Chapter 3: The reunion (Part 2)

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No One's POV
- Hold up! We still haven't got enough people!
- I'm getting fed up with it! It has been like, what, 15 minutes since the last one arrived!
- It just always that one again...
- Now it's not just her! We're missing 2!

It just always strange that even back then, when we were school idols and hang out together, the group never had a full squad of 9 right at the start. There was one or two people came up late for, a bunch of different reasons. But I could already tell you that, in those people who shows up late, Honoka will always be one of them. She slept too much, and lazy as hell! I was always responsible for waking her up. And now, after 10 years... Gosh, she hasn't changed a bit.

(Yeah, now I think you know whose POV is this :D )

- Calm down, Umi-chan! They will be here, I can tell.
- Who would want to miss a reunion after 10 years without a contact?
- Yeah, but you know me... I'm not a patient person.
After a minute or two...
- Minna!!!!
Here I am!!!!
- HONOKA!!! - I shouted at her, just like back in those days - You're late, AGAIN! AFTER 10 YEARS AND YOU STILL CAN'T BE ON TIME!!!
- Look, I'm sorry, okay? - She just gave me the cheerful smile. Gosh, Honk... When will you grow up?
- My house was far away from the meet up place, and I got into a traffic jam!
- Eh? Aren't you living in THAT place?!?!? - I pointed at her house. It legit took her 15 minutes to get here just by walking!
- I did - There was her again - but my parents bought me a new one for my birthday, and it's near Sapporo!
- EEEEHHHH!?!?!?!?! - The group awed in shocked. No wonder...
- So that's why you came up so late... - Maki growned in discomfortment. She had been sitting on her car with Nico the whole time we were waiting.
- Don't judge me! - Honoka striked back - I went here by bus! And look at you! Having your own Lambo there!
- Yeah, but wait for this "lolicon" - which is Nico - to finish making up takes like ages! It's not even a fan meeting, you know. - Maki said while knocking Nico's head. And they just had a small fight, as they usually did.
I looked around to the others. Only Kotori were missing, wonder why. She said she would bring some "special guests" as well, and they will be guys. Let's not hope for something bad or... shameless happen to us...
- Elicchi? You have small eye bags here... - The "teacher" pinching Eli's face while cuddling her.
- Oh yeah, I've just realised. How long did it take to get here from Russia?
- 2 more hours then it'll be a day. - Eli gronwed tiredly - And also, the atmosphere between Russia and Japan is so different that I went home and slept for the whole next day.
- Wait... - I was so confused. If Eli went the whole way back here, where did she live and sleep?
- That's not a big problem - Nozomi chuckled - I invited her to my place!
- Oh god... - I could already imagined what happened back there...
- No, no we didn't! - Nozomi quickly fixed it - She was really tired, so I actually let her sleep with me! Don't get it wrong! Please!!!
- All right, all right >////< - My face legit went 50+1 shades redder.

A few minutes later...
- Wait... Let me count again. 1, 2, 3... 7, 8?. There's only 8 of us. Where's Kotori?
- She said that she will come in a minute with someone. - Maki just dropped her phone back into her pocket. - And they're all male. By the way, she said that they are our "old friends from high school".
- I don't remember having anyone like that. - Nico shaked her head a little bit.
- I wonder how they look like, nya! - There was Rin again, with her "nya". Honestly though, at our age, normal people would find that really annoying.
They haven't changed for the whole 10 years...

Third Person's POV

Suddenly, a high and cute voice shouted out from nowhere. There she is, Kotori!! Finally, with... some other guys? What are they doing here?
- Sorry I'm late!
- What were you doing? And who are those people going with you? - Umi asked hurriedly with a worrying voice and cautious eyes, why not because their friend - who is a girl - was walking along with some other random dudes that came out from nowhere.
- Our old friends, Umi-chan! They're idols, like us! 
- Have we? - Eli confused.
Everyone were looking at those boys with a strange look. Until...

- Okay... So... - Nozomi tried using her "spiritual" memory power again.
- You guys... - She pointed to them - used to study in Otakauna Academy.
- Yeah...?
"Wait a minute."
"I'm remembering."
- You guys... used to be the champion in the Idol World Cup...
"Why are they suddenly so familiar..."
- And you guys... disbanded right after that! Now, all 9 of you are gathering as footballers, movie editors or something like that...
The guys were so amsued that they couldn't even say anything. The girls? They were about to say who they were remembering...
Until, out of nowhere...
- (SNAP) BADBOYS!! We had a one-month meet over when we were still in highschool!
Just like a miracle, Muse is shocked.
- WHAT?!?!?!
- IT'S THEM!!!
When they calmed again, also the boys as well (they were too amazed about Nozomi's memory), the girls stood in a line and bowed down.
- MOSHIWAKEGOZAIMASEN!!! (We're sorry!!!)
- Um... no no... It's okay! - Murita quickly explained - We didn't know as well...
- Hey, I got an idea. How about going to a nearby cafe and have a little chat? - Majiko suggested.
- That's a good idea! - Eli agreed.
- Then, what do we waiting for?
- LET'S GO!!!

After a while...
- So... you girls haven't met for years? - Ganashi curiously asked.
- Not really - Honoka answered - We still chat through facecam, sometimes through Facebook or Twitter... It's just that we can't meet face by face. It's a long road, after all.

- I am so jealous of you guys, like, really! - Umi pouted - All 9 of you, from when you formed the group until now, you are still together. Meanwhile...
- It's fate, I think.
- Non-tan, come on. - Murita teased - 25, 26 years of age now and you still believe in those spiritual stuffs?
- Oioioioioioioi - Eli quickly climbed in the chat whilst supping chocolate - Do NOT under estimate her skill on this alright? If you want to test her, go for it.
- Okay then - Rosuke stepped on the challenge - What phone do I have right now? And how many do I have?
The girls were waiting for Nozomi. Eli even bet her friends 10 Yen.

Nozomi was putting her index and middle finger on her temple, then suddenly snapped out:

- You have a Samsung J5 Prime in your right pocket. Other than that, you got an Iphone 6+ at your house and an Ipad Mini 2. So?
The BadBoys were in shocked. "WAIT WHAT?? HOW??", that was all Rosuke could say.

- See, told ya. - Eli smiled.
- Oh and by the way - Nozomi continued saying while the boys were still in shock - You need a charger right now since your phone's battery is only 22%.

Rin choked on her smoothie while the other girls almost did the same. How high is Nozomi's spiritual power right now? It must be in Level 9000.
- I. Did not. Expect that. - Eli said in amusement.
- Okay then, I think we shouldn't challenge her anymore lads... - Murita laughed in nervous. The other guys just nodded in (a bit of) embarrassment.

- Honestly, if I got any problem in my teaching career, I think I should be a fortune teller. - Nozomi smiled.
- And you would be rich as hell, like our Nishikino princess here. - Rin teased Maki.
- Mou!!! - Maki pouted and everyone laughed, as always; now include the boys.
- Wait, so Maki is still the rich kid as in her young age? - Ganashi asked.
- Duh, her family owns a hospital... - Nico "obviously" answered, with a slight "Hmmm" stare from her best-girl friend.
- You're a famous idol as well, so you don't have to depend on Maki-chan. - Hanayo exclaimed.
- Nah, not as good as Vocaloids. - Then all 18 just went LOL-ed.

- Hey, I am her assistant for like, 2 years there. - Kotori said.
"Really?", "Wow!", "How have you not told us??"

"Because she was so childish and idol-like that I had to took care of her everytime :)"
"Hey!!! I'm not a kid!" (Laughs)

An hour later...

- Alright, so now that we are all here again, why don't we go somewhere to celebrate? - Eli exclaimed in excitement.
- Mountains, anyone? - Umi suggested.
- I don't think so... It's summer time, so I think that'll be a little tired. It's a good idea though. - Maki explained.
- Then let's go to the beach. I know a place that is really popular. - Rosuke snapped out while the whole group was thinking. Speaking about beach, and in the summer as well... Oh my. Not surprised that everyone agreed "without a shadow of a doubt".

- Where tho? I mean, there are plenty of beaches here in Japan... - That was Umi.
- Nanki Shirahama. It's in Wakayama, almost 4 and a half hours away from Tokyo. We're staying in a hotel together.
- Yeah, but... who will pay for the trip? - Kotori asked. Right then, everyone stared at (well, obviously) Maki with a big grin - Nico was trying to hold it. Maki let out a far-fetched smile, but she was (well, obviously, AGAIN) pissed off.

- (Sigh) Mou... okay.... Let me- - Maki didn't finished her sentence.
- Right, I've booked it. We're leaving next week. - Murita announced, which let everyone - apart from the BadBoys - a huge shock.
- Oh, sorry - Yokushi laughed - We forgot telling you that we have a joint bank account! We work as many jobs, we got salary and put a small amount on our account. So if something bad happen like robbery or when we need to do something that will most likely cost a lot, we can still saved our money.
- Not to mention that account is under control of 9 people... - Fukuri smiled.
Muse looked at them in awe, while Maki leaned back in her chair, sighed in relief and did a Jesus sign. 


- Ok, last thing, parents' permission. - Majiko said. The girls picked up their phone and asked their parents, some even did facecam calls. Surprisingly, everyone were allowed to go, Maki as well, because even though Muse's parents already knew about these guys back in high school days, the girls wouldn't imagined their dads and moms let them hang out with boys.

- You guys don't ask your parents? - Nico was curious that the boys didn't take out their phones.
- Nah, they wouldn't mind anyway. 
- Naughty boys there. - Nozomi smirked. "Not as naughty as you though." The guys laughed in answered.
- All right, that settles it! - Hanayo exclaimed.
- See you next Monday! - Kimura shouted as they walked back home.

Maki whistled in Kumaru's ear:
- Arigatou... You guys saved me...
- No problemo, princess! - He did and pointed the "Nico" sign towards her. Maki smiled and blushed after that. 

"This is gonna be awesome." Everyone thought. 

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