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Anthony's POV

Hey! I'm Anthony. I'm a dog, and I'm happy to be one! I love everyone and everything! The tree me and Ian are at right now is a tree I have noticed not too long ago but I read so much about it. I've gotten millions upon millions of books to learn about this one tree.

The designs that are shown on it are indeed because of the blue lightning. The blue lightning is the rarest lightning ever. Blue signals happiness and compassion. The color is royal blue and I even saw it while Ian was in the tree! He didn't seem that fascinated by it, more like... shocked. Oh wait! He was... In the tree when it happen... sorry I'm not that... boom I know the answer person.

Is he okay? Oh my god! I quickly snapped out of the stare we had been holding for what seemed like hours and looked down slightly. "Are you okay?" I whispered. He made a confused face but then it quickly changed to an embarrassed look. "Y-Yeah.. I'm fine.." He said, nervously.

I gently rubbed his ears as he widened his eyes and purred loudly. I chuckled softly and kept rubbing them gently as he rubbed his head against me hand. "Awe..." I whispered. He quickly paused and blushed brightly, laughing nervously.

"S-Sorry about that.." He said, nervously smiling and looking away. I grinned and turned his face back to me and laughed. "It's fine! I think it's cute!" I said, chuckling softly. He blushed brighter and smiled slightly. I gently cupped his cheek, causing him to blush brighter.

I slowly leaned in and connected our lips softly. I heard a small gasp sound but then him kissing back softly, wrapping his arms around my neck. I smiled against his lips and kissed him deeper. I snaked my arms around his waist and tilted my head slightly.

We slowly broke the kiss and pressed our foreheads together, staring into each other's eyes. I smiled slightly and pecked his lips softly and grinned. He blushed softly and bit his lip gently, still staring into my eyes. His eyes were beautiful, the blue was so vibrant and bright. I just couldn't look away because they were so alluring.

I slowly pulled our foreheads away and wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him close to me and saw a perfect opening within the branches, just enough to see the stars. They were so beautiful... almost as beautiful as him.

His ears were so adorable and the way his tail wrapped around my hand just made me mentally awe. He was so soft and fluffy. He was just so adorable!

I gently rubbed his ears, immediately hearing his purrs echo around. He snuggled up close to me and I smiled slightly, still rubbing his ears. His purrs got louder as I also heard snores get mixed in with them. I smiled softly and kissed the top of his head and closed my eyes as well.

I leaned my head back and sighed happily as I felt the wind start blowing intensely, causing my ears to fly back slightly. I felt Ian shiver softly as I pulled him closer to me and rubbed his arms quickly, trying to warm him up.

He stopped shivering and purred softly at my warm touch. I smiled and kept rubbing his arms but at a slow warm pace. He purred louder and snuggled up closer to me and nuzzled into my neck, echoing his purrs into my ears. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his and pulled him into my lap.

He snuggled up even closer to me and purred louder, causing me to chuckle and rub his arms more. He smiled softly and snored quietly, purring louder. I laughed quietly as he curled in a ball and took deep breathes.

I slowly closed my eyes and ran my fingers through his hair, slowly getting taken over by sleep.

"Ian come here!" I yelled, smiling slightly. He walked over to me, looking down. "Y-Yeah Anthony?" He whispered. My smile faded and turned into a worried frown. "Baby what's wrong?" I said, bending down and stroking his cheek.

He slowly looked up at me and bit his lip. "A human tried taking me.." He mumbled. I gasped and quickly wrapped my arms around him protectively. "Do you know their name?" I asked softly. He shook his head slightly and started sobbing softly.

"Oh Anthony.. they were so scary! They kept giving me creepy looks and evil grins." He said as he sobbed louder. I hugged him tightly, him sobbing on my shoulder. "It's okay baby... It's okay..." I whispered into his ear, making his sobbing get softer.

"He tried touching me Anthony!" He yelled, sobbing louder. I gasped and hugged him tighter. "I ran from him! But he kept chasing me! But I hid from him and I lost him... Anthony it was so scary..." He whispered. "Ian baby.. It's okay.. It's okay.. I'm here now it's okay.." I whispered once again into his ear.

He stopped sobbing and pulled away slowly and sniffed. "I hate humans.." He whispered softly. "I know baby.. me too.." I whispered back. He nodded and closed his eyes tightly, letting more tears fall down his cheeks.

I wiped them away with my thumb and smiled softly at him. He looked in my eyes sadly and smiled slightly and leaned up and pecked my lips softly. "I love you.." He whispered. I smiled wider and pecked his forehead and smiled softer. "I love you so much more.." I whispered back.

He sighed and slowly broke the hug and looked down and fiddled with his thumbs cutely and slowly looked up at me, biting his lip gently.

"W-Wake up Anthony..." He mumbled. I made a confused look and shook my head. "What do you mean?" I whispered. He bit his lip harder and looked at me with worried eyes. "Wake up!!" He yelled.

I opened my eyes quickly and looked around, seeing the sun rise coming up, glowing the sky. I looked down at Ian and heard his small snores still echoing around. Man... what a dream...

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