Ch 5: In Our Dreams

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Narrator's POV

"-and zhat is mein awezome plan."  Gilbert concluded.  The other demons; Alfred, Arthur, Mattias, and Ludwig, nodded.

"Ja, and I zhink zhat now is zhe best time to start bruder."  Ludwig said.  Gilbert nodded and leaned back on his seat.

"Ja, just let zhe awezome me contact mein awezome Birdie."  Gilbert said.  The others nodded as Gilbert closed his eyes, muttering a spell.


Matthew opened his eyes, finding himself in the meadow from before, only something felt off.  But before he could question it, he heard -


Turning around, Matthew saw Gilbert running towards him.  Matthew had tears in his eyes as he ran to Gilbert, hugging him tightly.

"Gilly, I-I-"

"Shh, Birdie,"  Gilbert said.  "Zhe awezome me is sorry about having to unawezomely leave jou behind, but zhe awezome me had to."  Matthew nodded, but still hugged Gilbert tight.

"B-but how are w-we talking r-right now?"  Matthew asked, remembering falling asleep in his room.

"We are both asleep, but zhe awezome me is using mein awezome magic to contact jou in jour awezome dreams."  Gilbert said.  Matthew nodded.

"S-so now what?"  Matthew asked, feeling like Gilbert had more to say than just an apology.  Gilbert smiled and took one of Matthew's hands, pressing a kiss to it.

"Remember zhat awezome place I vas awezomely telling jou about?"  Gilbert asked.  Matthew nodded.  "Vell, zhe awezome place is ready."  Gilbert then pressed his forehead against Matthew's, their eyes meeting.

"Do jou vant to awezomely go?"  Gilbert asked.  Matthew smiled and nodded.

"Yes, o-on one c-condition."  Matthew said.  Gilbert raised his eyebrow.

"Vhat?"  Gilbert asked.  Matthew leaned forward and gave Gilbert a small peck on the lips.

"You p-promise to b-be with me e-everyday."  Matthew said.  Gilbert grinned, picking Matthew up and twirling him around.

"Ja!  Zhe awezome me vill be vith mein awezome Birdie everyday!"  Gilbert said as Matthew laughed.  Gilbert then set Matthew down.

"S-so when do we l-leave?"  Matthew asked.  Gilbert just continued to smile.

"In an awezome hour or so."  Gilbert said.  Matthew tilted his head.

"That s-soon?"  He asked.  Gilbert nodded.

"Ja, zhe awezome me has everything awezomely prepared."  Gilbert said.  Matthew smiled.

"O-okay, then i-in that c-case, I t-think I want t-to wake up n-now."  Matthew said.  Gilbert nodded.

"Zhat is fine, just don't unawezomely push jourself too much."  Gilbert said, giving Matthew a kiss filled with magic to wake Matthew up.

"I w-won't."  Matthew said as things began to fade as he woke up.


Gilbert opened his eyes and grinned at the others.

"Kesse, mein awezome Birdie knows!"  Gilbert said, practically jumping out of his seat.  The others nodded.

"Then let's get this party started dude!"  Alfred said with a grin, holding a small match box in his hands.

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