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"How do you keep hitting the bullseye dead on?" Link looked in awe as Zelda let loose another arrow which lodged itself in the centre of the target.

Zelda let a small smile curl up her lips as she lowered her bow. She didn't know why she was so good. It wasn't like it was easy to use a bow and arrow while blind.

Zelda could hear the small gusts of wind. As they blew through the training grounds. Concentrating hard, Zelda would listen out for a subtle whistle. The whistle was where the wind rushed round the far away target. It wasn't long before she could pin point the targets location and distance away from her. With that in mind, she would fire her arrow. It had taken years of practice but she had finally gotten the hang of it.

"Seriously, I'm usually quite good with a bow and arrow but you seem to have a talent for it..." Link remarked as he came forward and picked up his own bow.

"But you are the best when it comes to sword fighting..." Zelda lowered her head slightly in self pity as Link let his arrow fire.

She heard it slice into the target before Link turned to her, "Maybe I could teach you. You know, as a thank you for helping me with my archery."

"Sure." Zelda nodded as she turned round to put her bow down.

She could feel a change in atmosphere as the next gust of wind went past. It felt warmer. She turned to Link.

"What time is it?" She asked, seemingly out of the blue.

"I'd say an hour or so before sun set..." Link shrugged the question off.

"Oh my Hylia!" Zelda smacked a hand to her mouth in shock.

She had lost track of the time. Usually she trained alone and so her mind had constructed an internal clock. She could tell when it was time she stop a particular task and start something else. Maybe having company for once had thrown her off guard.

"I-I gotta go." Zelda stuttered as she turned on her heels and sprinted I'm the general direction of her tower.

"Sheik?" Link called out as Zelda disappeared behind a bush, "Same time next week?"

"Sure!"came her distant reply.


"Well you certainly took your time!" Impa hissed as she moved forward and helped Zelda over the balcony by taking her hand.

"I know, ok! I'm sorry!" Zelda pouted as she pulled open her balcony doors and rushed into her room.

"You're lucky you're father doesn't visit you every night for dinner," Impa sighed as she moved forward and begun helping the Princess out of her Sheikah armour.

"Thank Nayru..." Zelda rung her fingers through her golden hair as she begun to relax.

"Why were you late anyways?" The Sheikah woman inquired as she pulled off the large breastplate of armour from Zelda, leaving her in her undershirt.

"I was training with another soldier." Zelda deadpanned.

"Really? But I thought you said you barely spoke to the others?" Impa cocked an eyebrow at the Princess.

"Yeah, but he asked for my help." Zelda slipped out of the rest of the armour, leaving her in her trousers and undershirt.

Impa scooped up the heap of armour and walked over to the dresser. She placed the clothes down next to her and moved the rug over to reveal a wooden trapdoor that was fitted into the stone floor. Impa lifted it up and dumped the armour into the cubby hole.

In the time she had done that, Zelda had found her way over to her dressing screen and was busy undressing. She threw her sweaty shirt over the top and pulled on a sleek evening dress.

It fell to her ankles and was loose over her figure. It was a rich cream colour (not that she could see the colour, Impa had described it to her before) and had long lacy sleeves. She grabbed her brush witch was on the table next to her and walked out from behind her screen.

She heard Impa's soft footsteps come forward as she handed her the brush. The Sheikah took it up and began to comb Zelda's golden hair into a tight bun.

Zelda slipped on a simple pair of shoes and Impa walked over to her bookcase. Zelda could hear the scrapping of the books as one was pulled out. She smiled when there was a loud thump, signalling that Impa had picked out quite a big book.


"What are we reading tonight?" Zelda felt around the table until she found the cutlery.

"Well I thought maybe you'd like a change..." Impa rest the book on the table and Zelda heard the pages rub against each other as Impa opened it.

"How so?" Zelda questions as she used her knife and fork to feel around her plate.

"It's a romance novel." She chuckled lightly, "It's different to what we usually read..."

"Sure..." Zelda chuckled along with her, "Why not?"

Impa found the first page and cleared her throat before proceeding to read the title and chapter name, "A Heart for Two, Chapter One, The Chance Encounter..."

Zelda had never really understood romances. Each time Impa had read one to her, she was left confused. In many they had read, the man would make a nice remark about the girls eyes and then proceed to make up a speech about stars or something...

Zelda obviously didn't understand this.

Her eyes had been cursed by the demon King Ganondorf when she was born but they did not turn white. Surely her eyes were therefore her ultimate flaw? They say that the eyes are the window to the soul. What in the name of Hylia does that mean? Zelda just didn't understand.

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