Chapter 4: The holiday - The start

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- Lads, you're all here? - "Big Dad" Murita called out the whole team as they walked in the station.
- We're all here now, but where are- - As soon as Fukuri said that, they heard someone shouting. A bunch of "someone".
- YAAAA!!! HERE I AM!!!!! - Honoka, as always. 
- Stop shouting every single time!! You're scaring everyone! - Umi came with a "bonk" to her head. "Oh come on... It's not that bad :)" Nozomi patted her. 

- Oh, girls - Kimura naughtily teased - We got a train to get on! 

On the train
"How did you girls got here?" Yokushi asked Maki. "Umm...." She was playing with her hair while he asked that and every Muse girl looked at her with a lenny face. "Uehh??? I just called a big enough limo for all of us! Isn't that just everyday stuff?"
- For you, not for us! - Nico pouted - Maybe except Nozo cause she has her left-hand job as that kind of girl that dance with a pole in a bar or something!
"Pffttt.. HAHAHHAHAHAH" The guys started to burst out laughter while the girls had to hold it in. Well, not for an obvious "someone".
- Nicocchi... What did you just say?
- What? Seriously, look at your "melons"! You could make so many bald-old millionare hard for that pair of yours! Well, as long as you have safety, then it's fine. 
SAFETY. Everyone laughed so hard because of that. "Is that a Russia reference? XD" Eli tried asking while her stomach is hurt as f*ck. At this rate, Nozomi's gone out of her limits; and, we all knew what happened next.
- Nozomi, stop! We're making others annoyed! - Eli tried to pull her away.
- The train conductor might come up ì you two don't stop!
Suddenly, Murita had a perverted idea.
- Everyone, leave it to me. (lenny face)
"Ehhhhh....?" He came to Nozomi's place. who was still doing her typical Washi.
"I'm gonna die", Nico whispered. And to everyone's surprise...

Murita used his right hand to SQUISH THE HELL OUTTA NOZOMI'S BOOB!!
- HO- - Honk was about to scream when her mouth got silenced by Umi. "SHUT UP!!!! EVERYONE'S COVERING THEIR MOUTH HERE, NOT ONLY YOU!!", she shouted in whisper. 
His grabbing power was so hard that Non-tan was in actual pain, letting Nico go while devastated to pull his hand away.
- On...e.....gai... (Please... stop)

Murita looked Nozomi into the eyes:
- Don't, ever, bully this girl, and her small chest - some giggles can be heard at the back - again, or I'll turn my grabber mode on. 
- H....a....i....
- Yogen, huh? (Promise?)
- Yakusoku.... shimasu... - Nozomi was tearing up from her pain. Finally, Murita let her go, Nozomi kneeled down in pain, other girls and guys stopped covering their mouths and came to her.
- Oh... my... god. - Same feeling from everyone.
- The washi master got washi-ed. I regret not asking Nozomi for her camera and filmed the whole thing. - Eli said. 
- Just shut up... - Nozomi mumbled.

- Guys, my sisters! - Nico got her phone out of her pocket. "Wait there's wifi here??" Everyone got their phone out. But nonetheless, they still got around Nico, made her almost squished.
- Sis?? Who are the people-
- *Crap guys! Give me some space!* Oh hello! These are my friends! We met since high school! 
- Are those your sisters? 
- Yeah yeah, oh wait, where's Cotaro though?
- He's out at the moment! He's having guitar lessons. And we are thinking of becoming idols! 
- REALLY?!?!?! - Muse was amused - Family Legacy!! 
Nico raised her hair in proudness. "Again Nico-chan? We're not in private, you idiot" Maki pouted. Everyone, including Leah and Seira-chan laughed while the Magnetic were having a little fight.

- Oh and by the way, why is Nozomi-san covering her chest all the time? - Seira asked.

- Oh uh... - Nico looked back at Nozomi, who was shaking her head begging not to tell it, the others were laughing - I'll tell you all about this when I get home, okay? 

- Hai! Fun trip, onee-chan!
- Bye girls! - Everyone said to the phone. "WAIT!" Leah shouted before... gave them a blow kiss and a wink.
"WHAT THE HAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA-" They all laughed like never before. Nico's face was literally a tomato. "LEAH!!" She shouted and Leah just responded with a "Hehe~" while Seira was rolling on the bed laughing. 

The video call ended. Everyone then had chatters all the way, but Nozomoo was there just... looked out at the window. 
- Non-tan? - Murita came and sat next to her, made her jump a little.
- Hah! Oh, Miru-soma...
- Oi, what? (Knocks her head)
- That's what you get for washi-washi me. I'll call you that from now on.
- Apologize for that :) (pat)

Nozomi's POV
He patted me? This is so awkward... I hid my red face under my shirt, but then... He gently pushed my head into his shoulder.
This is so embarrassing, but I actually liked it.
I hope this feeling will go on...
And on...

- Apology accepted. - That was the last thing I remembered before falling in a soft sleep.

Third Person's POV
- She fell asleep? - Umi turned around to see Nozomi and Murita long fell asleep. All the chat suddenly stopped and they turned their eyes to see a purple couple sleeping peacefully.

- Awww~ They're so sweet. - Hanayo turned her "fangirl mode" on.
- That's our boy! - Yokushi tapped on Umi's shoulder and everyone else in Bad Boys were just "Mhmm."
- He means a lot to you guys, right? - Kotori asked.
- Not just a member, he's like a father, brother and close friend to all of us. He harmonises our personality, making Bad Boys not just an idol group, but also a family.   
- That is just like Nozomi! - Honoka surprised - And we thought we were the one and only...
- Every team-work should have a person like that. - Eli agreed. 
"Yeah, especially after that incident..." Rosuke mumbled. But unlucky for him, Maki heard it. "What incident?" She was curious. Rosuke jumped, and everyone turned around. The guys' face looked a bit shock.
- Oh, uhm... nothing! It's just that we tried hard keeping contact. Some in our group had to move a lot, you know.
The guys were relieved and tried acting cool. "Oh okay. Thought you told something scary."
But Maki didn't fall for it. She's a doctor, and also really good at psychological - what she studied at the middle of college - and through Rosuke's eyes, she knew that he was lying. But she decided to fake her emotions. "Ah that's tough." And then she looked at her watch.
- Still 2 hours left... Everyone, I think we should let them be and have a rest. Now it's middle of noon. 
"Yea guess she's right." Everyone got back to their seat and took a nap. The atmosphere slowly turned quiet. 

Everyone were sitting at their seats and excited with their trip.

Yep, it's getting very excited ahead them. 

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