Chapter 2 - Who did you get? & The reunion (Part 1)

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One Of The Boys' POV
It was a free day, well, several weeks after the match. And we sat together in a gaming house. Really comfortable and relaxing as well.
They were all having LOL games (League Of Legends) with chatters just kept on coming.
"Oi, middle lane! It's your job!"
"How could you forget the left side?"
"Keep on attacking on the right!"
"That's what she said." And they all burst out of laughs. Seriously, that sentence makes them laugh so hard, every time!
Everyone were having good time in LOL, except for one certain person - Kimura. He was busying with upgrading his cards. And when everyone threw insulting words at each other and laugh, he just laugh with them as usual. He focused in every small "bait" upgrading and then prepared for the main one. He nearly stopped his breath because of the silence and pressure...
- Jeez, lads. Look at Kimura with the nervous on his face! - Majiko suddenly turned around.
- Oh my god, mate! That's just a card upgrading! - Haji tried to calm him by patting him in the back.
- No guys. This is a big decision. - Kimura said as he pressed the "Upgrade" button with a "serious" face, then immediately closed his eyes. 8 other friends paused their match to see his reaction...

Right when the screen pops up a big purple effect (like this).... Kimura opened his eyes.

- YES! (suddenly realised) OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHA!!!!!!!!
HOLY COW!!!!!!!!!!!
- Yo!!! Congrats mate!! - Rosuke cheered.
And they all chatted about Kimu's expensive formation which he's put lots of money and passion into it. But only 5 minutes later, when everyone finally calmed down and return to their match...
And then the atmosphere between them exploded. Again.
- WHAT?!?!!?
- NO WAY!!!!!
- JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!
- HOW THE HELL?!?!?!??!
- AND I DIDN'T EVEN BAIT ANYTHING FOR THAT!!!! - The author of that upgrade shouted out and totally forgot the fact that they were still in the computer center. Thank god that was in a group room. (They joined in a small room which is private. It's like a family net room, but a bit bigger.)
- Yo, who in the game made you yell the heck out of it like that? - Murita started to get a bit confused.
Immediately, Kimura showed him his two newly upgraded gold cards with their names and shiny gold stats. 
(Like in this one. A +9 card. He's in Striker position but the guy put it in goal to increase success chance)

PS: And this is basically what he did. 
Picture below 'cause that's closest set compare to football in LLSIF.

Suddenly, out of nowhere...
Majiko's POV
I heard that everyone was freaked out about some football card thing so I went to them as well. When I came behind to Kimura right after he closed the comparing tab.
Suddenly, even though he closed it but I could still see a little bit of it... Memories burst out of my mind.
- WAIT!! - I shouted to Kimura.
- Eh?

- Why???
- Okay...? - he then reopened the player-comparing tab when everyone else were giving a confusing look to me.

Yes... That was clear now.
- Lads, that was exactly the girls I'm talking about. 
- Wait... Speak about that... They look familiar. 
- It seems like I've seen them somewhere before.
- Hang on a moment... I think I know their names! - Suddenly a person shouted out. That was Muri-sama.
- Wait... You do? - All of them asked.
- Yeah! Just like Majiko said before, these girls are similar! And there's not only two of them, but 9 as well!
They (point at the screen) are the two called Maki and Nico! They used to be really close that time!
- EEEEHHHHH!?!?!?!
- Wowowow hold on - Rosuke surprised - How did you know they were so close?
- Bro, you know right? About their one-month trip to our school? - There comes Ganashi.
They all went silent for a moment...
- Heh, you sure know a lot about it... - From Haji.
- About when we used to be school idols, huh. - Kimura spoke up, completely forgot about the crazy things he just did.
And they went silent once again.
- The time when we had nothing but friendship, will and passion...
- Then college came and we got rid of that since... I don't even know when. - Murita finished it off with a sigh.
They all went silent. Again. 

Suddenly, one of the guys' phone rang. 
- Wait a minute... 
He got it out and looked at the name.
- Who is it?
- Look! - That was Kimura's phone. It had a girl's picture on it.
Everyone looked in the phone. And shocked.
Some of them almost shouted as well. At least that moment they realized they were in a public place. 


Kotori's POV
"Girls... I'm finally home..."
After a bunch of hours just sitting on the plane, my head was hurting like hell. My whole body was so tired and I just wanted to sleep. But, I had finally went back to Japan. Back with all my friends. Back with all the memories we had...
Going out of the airport, I let out a long breath. And the first thing I did, was to call my long-live friend, Honky (yeah I love calling her that :) ) We were planning on a meet-together as it's time of the year again - the break that we all had for several months, sometimes a whole year.
All right, here I am... Wait... Why was my phone having a picture of a guy? Why is his hair blue? 
Hold a minute...
"Haji Funashi". Whooops!!!!! ^///^ Honoka's name and his name were so close that I pushed the wrong number. Well, I was so tired... But how can I be THAT tired to hit the blue picture instead of the orange? Their hair is different!
Anyway ^/////^ I blushed so hard as I was calling him. He's one of my old friends, at least. 
- Um... hello? - I started the conversation once I heard the other person. What I got back was screams and shouts so loud that I had to move my phone out of my ear a little bit.
- Why are you guys screaming so loud?
- We were just talking about you girls then suddenly you phoned us!
- You still remembered us... - One of them faked the happy tears, I just knew it.
- Um... Don't get me wrong... Ehehe ^////^ I was pushing the wrong number... - I replied shyly.
- But you still called us, that's a great sign!
- Yeah. :) - I talked as I was catching a taxi and move home since I left my Subaru in America.
(Yes, Kotori bought a Subaru, and it's really cute indeed)

We chatted about our lives, how we were all doing and stuff like that. Me talking with 9 guys, yet they were even louder and noisier than I am. (Jeez guys.) So noisy that I had to put earphones on.
- So... what were you doing the past few days? - Haji asked.
- I just finished my last fashion tour in USA. I'm planning to go back here and have a break for several months.
Suddenly, a great idea popped up in my head.
- I got an idea! Why don't all 9 of you join me? I will meet my old friends, you know, the idols we used to be~?
|Just as I expected: The other line of the phone went wild. Gosh, my friends... How can you be that over-react to us? It's just a reunion!
"Guys, we must meet them. Now." is what I heard from the other line after that.
- Is tomorrow okay? Cause I'm a bit tired right now.
- Anytime is fine to us! - That was all of them at the same time.

I just smile and sighed at those boys.

- Could today get any better, I guess...?" 

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