Chapter 1 - The surprising meeting (Part 1)

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Maki's POV
"Maki-chan, we're leaving in 10 minutes!"
"I'm coming!" - I called from my room.
The number of patients in the Nishikino Hospital has increased so many due to the spread of an unknown virus that cause people to have terrible conditions inside their bodies. To be honest with you guys, the last 3 months was a nightmare. I had to push myself to the furthest for working with a cure against that. I rarely slept, and I still remember the last week, I was too tired that I felt off my table while I was working and just slept there until people found me and tried waking me up. Papa and Mama knew about it as well, and they've tried really hard of helping me, but still. That virus and how to cure it properly just kept popping in my head this whole time.
Oh well, I'm getting used to it. I guess that's what I accepted to face for chasing my dream of becoming a doctor.
No jobs in the world is easy. Not even one. When you accepted the job you like, you have agreed that you'll spend endless hours of tireless working for people's entertainment, or as in my job, their health and fate of living.

I was preparing the last stuffs to go to Osaka to have a one-week shift there. Papa wanted me to reduce the stress I was having by sending me to the other place for working, where the decease from the virus was pretty much non-exist. And also, some pictures of Muse. Oh, those wonderful memories... When I had nothing but happiness, joy and the comfortable feeling when I can play the piano, my favorite instrument that helped me went through those hard time in my life. But, everything has to come to the end. Muse disbanded, I was so heart-broken that I lost my passion with the piano. I still kept it, but as a memory about my past. And no, you guys were wrong, Papa didn't destroy it. He was the one that stayed with me and cheered me up the most after the disband. I still remembered that conversation... It happened 10 years ago, after Muse disbanded a long time.

(Flashback. The reason I make this is Maki still had 5 minutes after she finished preparing)
- Maki-chan?
- Yes, Papa?
He sat down beside me.
- Yeah... I know this is a hard time for you, right?
- I feel really sad. Like... composing music for them was my hobby. I don't know since when, but that has become a part of my life. Ever since Muse disbanded, I felt like my life was empty. I can't play the piano anymore, I can't compose songs. It's like... all my passions....
They're gone.
Papa patted my head and fixed my hair. I just rest my head against his shoulder.
- ...I'm sorry.
I was surprised.
- Sorry? For what? You haven't done anything bad.
- For not understanding you sooner. I didn't know you love music so much.
For scolding you when you got a 68 in your test.
And lastly...
For almost forcing you to give up what you really liked.
I couldn't believe it. That was the first time I heard Papa said those words.
I hugged him. He returned the hug and locked me in a tight embrace.
- Those girls are really meaningful to you, isn't it?
- Yeah... They were the first friends I've known.
We became silent for a moment.
- ....Look, Maki-chan. I won't force you to become a doctor like me and Mama.
I'm just going to say this once, okay?
Follow what your heart says. Do what you really want to do, not what others want you to do.
And lastly...
Never give up your dreams.
Papa held my hands. I looked into his eyes.
- ...I promise.
Then he smiled and patted my head again.
- That's my daughter.
I hugged him back. Then I didn't know why, but I fell into a deep and peaceful sleep. All I could remember is, Papa hugged me tighter, and as I was sleeping, this was the last thing he said.
- Good night, Maki-chan.

(Flashback end)
I got ready and went out to get my car. Before I left, I gave Papa and Mama a hug and asked:
- But what about my project in finding the cure for the virus?
- Don't worry. Me and Mama will take over it until you come home.
- Just remember to be safe, honey.
- Thanks Mama.
I gave them another hug, before getting in my car.
- Have a safe journey! - They both waved at me as I started driving out of the hospital.
- Bye Mama! Bye Papa! - I said to them before starting my journey to Osaka. 

Meanwhile, at the same time, on an airplane back to Japan...
Nico's POV
Well, what could I say about my condition right now? Tired, but fun. I had a great time in USA. My tour was a huge success. Many people recognized me when I walked down the streets and asked for a signature or photograph. Now that's the life the number one idol in the universe want to be, eh? Money, being famous, lots of fans... Who doesn't want those?
I know what you were thinking. Haha, just kidding. Of course, I always put a place in my heart for family members. I've been supported by mom and my siblings when I told them I wanted to be a professional idol. My two younger sisters said in excitement the day before I left Japan, that I still remembered:
- One day, we'll going to be famous idols like onee-chan!!!
(Yes, you know who I'm referring to XD)
But everything has its other side, you know. Until today, I haven't gone back to Japan. Not even once. In 7 years. All those time, I could only stay in hotels, or rent a house in big apartments (luckily money was not the problem anymore). And if I was able to go home, I can only stay for like a week or something, then had to move aboard again. In one of my revisiting the family, I spent a big amount of money to buy a bigger house for mom and siblings. They were very surprised at first, but when I told them about my reason for doing that was to help the family, they couldn't hold the tears of joy. I can say that besides mother, I am the only person to handle the finances of the family. I still sent lots of money for mom every month. But I missed the time when I could be with them, forgetting all about the idol life to return to my little-but-happy family. All I was able to do in those 7 years were mostly Skype calls back to mom and siblings, only when I was free. My project and shows were as many as the amount of information you can get from the London Library , which is pretty much uncountable. I've been traveled to nearly everywhere famous in the world: America, London, Seoul, Bangkok, Singapore... But like they say, "Home sweet home". Thank god, I was going to have a live in Osaka. It would be my time to spend as much as possible with the family.
The plane had gone half way to Tokyo. It would land tomorrow noon, then I would catch a train to Osaka. Oh well, gotta have some sleep. The number one idol in the universe shouldn't let her fans and family down. Nico Nico Nii!

Hopefully you had fun reading this. There will be a part 2 of the meeting soon. I might be busy with school work, but when I update this story, I will do my best to not letting everyone down.

Once again, thank you for reading to the last!

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