Chapter 1 - The surprising meeting (Part 3) & A sign for the reunion?

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(Back to Maki's rented house in Osaka, when everyone was having dinner)
Third Person's POV
Usually with what happened last time, the atmosphere must be incredibly silent. But that evening, Maki's family and Nicos' were talking about the other person's family and how the career has gone so far for both of them. Talking very normal, sometimes Nico even talked in a cheerful mood about how famous she is now. After the dinner, everyone gathered in the sofa while Maki's dad gone into the main topic.
- So... how long have you and Nico been meeting, Maki-chan?
The crimson haired girl blushed harder than before, especially when both her and Nico's family were there.
- Uhm... Uh... We've just met this morning, when she bumped into me and fell. 
- We missed each other so much, and I couldn't help myself so... - Nico added to the conversation, blushing really hard as well.
- OOOH, so onee-chan has a girlfriend now? - Seira teased her sister.
- When will you two have a marriage, onee-chan? XD - Ria asked, when she was trying to sniffle her laughs.
But it was no use anymore. Everyone started laughing, making the younger sisters laughed really hard and leave our two lovebirds blushing even harder.
- Stop that, Kazuno's! - Nico pouted them while still blushing, but that just made Ria and Seira laughed even harder.
- Okay kids, stop that! Come on! - Maki's mother spoke up to stop the crazy laughs of Nico's sisters. 
- So... you two are really best friends, isn't it? - Nico's mother asked Maki.
- Well, yeah... Since we disbanded, all I can think beside my friends... That is her. With me, she is even more than a friend.
... Like best friends for life.
And somehow I always feel empty when she's not with me.
- .... I see. How about you, Nico? How do you feel about our daughter? - Maki's father asked Nico. 
- Well... It's like... Her image just always went around in my head. Even though nowadays, when I have become famous and met lots of people, the first person I think about is Maki-chan all the time. 
It's like... I don't know if I can live anymore if something wrong happen to her. - Nico explained.
- ... Really, Nico-chan? - Maki looked at her friend, surprising upon happiness.
- ... Yes.
Maki suddenly hugged Nico.
- Thank you... - She said while burying her face in Nico's shoulder.

- Aww, look at our daughter! - Maki's mother said while looking at the couple. And Maki's dad were just smiling.
- They're so cute together, aren't they? - Nico's mother said with lovely eyes.
- I want to get in with you! - Ria shouted while tackle hugged the couple.
- Hey, wait for me! - Seira got in the three.
And all four people all took part in the hug. They were smiling while hugging each other tightly.
The parents, just giggled and looked at them.
- Well, all of them are now together, we can't seperate you go, eh? - Maki's father teased the couple.
- Papa! - Maki said out loud while blushing again, and they all had a big laugh together.
We chatted for a bit, and then...

- Okay daughter, you can rest tonight. We will take on your shift. - Maki's mother announced.
- Thanks, Papa and Mama. - Maki said and hugged her parents.
- Onee-chan, do you want to stay over? - The sisters asked Nico.
- Yeah... I don't have live shows tomorrow. - Nico replied
- Don't do anything slightly adult-age to her, okay sweetie? - Nico's mother teased her a little while poking her cheek.
- Mom! -  Nico shouted and the four laughed again.
(Later that night, the couple were about to go to sleep)
Maki's POV
We were about to go to sleep, while suddenly Nico threw a pillow at me.
- Wanna have a pillow fight like we used to when we were at highschool!
- Bring it on! - I challenged her while throwing a pillow at her.
It nearly hit her on the head.
- Take this! - She threw "super sonic" pillows at me. It was so hard that I went dizzy for a bit. But then I just quickly got up and hit her even harder.
- Fufu... Is that so? - She pouted me, even though she was half-knockout of the bed.
(After the pillow fight) 
We got ready to bed. Nico suddenly kissed me, I kissed back as we both laid down my bed.
It was so warm and sweet...
Just like chocolate...
... No, sweeter than that.
We still kissed each other, while Nico was on me. Our tongues went deeper every second and fight for dominance. I opened my eyes again and looked at her.
- Nico-chan...
- Yeah? 
- What will happen... if I marry to someone I don't know?
- If he's completely unknown, I will fight for you.

- What's in your head when you said that?

- Well, but if he has a best friend, or a group of best friends, I will marry one of them! 
So that I can still be with you!
I blushed so hard when Nico said that.
If I marry someone...
She will marry his best friends?...

Suddenly, I felt like I was remember someone from a long time.
No... A group of them.
They... were idols like us.
And... they are boys.

- Nico-chan... I suddenly think about some old friends of us.
Who were also... a group idol.
- And?
- They are boys.
- Oh, I know them.
- You do?
- Sometimes I still met them, but I just looked at them from a far distance. I haven't talked to them.
- ... Who are they...?
- Mou! Don't think to much, Maki-chan! It's late at night! We should have a rest okay?
- Hai hai~ You don't need to remind me.
Because right now... The only person I love... is you.
She hugged me again. I saw her slight blushing.
- Arigatou, Maki-chan...

... Oyasumi.
- Oyasumi. - I said while hugging her and fell into our bed. We cuddled each other as we both fell into a deep and peaceful slumber.

Nico's POV
The BadBoys, eh? Yeah... They're really impressive. They achieved many goals, gone to many places and even won Love Live world cup...
And most important...
They were our friends. 

I'm not even joking. Two of them could become our husbands in the future, eh? :)
But right now...
My world...
Only has Maki-chan.
Right now... She's my lover.
The last thing I could remember before fell into sleep, was that me and Maki-chan were cuddling each other.

(After Maki's shift and Nico's live was over)
Nico's POV
"Whoa... It's so beautiful!"
Maki bought a "small" house, and now, me and her lived together. It's "small", according to Maki, but it's even bigger than her old mansion (which is where Maki's parents were living).
- It's not that big, I guess.
- This is where we're gonna live from now on, right?
- Yep! And guess what? Now I will have a side-job as a composer!
- A... song composer!?!?!
- Yeah! And I will work just for you!
I was so happy. I couldn't believe she had done all that. Just for me.
Without hesitating, I hugged her tightly.
- Nico-chan! - Maki pouted me while blushing hard.

- Thank you... I love you.
- Awww... - Maki lower her voice and hugged me back. - I love you too.

- Hey, let's go to the supermarket to buy some new stuffs for our new house!
- Yeah, let's go!
We got in her car and drove away. We were smiling and talking all the way to the center of Tokyo.

Meanwhile, in another place...
Honoka's POV
My family took me to a place I haven't seen before. It was an apartment, and I had to admit, it's very modern indeed. 
They took me up to the 10th floor, and open a door to a house I've never seen in my life.
... It's so modern and beautiful.
Especially a room that they called my bedroom! It covered with orange, my favorite color!
While I was still speechless, Yukiho went closer to me:
- Happy birthday, onee-chan. 
I was absolutely shocked. 
My parents... And my sister...
They bought this house...
Just for me?
- We hope you like the present, sweet dear! 
- You helped us so much that we can't thank you enough. So... please accept this gift as our late birthday present to you. We're sorry that we forgot your birthday... Just because we were so busy...
- But where did you...
- I asked you if we can use your money for a "surprising" gift. And you accepted!
- By buying me a house?
... Yukiho...
... Mom... Dad...
I was tearing up so much. Until I couldn't take it anymore.
- I LOVE YOU!!!!!
I shouted as I hugged everyone and cried. They returned the hug. It was so warm and full of happiness.
This is... the best birthday present I've ever had.
- But... - I quickly wiped away the tears - Who will take care of our shop? When I am away? 
- We will take over the job you left. Don't worry! You can start a new job and always came back and visit us! - My mom encouraged me.
- Thank you Mom... Thank you Dad... Thank you Yukiho... 
I love all of you... - I said while hugging every member in my family.
They all hugged me back. 
I have never felt more happy than this.
If I can say, the best moment in my life so far.

Umi's POV
I was currently staying in my house. Everyone was at home, but I was the only one staying at the 3rd floor. I had a rest from practicing, in my week off as the manager said.
It was so boring...
Until someone Skype-called me.
I checked the phone and it was...
I jumped off my bed and quickly got the call:
- Kotori!?!?!? Is that you???
- Geez, Umi-chan... Don't scream in my phone! I'm wearing headphones, you know!

- Oh, I'm sorry. So... why did you call?
- Just an announcement for you that now I'm on a break!
There's no fashion live for the next 3-4 months, so I'll fly back to Japan to meet you!
I was so happy to hear that. At last... I could meet her again. After so many years...
- Umi-chan... Why are you crying?
- Huh?!? No, I wasn't! It's just that... 
- You want to meet me that much? - She teased me. I got so embarrassed that I had to hug a pillow tightly.
- Kotori!!! - I shouted to her.
Although I had to admit it...
- Yeah... I want to meet you. So badly.
I said while I was blushing so hard.
- Anyway, I had to prepare for the last things for flying back! See you in Tokyo!
- Yeah, bye!
- Oh... And this is for you when I got back.
She did a bird kiss at the phone to me. My face was literally Maki's hair right now.
- Stop that! 
- Okay~
Then I whispered to myself.
- So shameless...
- Ehehe~ 
She heard it as well??? Oh god...
The call has ended. But I was still so embarrassing.
Gosh, Kotori. Why couldn't you be a bit more grow up?
A least I could get to see you again.

Eli's POV
- WHAT?!?!?!?! I CAN GO BACK TO JAPAN?!?!?!
- That's true! Well, the situation got a lot better in the past few years, so we decided to give you a little break! - Mom said to me. 
- Oh my god, Eli. Come near me. Oh god, you have pretty dark eyebags down here. Was it because you were working too much? - My father asked me.
- Well, I can do many works, so that doesn't really matter. 
- I wish time would turn back so that we can help you. 
... If I and your mom knew about this sooner...
- That's okay, dad. I've got used to it since I was in highschool.  I was the Student Council President back there.
- That's our daughter! - He patted my head.
- You were working so hard but we couldn't do anything about it. We're sorry.

- No, mom and dad. That's okay to me.
I hugged them and Arisa.
- We'll miss you, sweet dear.
- I'll miss you too.
My family all gathered in the hug.

(A few minutes later, Eli was preparing for her trip)

- You're not going?
- I'm your sister. We had to keep up the control of Russia when you're away.
- But... won't you miss me?
- We have online calls , you know?
And don't worry. I and the family will still contact you even when you are away.
I didn't know why, but I was tearing up and literally about to cry.

- I'll miss you. - I said while hugging her. And cried a little bit on my sister's shoulder.
- I'll miss you too, onee-chan. - Arisa returned the hug tightly.

... It's time to go. I was at the airport. All my family was there.
We all hugged together.

- We'll miss you, our sweet daughter.
- I love everyone. - I said as we shared the hug.

As I walked onto the plane, Arisa shouted:
- Say hi to all your friends for me! Especially Non-chi!
- Don't worry, I will! - I shouted back.

The plane started to go up. I waved at my family one last time. And I saw everyone was waving at me as well.

As the plane reached the sky, I pointed my index fingers up the air, thank you grandma for everything and pray for her to live well in the other world and always look after me. 

Whoo! That's all for now! This took me a lot of time to do!
Nearly 2,2k words, like WTH?

Well then, by the next few chapters, you'll know that everyone of Muse will have a reunion!
And to tell you first, it'll not contain only them, but some special guests as well!

Thanks for reading!!    
(By the way, I took the 2 characters of Saint Snow as Nico's younger sister, cause why not? Watch season 1 for more information)

And the picture above is NicoMaki when a fan recognized them and asked for a photo XD

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