Sword Play.

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"So, these are your finest?" The King raised an eyebrow at the group of soldiers standing in his midst.

"The best of the best!" Impa nodded, gesturing to the five men who had their heads bowed in the presence of the King.

"If you don't mind me saying, there is another one with our skill, however she is not present at the moment..." Link spoke quietly, hoping the King wouldn't be angry at interrupting the conversation.

Impa's jaw was clenched and her fists were balled up. She knew that Zelda was a skilled warrior and that she and Link had been training together but she knew that if the King found out who 'Sheik' was he would be angry, seriously angry. And of course the so called 'Silent Knight' would choose this time to find his voice.

"She?" The king raised and eyebrow, "This grand warrior with impressive skill close to yourselves is a woman?"

"Yes, my King, she is a member of the Sheikah known only as 'Sheik'. However, she only comes to the training grounds once a week and not much is known about her..." Impa concluded, giving as little information as she could on the subject.

The King, concluding not to follow up on the woman, turned back to the five knights who stood Infront of him.

"Good..." The King finally nodded his approval, "I have a task of the utmost importance for you."


Zelda had climbed her way back down her tower and was sat on the grass in the training grounds. She smiled under her bindings as she heard the rustle of the trees and bushes. Grazing her hands over the ground she could feel every blade of grass and the raindrops from the night before still stuck to them. She could smell the dampness in the air and knew that it was early autumn.

It wasn't long before she could hear the crunching of leaves and the thud of  boots on the dirt.

It had been a few weeks since Sheik and Link had trained together and in that time they hadn't really gotten to know each other. Link was mostly silent when he wasn't trying to teach her sword fighting and Sheik couldn't exactly tell Link anything about herself for fear he might learn her true identity.

"Ready?" Link sighed, walking over to Sheik.

Zelda got up and took out her sword from its scabbard and poised for attack. It was really hard for her to learn swordplay because she was blind. You would think that she would be bad at archery too but she just had a gift for it. Her skills with a sword were ok at best but going up against Link was even more difficult.

He would tell her to watch his movements so she could copy him which was ironic enough because she couldn't see anything but she couldn't hear him either. He was so quiet, she could barely hear his movements on the ground because of how light on his feet he was. The only reason she could tell when to duck or block with her sword was when there was a gust of wind, making his tunic flap and create noise or she could sometimes heard the whistle of his sword as it cut through the air.

"I am sorry to tell you," Link finally spoke up as their sparring match finished with him victorious yet again, "I will not be attending these training sessions for the next few weeks, the King has a task for me..."

"A task by the King you say?" Zelda sat down on one of the stone benches and took out one of the knives from her pockets to sharpen, "Care to elaborate?"

"Well not even I know the details but me and four others have been told to meet in the throne room this Friday for more information. As far as I've been told, we will be traveling for some time on the road so i may not be able to attend our training sessions for the next few weeks" Link mulled over what was going on in his head as he put his sword back in its scabbard.

"Well, it sounds interesting..." Zelda mused, putting her knife back into its pocket.

"I did recommend you for this mission but Impa would not allow it..." Link sighed.

"No surprise there..." Zelda muttered irritably.

The two were about to part ways for the week because it was sunset when Link remembered something.

"Oh, Sheik!" He called after her before she could disappear for the night.

Zelda turned around in the direction of Link, curious as to what he wanted now.

"Me and some of the guys from the barracks were going into Castle Town tomorrow night for drinks at the pub, I was wondering if you wanted to join us?" He asked, doubt evident in his voice.

Zelda didn't know what to say. She had never been outside the Castle grounds before in all twenty three years she had been alive. She only really knew a few people, that being Impa, Link, her father and a few servants and she didn't know the Knights at the barracks that well. Impa wouldn't even be allow her to be back a few hours after sun set.

"I'm sorry," she started sadly as she heard Link huff in defeat, "I cannot be out after sun set."

With that, she turned to go when Link called after her again, "If you change your mind, I'll be waiting outsides the barracks tomorrow at an hour before sun set..."


That night, Zelda couldn't sleep. She was too busy mulling over her conversation with Link that afternoon. Her father would be sending him on some sort of mission for a few weeks and Link had invited her to have some drink with some of his friends from the barracks.

It just wasn't fair! Zelda was an able-bodied warrior and a grown woman, why couldn't she go out into the world. Maybe this was her chance to finally make some real friends.

She was going to take Link up on his offer and go to the pub with his friends!

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