari shook their head.

"okay you two rest now...don't think about anything."sanskar said calmly made them lay down and put blanket on them.

He and swarmayi came out after making sunny and pari sleep.

"you should also o home and took some are here from morning."sanskar said to swarmayi.

"no i am fine this much i should for kids."swarmayi said in sugar coated tone.

"driver will drop you home..go home."sanskar said in calm tone.

"okay as you say..."swarmayi said and walked away.sanskar took out his mobile and dialed swara's number but she cut his call on second ring.he looked at screen as it beeped with message next moment.


Sanskar stared at message with narrowed eyes then dialed her number again but the call again got cut and another message.


Sanskar jaw got ticked after reading the message.he held the mobile tightly and dialed number for last time.this time mobile was switched off.


Sanskar came back in his senses when a nurse called him and forward swara's bag toward him.

"give this to her yourself...i am leaving"sanskar said in strict tonemkept pen on papers which he was filling and walked pass her.

"but...."nurse called him while turning when she slipped and bag with its things fell down on ground.sanskar looked at different things,scattered on ground.his eyes got stick on a things.he bend and picked it was frammed photo in which swasan,sunny and pari were present which they had taken together in swara's glass frame was broken from one side but still their happy smiling faces were clearly visible.

"this frame was also in this bag..please give all these things to her."nurse said after putting everything in bag and gave him and left.sanskar got up while starring at photo then something came in his mind.he went toward a bench,sat on it and opened swara's bag and started looking for something.when he didn't find what he was looking for,he emptied bag on bench in frustation but didn't find that thing.

"she must have took mobile with her and left this behind."sanskar said while jerking his head from crazy thoughts and started putting things back in that time he saw swara's family at counter and going toward room.

he got up,picked bag and left from there.


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