Ch 6: Love Transcending

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Here's the tag for the contest Tyler_Elizabeth_KB

Final Chapter!

Narrator's POV

Matthew slowly opened his eyes, feeling his sickness beginning to come back.  Matthew tried sitting up, only to be pushed down by someone.

"Aiya!  Your majesty needs to rest, aru.  You are still not well, aru."  Yao said as he kept his hands firmly on Matthew's shoulders.  Matthew turned his head towards Yao, squinting, trying to see Yao.

"M-may I h-have my g-glasses, p-please?"  Matthew asked.  Yao sighed.

"Only if you stay lying down, aru."  Yao said.  Matthew nodded.  Yao turned and got Matthew's glasses, gently putting them on his face.  Matthew blinked a few times.

"Yao, h-how long w-was I a-asleep for?"  Matthew asked.  Yao turned to a nearby table and began dabbing a cool cloth in water.

"For about a day and a half, aru.  But thankfully your fever has lessened, aru."  Yao said, turning around and placing the cool cloth on Matthew's forehead.

"Merci,"  Matthew said softly, closing his eyes a bit.  He then opened them and looked at Yao.  "Yao, w-where's Papa r-right now?"  Matthew asked.  Yao thought for a moment.

"Hmm, I think in throne room, aru.  Why, aru?  Do you need to see him, aru?"  Yao asked.  Matthew gave a shy nod.

"I-if it's n-not t-too much t-trouble."  Matthew said.  Yao shook his head.

"Aiya!  It is never too much trouble for a parent to see their ailing child, aru."  Yao said before turning to the door.  "You just wait here while I go get him, aru."  Matthew nodded.

"Oui, m-merci beaucoup."  Matthew said softly.  As soon as Yao was out of the door, Matthew looked at his polar bear Kuma.

'I'm r-really going to m-miss Papa, but I... I k-know he w-won't let m-me and Gilbert be t-together.'  Matthew thought.  He was pulled from his thoughts by the door opening again, his father coming in with a gentle smile on his face.

"Bonjour mon petite Matthieu, 'ow are you feeling?"  Francis asked as he took a seat beside Matthew.

"M-much better."  Matthew said with a small smile.  Francis hummed with delight.

"Zhat is good, I do not like seeing mon petite fleur so unhappy and sick."  Francis said as he held Matthew's hand.

"Y-yeah,"  Matthew said.  A pleasant silence came over before Matthew broke it.

"Umm, P-papa, I have s-something I w-wanted t-to tell y-you."  Matthew said shyly, a small blush growing on his face.  Francis tilted his head.

"Oui and what would zhat be?"

"Umm, w-well..."  Matthew felt flustered and shrunk back into the bed, the cloth falling off.  Francis observed this as a large grin spread across his face.

"Is mon petite Matthieu in love?"  Francis said. Matthew's blush worsened but he gave a small nod as Francis clapped his hands.

"Oui zhat is wonderful!  Oh I can't wait to meet zhem!  And we must 'ave a fantastic wedding, and I must help zhe bride pick out a dress!"  Francis said happily.  Matthew's blush worsened as he hid half his face under the blanket.  But he knew he needed to get some things off his chest before he left so he tugged on his father's sleeve, gaining his father's attention.


"What was zhat, I didn't quite 'ear you."  Francis said.  Matthew took a deep breathe.

"I-I s-s-said t-that i-it's a b-b-boy."  Matthew said.  Francis took a moment to process this as Matthew squeezed his eyes shut.  Silence settled in the room, scaring Matthew as he kept his eyes shut.  Then suddenly, Matthew jumped a bit when he felt a hand being placed gently on his head.

Matthew opened one teary eye and peeked up, being greeted by a gentle smile on Francis's face.  Francis continued to gently pat his son on the head.

"Does 'e love you as much as you love 'im?"  Francis asked softly.  Matthew had both eyes open and nodded.

"Oui, he does."  Matthew said softly but confidently, making Francis's smile grow.

"Zhen zhat is fine.  So long as you both love each other very much and 'e treats you well, zhen I 'ave no complaints."  Francis said.  Matthew slowly brought himself out from under the covers.

"R-really?"  Matthew asked.  Francis nodded.

"Oui, now I zhink I know why you wanted to go to Earth so badly,"  Francis said.  "You were seeing zhis boy, non?"  Matthew blushed a bit but nodded all the same.

"Oui, t-the flower c-crown was f-for him."  Matthew said.  Francis nodded, taking the forgotten cloth and placing it on a nearby table.  He then shifted so that he was laying down beside Matthew.  Francis placed his arm around Matthew as Matthew rested his head over Francis's chest.

"So tell me about 'im."  Francis said.  Matthew nodded.

"H-he's really sweet a-and funny, but r-really nice to m-me.  Whenever w-we see each o-other, he hugs m-me close, telling me h-how much he l-loves me or j-just giving me s-small kisses t-that make me f-feel like I h-have butterflies in m-my stomach."  Matthew said, a happy smile forming on his face.  Francis nodded, running his fingers through his son's hair.

"Oui, 'earing you say zhat about 'im reminds me of when I was young and courting your mother."  Francis said.  "Ah, zhose were zhe days."  Matthew nodded, feeling a lot better for admitting most of the truth to his father.

"So when can I meet 'im?"  Francis asked.  Matthew swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Umm... uhh..."  Matthew felt very tongue-tied at the moment.  Francis chuckled at this.

"Don't worry, I can meet 'im anytime you are ready."  Francis said encouragingly.  Matthew nodded.

"M-merci, I... I d-don't t-think I-I'm r-ready f-for t-that."  Matthew said nervously. Francis hummed in response.

"I know zhe feeling, I went through zhe same zhing with my parents too."  Francis said, making Matthew feel a bit better.

'B-but Mama w-wasn't the k-king of d-demons.'  Matthew thought to himself as he let out a soft yawn.  Francis shifted a bit.

"Mon petite fleur, I zhink it is time for you to go back to sleep."  Francis said before glancing at a nearby clock.  "We 'ave been talking for almost an 'our."

Matthew wanted to continue to spend time with his father but he knew his time was nearly up.  Matthew nodded and shifted so that he was no longer on his father's chest.

Francis smiled and hugged Matthew close, rubbing his back like he did back when Matthew was a child.  Francis then began to sing the lullaby he had often sung when Matthew was a child.

'Bonne nuit, mon ange

C'est l'heure de fermer les yeux

Et de mettre ces questions de côté pour un autre jour

Je crois savoir ce que tu me demandais

Je crois que tu sais ce que j'essayais de dire

Je t'ai promis que je ne te quitterais jamais

Et tu devrais toujours savoir

Que où que tu puisses aller

Où que tu sois

Je ne serai jamais très loin'

Matthew felt his eyes grow heavy but he still hugged Francis tightly, who hugged back just as tightly.

'Bonne nuit, mon ange

Maintenant c'est l'heure de dormir

Et il y a encore tellement de choses que j'ai envie de dire

Souviens-toi de toutes les chansons que tu m'as chantées

Quand nous sommes allés faire du bateau sur dans une baie émeraude

Et comme un bateau dans l'océan

Je te berce pour que tu t'endormes

L'eau est sombre et profonde

À l'intérieur de ce vieux coeur

Tu seras toujours une part de moi'

Matthew closed his eyes and buried his face into Francis's chest, trying to memorize the sound of his father's voice, and even the scent of roses in spring that his father always had.

'Bonne nuit, mon ange

Maintenant c'est l'heure de rêver

Et de rêver combien ta vie sera merveilleuse

Un jour ton enfant pleurera peut-être

Et si tu chantes cette berceuse

Alors dans ton coeur

Il y aura toujours une part de moi'

As the song neared it's end, Matthew couldn't help but resonate with the song, feeling as if, no matter what, he will always be with his father even when they will be parted, even if his father came to disliked the fact that Matthew loved Gilbert, the love of his father would always be there for Matthew.

'Un jour nous serons tous partis

Mais les berceuses restent encore et encore...

Elles ne meurent jamais

C'est ainsi que toi

Et moi


As the song came to an end, Matthew had his eyes shut, his body relaxed as sleep began to take over.  Francis gently kissed Matthew's forehead.

"Je t'aime mon petite Matthieu,"  Francis whispered softly.  Matthew nuzzled into Francis's chest.

"Je t'aime Papa,"  Matthew replied softly as his breathing evened out.  Francis smiled and stayed in their position for a few moments, feeling a wave of nostalgia hit him as he remembered when Matthew was little and couldn't sleep.

But memories had to wait, for now work had to be done.

Francis slowly got up out of the bed, tucking Matthew in and placing one last kiss on Matthew's forehead before leaving the room, not knowing that this may be the last time he ever saw his son.

For, soon after he left, the large mirror on the wall began to ripple and change, the image no longer showing a reflection of the room, but instead a room in the demon king's palace.  Soon, Gilbert popped out of the mirror, calmly walking over to the door and locking it before dropping a small match nearby.  He then walked over to Matthew, knelling down beside the bed and taking Matthew's hand in his own.

"Birdie, zhe awezome me is here."  Gilbert whispered.  Matthew stirred and opened his violet eyes, a small smile appearing on his face.

"Are jou ready to awezomely go?"  Gilbert asked.  Matthew nodded but then held his hand up.

"Oui, b-but first I n-need to d-do something."  Matthew said.  Gilbert nodded as Matthew pressed his hands together, using a bit of his magic to make a beautiful flower crown filled with roses and lilies.  He gently placed it on Kuma's head before taking a small paper from a drawer, wanting to pen a small note to his father.

Matthew glanced at the paper and then at Gilbert who smiled and nodded.  Matthew smiled and began writing the letter.

'Dear Papa,

I know you must have many questions, but I'm afraid I cannot answer them right now.  I do not want to leave but I need to, in order to be happy with the person I love.  I hope you will understand and forgive me Papa, but this is something I want to do.  But I know that no matter where I go, I will still love you Papa, and I will still be happy, because the one I love most in all the worlds will be with me.  He'll hold me tight and give me kisses, using his wings to keep me safe and sound.  I know that someday we will meet again, Papa, and perhaps then I can introduce him to you, but for now we must settle on being in each other's hearts.

Je t'aime Papa,

With the note done, Matthew sealed it in a small envelope addressed to his father as Gilbert hugged him from behind.

"Someday Birdie, I promise."  Gilbert said, giving Matthew a soft kiss to the cheek.  Matthew smiled.

"I-I know, b-but right now, t-that someday is n-not today."  Matthew said softly, tucking the envelope under Kuma's paws.  Matthew then turned around and hugged Gilbert.

"H-hey Gilly,"  Matthew said, looking up at Gilbert.   He then pressed a gentle kiss to Gilbert's lips.  "Let's g-go to t-that perfect p-place you mentioned."  Gilbert nodded and smiled.

"Ja, let's."  Gilbert said as he picked Matthew up bridal style, carrying to the mirror as a small flame began to burn by the door.  Just as Gilbert walked through the mirror, causing a ripple to appear, the guards outside the door began shouting and trying to put the fire out as it continued to burn the door and other doors in the palace.

Hearing the commotion and seeing the spreading flames, Francis ran back to Matthew's bedroom, eyes widening at the sight of the burning door.  Braving the flames, Francis tried to open the door finding it locked.

"Matthieu!"  He cried as he flung himself at the door, not caring if he was getting burned.  Soon he forced his way through the door, finding the room to be just fine except for the fact that it was missing his son.

"Matthieu!  Come out, zhis is not a joke!"  Francis cried as looked around the room with the bewildered guards, eyes finally landing on Kuma wearing a beautiful flower crown with a note tucked under his paws.

It was at that moment, with the guards and angels fussing over Francis and looking for the missing prince, that Francis came to a single conclusion,

'Mon petite Matthieu... you will be 'appy.'  Francis thought as he picked up Kuma and placed the flower crown on his head, hugging the polar bear close as tears fell from his eyes.

'I will pray for you 'appiness and 'ope zhat we meet again soon, mon petite Matthieu.'


"Do jou zhink it is awezome?"  Gilbert asked as he let Matthew open his eyes.  Matthew's eyes widened at the sight before him;

A beautiful cabin in the woods with a small waterfall and river nearby, and a meadow rich with flowers.

"It's beautiful..."  Matthew whispered out happily.  Gilbert hugged him close and brought him to the meadow.

"Ja, and we have zhis entire awezome Earth to ourselves."  Gilbert said, motioning to everything.

"How is t-this even p-possible?"  Matthew asked as he looked around.

"Kesse, simple mein awezome Birdie, zhe awezome me had mein awezome friends go all over zhe vorld, making awezome mirror versions of zhe awezome vorld zhat mein bruder and zhe awezome me pieced together."  Gilbert said.

"So, w-we're inside a m-mirror?"  Matthew asked.  Gilbert nodded.

"Ja, in an awezome one meant just for us, mein awezome Birdie."  Gilbert said, holding Matthew close.  Matthew smiled.

"Je t'aime Gilly."

"Ich liebe dich Birdie."  Gilbert said as the two joined in a love filled kiss, knowing that when they broke apart, they would still be in each other's arms with nothing to separate them.


This is the English lyrics of this the lullaby "Goodnight, My Angel" by Billy Joel which I thought was so poetic and beautiful:

Goodnight, my angel

Time to close your eyes

And save these questions for another day

I think I know what you've been asking me

I think you know what I've been trying to say

I promised I would never leave you

And you should always know

Wherever you may go

No matter where you are

I never will be far away

Goodnight, my angel

Now it's time to sleep

And still so many things I want to say

Remember all the songs you sang for me

When we went sailing on an emerald bay

And like a boat out on the ocean

I'm rocking you to sleep

The water's dark

And deep inside this ancient heart

You'll always be a part of me

Goodnight, my angel

Now it's time to dream

And dream how wonderful your life will be

Someday your child may cry

And if you sing this lullabye

Then in your heart

There will always be a part of me

Someday we'll all be gone

But lullabyes go on and on...

They never die

That's how you

And I

Will be

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