Part 26

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Swasan were hugging each other when there was loud and continuous sound of horn which made them break hug and they looked toward parking area.

"i think someone escaped from mental hospital..."swara said in annoyed tone,as horn was not stopping at all.sanskar chuckled and looked at her and released their closeness and quickly got up.

"i am leaving should also go inside and rest."sanskar said and tried to leave but swara held his wrist.

"sanskar answer one question before leaving...."

"is there anything remaining to ask about?..."sanskar asked while turning toward her.

"you don't have anything to ask?..."swara asked in hurt tone.

"no...i don't think,anything matters now."sanskar said,not looking at her.

"why did you started things between us when you were going to behave like this.....why did you made me trust you when you didn't have a single percent trust on me?...why?...dida is right,all men are dogs."swara said as tears rolled down her cheeks,and she tried to leave when sanskar held her with her upper arm and pulled her back.

"trust?...this word don't seem good after coming from your mouth.keep one thing in mind i have a lot questions but i don't think you can answer them,so its better we should not start question answer session."sanskar said in furious tone with deep down pain.

"maybe its not important to you to get answer of your questions therefore making these unreasonable excuses but i want my know why?.....yesterday i really thought i am going to die and last moment i was thinking about one thing....why am i in this condition?...what wrong did i do? and i want answer of this question."

"you don't know what you did? broke my trust,my heart,sunny and pari can you be so heartless.i can't believe i fell in love with you.if you had problem in taking care of sunny and pari then you should have told me earlier that my kids are the reason you don't want to be with me but No,you always had made excuses about your dida."

"what are you talking about?..."swara asked in shocked tone.

"don't do this innocent drama in front..."sanskar said in warning but swara stared at him with same shocked expressions.sanskar greeted his teeth,took out his mobile,opened her messages and put the mobile in her hands.swara read the messages and her expressions changed to darker.

"sanskar i...."swara tried to speak but sanskar stopped her with raised hand.

"enough is enough i don't want listen anything you say, just stay away from me and my it."sanskar sahid,pointing finger at her,snatched mobile from her hand and walked out from there,as swara watched him leaving in froze position.


Swara entered inside her hospital room in robotic position and sit on bed,thinking hard.uttra who was already in the room,sat beside her and cleared her throat.

"when you left home,you came here and you met him right? or you two escaped together and came here?...but whatever happened,you two were hugging each other like after so many time you met.i am sorry i made so much noise and you had to come back but it was cold outside and if you had stay there then you would have catch and dida would have killed me."uttra blabbered nonstop without noticing swara was not listening to her.

"how can he believe it that i did that..."swara said in trance.

"you are still stuck on that thing....swara it was easy as pie.i didn't have to do anything.everyone was so worried and you know in worry mind don't work properlly and i did simple prank and they believed."uttra said while shrugging her shoulder.

"prank?...just because of a prank so much happened to us.such a horrible prank"

"are you mad?...why are you crying?"uttra got worried as swara suddenly burst out crying.


"uttra child what happened to you?..."dida asked in worried tone after seeing her pale face and eyes digging inside.

"dida,mama...don't worry about me,i am fine worry about swara,she is not fine.she spend half night crying and half night thinking about something and now she is smiling like idiot...something is really really wrong with her."uttra said while holding her head.dida and sulekha looked at each other then went inside.

"good morning.."swara greeted them with smile.

"swara what's wrong?..."sulekha asked in worried tone,sitting on stool beside her while dida sit on bed beside her.

"if something is troubling you then tell us...we will resolve it but don't do anything."dida said in requesting tone.

"some questions were troubling but after thinking whole night i got i am fine in fact very good."swara said with smile.

"what questions?"sulekha asked in confused tone.

"what happened,how happened and who was behind it?"swara said in thoughtful way.

"what is she talking about?..."sulekha muttered to herself then looked at dadi who was staring at swara's smiling face deeply.


Sunny was playing games on his mobile when it started ringing.sunny stared at unknown  then shrugged his shoulder,attended the call and put mobile on ear.

"hello sunny!..."a familier voice touched his ear.

"swara!...."sunny asked in little suspicious tone.pari who was studying,on her study table,looked at sunny.

"you forgot my voice?.."swara said in scolding voice.

"whose number is this?...i had saved your number"sunny said while pari quickly sat in front of him on bed and sunny put call on speaker.

"its my new number....someone-else have my new number therefore i have to call you.sorry for disturbing you two but i only remember your number.what to do?"swaa said while sighing heavily.

"why are you saying sorry? can call us anytime."pari said with pouted face.

"and you should be sorry about anything promised to take us out.we tried to find you so much in function but you were no are so bad"sunny said in anger filled tone.

"why are you getting angry on me?...its not fault,your father gave me a serious warning to stay away from you."swara said with pouted face.

"he told you this?..."sunny asked with raised eyebrow.

"he even said don't talk to you two.....and we see each other don't even say hello."swara said in fake sad tone.

"but why?.."pari asked in sad tone.

"don't know....ask this from your father."swara said in helpless tone.

"now you will not talk to us?.."sunny asked in sad tone.

"i want to...but your father warning and i am scared of him....if he found out i called you two,don't know what he will do.but i wanted to say bye to you two properly....i love you two so a lot of prank and have fun when you have time.okay?"swara said in sincere tone.

"we love you too.."both said in union in very sad tone.

"now please do me a favor....give mobile to swarmayi.i need to talk to her."swara said as her expressions changed to serious.

"okay..."sunny nodded,stepped down from bed and ran outside to swarmayi room.

"here..."sunny said,forwarding phone to her.

"who is on call?.."she asked in confused tone while taking mobile from his hand.sunny ran out from there.swarmayi greeted her teeth when he left without answering her.

"hello who is this?.."she asked after putting mobile on ear.

"you have something....which is mine"swara said,making her get up from her relaxed position.


Sanskar came out from washroom after taking sower,picked tie from bed,stood in front of mirror  and started tying tie.he looked at his eyes which were red because of staying up whole night.he closed his eyes to calm down his burning eyes but no effect.he finished his tie then picked his mobile and dialed a number.

"kavita!sorry for not coming in morning,without informing,i was not feeling good....rearange the meeting again "sanskar said in calm tone

"sir are you okay? are not sounding fine?"kavita asked in worried voice.

"yes i am fine..."sanskar said while closing his eyes again.

"okay sir.."kavita said and cut the call.sanskar put mobile in his pent's pocket and picked up coat when he felt deadly stares at him.sanskar turned his head to side and found sunny and pari throwing daggers at him.

"why are you two starring at me like this?..."sanskar asked with raised eyebrows.

"papa/daddy..."both said together then looked at each other.

"i will talk..."pari said 

"no i will...."sunny said shaking his head.

"you two are fighting?.."sanskar asked in surprised tone.

"this is all because of you..."both glared at him.

"what did i do?.."sanskar asked while pointing at himself.

"you told swara to not meet us..."pari said with twitched nose.

"don't even call us..."sunny said,glared at him.

"why did you do that..."both said together,while putting hand on waist.

"who told you this?..."sanskar asked while bending at their levels.

"swara herself told us...she called us to say can you do this?..she was only nanny which we liked.....we are not talking to you."they said last sentence together,stamped their foot together and walked out from there.

Sanskar sighed and rubbed his forehead,feeling angry,helpless and something else which made him awake whole night.

"sanskar can we come in?.."urvashi knocked,dadi and urvashi were standing at door.

"mom please don't need permission."sanskar said composing himself.

"are you free we wanted to talk about something...."dadi asked with deep concern on her face.

"about what?..."sanskar asked,looking at their serious faces.

"about you and have been avoiding this topic from so long therefore i came to talk about this myself.i know sanskar its tough decision for you but i promise swarmayi will be very good wife and me and give her a chance."she said with motherly love.

"mom i need some time to clear my thoughts..."sanskar said as swara came in his mind all sudden.

"how much time more...2 months are not enough."dadi asked in scolding tone.

"give me a week then i will tell."sanskar said in helpless way.

"you have 1 days...we can't give you more time than this.think and tell us.let's go."dadi said in authoritative tone and left with urvashi.

Sanskar sit on bed,jerked open his tie and threw it on bed in frustration.


"what...what are you talking about?...i don't have anything which belongs to you and how dare you call me like this....don't you have some shame."swaramyi said,hiding her nervousness quickly.

"i am surrounded by shameless people like you therefore i also became shameless....and if you didn't return my thing to me then i will become more shameless and will come myself to take my thing back....i don't think you want that,do you?"swara asked with threat in her voice.

"i am not afraid of you....why should i be when i don't have anything of your.please come."she said with arrogance.

"driver is still working there...right?"

"WHAT!..what are you talking about?."she said,gulping hard.

"i know you were behind the accident and messages therefore drop this oblivious act in front of me and bring my stuff back...."swara said with suppressed anger in her voice.there was silenece for few minutes between them.

"do you think you will come here and tell everyone that i was behind the accident and everyone believe.stop day dreaming,no one is going to plan was perfect and for your information,driver who did the brake failure is long gone from can't find him."

"when did i said i will tell everyone truth...."


"actually i am in hospital and my family is not letting me step down from my bed therefore i can't come there myself but if you didn't come here in 2 hrs then i have to do some hard work,like escaping from here to come there and if i came there after so much hardwork.....then you think what will i do with you after doing so much hard work just to take mobile from you.....think carefully and take decision yourself.bye"swara said and cut the call.

"WHAT THE HELL SHE THINK OF HERSELF....THREATENING ME."swarmayi almost shouted and threw the mobile,which stroke with wall and broke into pieces.

"what if she came here and tell sanskar no sanskar will not believe her.he will never believe her,Never"swaramyi talked to herself like mad woman and held her head with both hands.


"ragini!..."swara said in sweet tone.

"hmm..."ragini said while giving her an apple slice.

"what did doctor said?.."swara said putting full slice in her mouth.

"about what?.."ragini said giving her another slice.

"when can i get discharge...i am totally fine."swara said in more sweet tone,smiling fully.

"tomorrow in morning...."ragini said 

"what tomorrow...why not today?...function is in can i stay here?"swara said while sitting straight on bed.

"function is postponed for two days..."ragini said while giving her another slice.

"but why?.."swara said,shaking her head for slice.

"because you are in hospital...."ragini glared at her and put slice in her mouth.swara said something with filled mouth but ragini looked at her with confused face.

"what?..."ragini asked with same expression then looked at door which was opened.

Swara looked at urvashi who just entered inside and stood in front of her bed.

"i was expecting someone else....what is she doing here?."swara murmured to herself.

"i came to tell you that we are thinking about sanskar and swarmayi marriage."

"what?...."swara said,feeling a heavy burden fell on her,smashing her completely


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