Part 25

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Swara opened her eyes slowly and blinked twice to recognize the place and looked around.

"are you awake!...oh my God swara,you scared the hell out of us."chachi said and hugged her while swara was still lying in the bed.other family also came close to her bed.

"chachi why are you crying?...and where am i?"swara asked in weak voice.

"hospital...where else you can be after doing such thing."chachi said in little angry tone,broke hug and slapped her hard on head.

"what did i do?..."swara cried in pain while rubbing her head.

"you are asking me what did you do?..."chacha ji said in furious tone.swara blinks at him as he rarely get ngrily espeially with swara then she moved her gaze to all family memebers who were standing beside her bed.they all were throwing death glares at her like she killed someone.

"why are you all looking at me like this?.."swara asked in confused and scared tone because of their serious faces.

"everyone leave...i want to talk to her alone."dida said in serious tone.they looked at dida,sighed and left.chacha ji held his wife hand and sign her.

"what if she said something to hurt her and then she again..."chachi said in worried tone as he made her walk outside.

Dida sat in front of swara and held her both hands in hers.

"i am sorry know you were always dear to me but when your parens died,you came very close to my heart.i loved you so much but when you left like i was very hurt."dida said while rubbing top of her hand.

"i am sorry dida i..."swara tried to sleep but dida cut her in between.

"let me speak..."dida said in calm one and swara bite her bottom lip.

"i was hurted so much therefor i was not able to forgive you. it was very hard for me but today when uttra told me you are in hospital because of broke me then i released i was also at mistake and i love you so much...."dida said with teary eyes.

"i love you too dida..."swara said while hugging her as tears roll down from her eyes.

"do ever take such extreme it."dida said while rubbing her back.

"what do you mean?.."swara asked in confused tone and broke hug.

"i mean how can you attempt a suicide just because of my words..."

"WHAT!!!...."Swara almost shouted while breaking hug.

"i used to thought,you are a strong girl but you disappointed me..."dida said while shaking her head side to side while swara just blinked at her.


"papa!!!!...."sunny and pari shouted,ran and jumped on sanskar who was on armed chair in his study.sanskar chuckled and hugged them back.

"what are you two doing here? should be at function today."sanskar asked in surprise.

"function is postponed for 2 days..therefore we came back we will go from here directly."they completed each other sentence.sanskar nodded his head as swara came in his mind.

"we are hungry..."they said pouted face.sanskar smiled.

"ask olivia to make something for you.."he said and they jumped down and ran outside,meanwhile dadi came inside.

"function is postponed and groom's family is in tension threfore i thought we should come back....doesn't feel right to burden bride's family,they have to take care of other guests also."dadi said while sitting down in front of sanskar.

"i will drop you all,don't worry."sanskar said in his normal tone.

"someone in groom's family commited suicide..."dadi said while looking at sanskar's face.

"what?..."sanskar asked in shocked tone.

"do you remember swara?...she commited suicid.apparently she is groom's sister in relation,i found out today.i didn't see her in functions or maybe she didn't want to come in front of us after what happened that day."dida said in sad tone tone.

"when i think about that time i feel so sad for her....poor girl we behaved so badly with wasn't her fault also.someone said right when it comes to our loved ones lives when don't see what's right and what's wrong."dadi said in regretful tone.

"i don't know what you did but i am sure dadi the way you behaved, was right.such heartless girl,who didn't even check that sunny and pari alive after accident,must have deserved that."sanskar said,making himself remember that.

"if we had let her see them then she had seen them but we didn't..."

"what are you talking about..."

"i know it was stupid of us to blame her for accident and didn't allow her to see kids otherwis she wanted to see them the moment she woke up.later nurse told me she left without getting treated."dadi said, at that time swarmayi entered inside.

"anty! mama is calling you..."swarmayi said while entering inside the room.dadi got up and left.

"sanskar are you okay?..."she kept hand on his shoulder making him come back to his senses.

"yes i am fine..."sanskar said,still in thoughts.

"what were you thinking so deeply..."she asked after sitting opposite to him.

"nothing..."he said while sighing then looked at table where swara's purse was placed.

"why parts are not matching...what am i feeling,something is wrong about all this"sanskar thoughts and closed his eyes in frustration.

"why do you have this bag?...what are you doing with swara's bag?"swarmayi asked in anger filled tone.sanskar opened his eyes and looked at her,at her sudden loud voice.

"when i went hospital to..."sanskar stopped in mid and narrowed his eyes at swarmayi.

"how do you know its swara's bag...."he asked while starring at her.

"i...i actually saw her carrying this bag a lot.i have work."swaramyi said in panicked tone,got up and left hurriedly.sanskar stared at her back.


"she didn't commited clearly said she fainted because of high fever and i just came to return this bag.i am not worried about her...I SHOULDN'T BE WORRIED ABOUT HER"sanskar said,makng him remind then got off the car and was walking inside the hospital when he heard a scream.sanskar looked in the direction.

"stop..."utra said while covering her head with both arms as swara was going to hit her with flowerpot.

"calm down...deep breath in,deep breath out....calm down"utra said,making her calm down.swara took deep breath in and out and moved the small pot down.

"swara why are you thinking negavtively think positively...dida forgive you because of my lie and is treating you with so much should be thankful of me."utra said while glaring at her.

"thankful for what....because of you everyone thinks that I...I commited suicide.from which angle i look like suicide type? and MY REPUTATION.."swara said last sentence with heartache

"i was famous as spoiled brat,prankster,fun loving girl and NOW A SUICIDER(almost shouted) deserve to die."swara said,raised the pot at top of her head.utra screamed and ran from there.swara tried to run after her but felt dizzy and stopped.

"DON'T SHOW ME YOUR FACE OTHERWISE YOU WILL DIE...."she shouted while putting pot downheld her hea and sit on nearby bench.

"why did i live to hear this....suicider?"swara muttered cryinngly while covering her face with both that time,sanskar threw bag in her lap.

"aaa!..."swara squealed and jumped from her place,looked at purse then at sanskar.

"scared me...what is this?"swara asked in irritated tone.

"you don't know what is this?..its your bag."sanskar said while glaringat her.

"mine?..."swara asked with confused eyes then looked at it with narrowed eyes then shook her head.

"i don't think its mine..."she muttered to herself then opened and started looking at things.

"oh! its my things...actually i have so many bags.whenever i go for shopping i always buy 2 to 3 bags therefore i forget old bags...why do you have this?."swara said while putting things back in bag then looked at sanskar,who was staring at her.

"did you really try to kill yourself?..."sanskar asked in serious tone,ignoring her question.

"what do you take me for?...why will i try to kill myself?... how do you i am in hospial?"swara asked while putting hands on her waist.

"hen what were you doing in car from 2 hrs?...sleeping?"he asked in sarcastic tone.

"i didn't know that i will faint there and that moment i really wished i should....wait a min,with which right you are asking these questions?"swara said,changing the topic.

"you had time to talk rubbish on call but didn't have time to tell you are not feeling well and is about to faint in car."sanskar said through greeted teeth.

"hey! why are you getting angry,its not.."swara try to speak but sanskar didn't let her.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!...."sanskar shouted at her making her jump from hr place.swara covered her open mouth with hand and looked at him with wide open eyes.

"and what are you doing outside in such freezing cold weather....first attempt failed therefore trying again."sanskar said in loud angry tone.swara sit on bench with jerk and started crying in loud voice.

Sanskar regretted for shouting at her and sat in front of her on one knee.

"why are you crying?..."sanskar asked in calmn tone this time.

"everyone is scolding me...first dida,then chahi,chacha ji,ragini,lakshah jiju,sahil dada, and now many times i told i didn't commited suicide,utraaaaa!!!!!!...i will kill you"swara said while sobbing in between.sanskar pressed his lip at her cute crying with red nose and cheeks.

"stop crying....i will not scold now."sanskar said while wiping her tears with both thumbs.

"but honestly it was your can someone so senseless who..."sanskar tried to say but stopped as swara started crying again.

"utraaaaaaa!!!!...."swara cried loudly.

"okay okay fine....i will not say a word."sanskar quikly said but swara shook her head side to side.

"don't cry swara..."sanskar said and hugged her,keeping hand on back of her head but swara kept on blabbering about her planning to kill utra,unaware that somene was watching them,planning something else.


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