Chapter 1 - The surprising meeting (Part 2)

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(A few days after what happened last time)
Maki's POV
I was going to move back to my house in Osaka that my parents rented for me the time I was in there. The job here is just looking after sick people and make them healthier. I had to travel pretty much, but at least it's much more comfortable than staying all night trying to complete the cure to that unknown virus. That was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, the atmosphere was great, and I really enjoyed myself into it. I walked down the road while wearing earbuds and listening to some music when suddenly...
Someone bumped into me. We both fell.
"Sorry, are you okay?" - I asked the girl that I bumped into. 
...She looked... so familiar...
The ponytail....
The cuteness of a loli girl...
...It couldn't be...
"Don't worry, I'm alright."
I frozed.
"THAT IS HER!!!!!" - The inside me shouted out. 

Nico's POV
Gosh, why did everything had to be so quick? I've just had a day off with my family when I landed in Tokyo and then my manager called me to tell that I had to prepare for my live? Goddamn it, schedule! I was running as fast as possible to the place where the stage would begin. In about 2 hours or something, but I had to get there really early for the final setups. I didn't even have my eyes on the road, when suddenly I bumped into someone.   
Gosh... That was hurt.
- Sorry, are you okay? - The girl that just has just bumped into me asked.
Suddenly... I frozed.
This voice... was so familiar.
...Like her...
- Don't worry, I'm alright. - I replied, as I stood up and looked up to find if...
No... That crimson hair color...
... That face...
... Those purple eyes...
There was no doubt anymore!!!

Third Person's POV
They were just staring at each other, speechless.
- Oh... my... god...
- It has been 10 years...
They would have just staring like that if Nico didn't look at her watch.
- Ouch, I'm about to late! Catch you at the park this afternoon! - Nico shouted as she ran down the streets.
- Uhm... Okay! - Maki shouted back to her. 
All that day, both of them wanted the time to pass by quickly, so they can finally meet each other after ten whole years of chasing their own dreams.

The time has come. They met at the place they've decided. The sky was dark blue mixed with the pink from sunset, and a few thin clouds. Our couple went side by side, hand by hand but they were not talking because of the awkwardness between them. After having lots of fun with the games and the food, they sat down and rest by the lake.
- Nico-chan...
- Hmm?
- It's been a long time, hasn't it?
- Yeah... Ten years. Ten straight years we haven't talked, not even through the phone or by an e-mail.
- We've all too busy chasing our dreams. I wanted to become a doctor, you wanted to become ạn idol. And the others... I don't even know how they're doing now.
...Have they forgotten us?
Nico punched Maki slightly in the shoulder.
- Maki-chan, you baka. Of course they haven't forgotten us. Not even each other. Do you still remember the last time we, Muse, stand together after our final live?
- Still remember like what happened yesterday.
(Small flashback)
We were crying in sadness mixed with happiness. We were sad because we've just officially disbanded, after the Final Live; but at the same time, we were also happy, because we've become living legends for millions of people around the world. Honoka's prediction has come true. That one day, we would fill every stage, every stadium we perform with thousands of people. And today, 5 million fans has come to say goodbye to us, goodbye to one of, if not the greatest school idol group in the world.
Wiping away the tears, Honoka gathered everyone and said:
- Even though we are not idols anymore, but we will still be best friends!
And she shouted out loud:
- µ'sic FOREVER!
- µ'SIC FOREVER! - We shouted with her as we waved at the fans one last time before went to the backstage. And never came out. Once again. 

That night... After the live ended... I just came home, lied down onto my bed...
And tears just flowed down from my eyes.
The only reason I could live with my music dream...
They're gone.
I kept crying, and I cried a lot (no one was at home that time) until I feel into a deep slumber.

(Flashback end - Nico's POV)
- Maki-chan...
- Hmm?
We went silent for a short moment.
Then I took all my courage out and tackle-hugged her.
-... I miss you.
I thought she would pull me out and said something like: "Baka! We're in a public place!" or something like that. But no, she returned the hug. The feelings that I've forgotten for so long, and now it relived once again inside me.
- I miss you too.
-... Maki-chan...
- Hmm?
- Can you... kiss me? - I asked while blushing really hard.
She held my face and gone in closer. She was blushing like a tomato. The distance went smaller and smaller... until our lips contacted and I got no other choice but to close my eyes and melted into the kiss. It was so sweet... Sweeter than the chocolate or any type of candy in the world.
I love that feeling so much.

(Oh, and in case you can't imagine the scenery, I posted a picture above of NicoMaki kissing. I took it from a doujinshi.)

I opened my eyes again and looked amorously at her. She looked at me, smiling. Then we both hugged each other tightly.
- I love you, Nico-chan.
- I love you too, Maki-chan.
It would be perfect for us if I didn't look around while still hugging her and find...

Third Person's POV
Nico looked around for the beautiful scene around them when she suddenly found the two people she would definitely NOT want to meet that tỉme.
Guess what.
That's Maki's parents.
They were looking at the two with a surprising look.
At the same time, Maki also opened her eyes, when she saw this.
Nico's mother with her 3 siblings.
The couple quickly let go of each other and just stood there, looking down the ground. The situation they were at was so embarrassing that they would wish there was a big hole so they would jump down it to reduce the embarrassment inside them.
Everyone just looked at each other, shocking and surprising.
- Uhm... Maki-chan? ...I think we need to talk. Can you also bring Nico and her family with us too? - Maki's father finally spoke up.
At this moment, Maki was embarrassing mixed with confusing. 
"Wait... Papa and Mama still remember Nico? And her family as well?"
- ...Yes, Papa. I'll be home shortly. - Maki said while blushing really hard, while Nico was hiding behind her.

Ooooh, cliffhanging encounters! What will happen next chapter guys?
Keep on touch to find out!

Thanks for reading!

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