Prologue - What are we missing?

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A/N: Really sorry for not updating! School has been really busy with me so far and I had to give out the best for it. However, since we'll have a holiday (Vietnam's Independence Day - September 2nd) starts from Sep 1st, I'm going to update this story as much as I can.
Stay in touch!

Majiko's POV
"Well, it's the weekend today, and we're also on a hiatus. What should we do?"
I said, gathering all the guys in my house.

"I don't know. It's been a long day now and we haven't done anything more than just playing football in the morning." Haji said, lying on a couch.

Then we just talked about our daily stuffs. Yeah... Everything has changed a lot. After we disbanded, we had a lot more time to spend together. We had became, well, a lot different compare to those school years. We were movie directors, then image designers, and now, professional football players in Tokyo FC. But rather than all of that, we were still together, and shared everything we've been through. Made a really good movie, many sponsor brands found us for advertising. We live in the same place, at the same floor. We are always happy and energetic about everything.

... We literally got the best life you could ever imagined.

We were still missing something.

...Something my friends haven't found out.
....But somehow, I have.

- Erm... guys? - I said to them, broke the little silence was just a few seconds ago.
- What is it, Majiko? Why are you look so down? We haven't been through something bad! - That was Fukuri. He's cold and fierce outside, but he's actually a very caring person.
- We literally got the best life so far! Why are you so sad? - Kimura said. Although he's still playful and cheeky, he is also a thoughtful person. He doesn't usually speak with his "pu" at the end anymore.
- No, I understand him. - Ganashi replied. He has been our monitor in designing and movie directing when we were still at highschool. And what he said had really shocked me. I didn't know there was someone thought the same as me.
- You do? - I asked him again.
- Yeah.... But I still haven't found out about it yet. - He answered.
We were silenced for a moment. Then I found out Rosuke was playing with his hand. He holded them together. And there was Kumaru, looking at his hand. Of course, they had listened to the whole conversation.

...Wait... That just reminded me of something... But it was still unclear.

All 7 of us looked at them. Then Rosuke finally spoke.

- What we were missing this whole time...
Is that...

- Girls...? - Kumaru finished his sentence.

I frozed. That was exactly the thing I've been looking for this whole time.
But when I couldn't even speak anything yet...

- I think he's right, guys... We had everything... but love. We are still best friends, but... I actually thought about it the day we disbanded. We got a lot of fans, but have we actually noticed that? We only thought about always completing ourselves, for the fans' entertainment.
But... have we ever thought about their feeling? Especially, female fans?
I'm not a pervert, guys, but I'm actually thinking seriously that we should try and date someone. We can't live like this forever, you know? Without the caring of the other gender? Our heart is not from stones and rocks, you know?
It's not naturally that God created us with feelings.
To love.
And to be loved.
That is what I've looking for this whole time.

We became slient. Again. What Murita has said was just perfect. I haven't experienced the thing called "love" before. Neither my friends. They were shocked. About Murita's explaination. It's just can't get anymore perfect.
- I usually argue with Muri-san speech, but now I have to agree with him. He's right, instead of just simply enjoying our life now, we should take on a bit of challenges. Aren't you guys like it? You said when we were still idols that we wanted to have challenges, wanted to test ourselves and push our limits to the max level, in an interview before!
...And we haven't done it. - Yokushi added to the conversation.
We nodded. When suddenly, Haji spoke up:
- That's true... But who are we gonna date? It's very hard to actually understanding girls, you know.

...I had just thought of someone...
Those 9 girls...
...They were so familiar...
...But I couldn't remember them.

- Guys... I am thinking of the girls... - I finally spoke.
- Yeah? - Kimura replied - But who are they?
- There are nine of them. But I can't remember. They are so similar to us.
- Who could they be...? - Everyone was trying to guess who I was thinking to.

Then Kumaru looked at the clock.
- Oh crap, guys, we're about to be late for the match versus Osaka!
- Oh no! We should get going now! - Murita said while rushing out of the sofa.
We also packed in hurry and got ready.

(15 minutes later, when the football team's bus came)
- Phew! We went right on time the team bus was coming! - Rosuke said while panting.
- Thank god! Alright, no need to worry anymore now! -  Haji said, then put his earbuds on and listened to music.
We all chatted and listened to music. I looked at Yokushi, who was reading a book. I just glanced outside the window and looked at the scenery as the bus kept going.

...Who were the girls that we were looking for?...    
Then, something popped in my head.

...Was that...
...No way...

It couldn't be them!!!
We were just friends!...

Wait... I felt something warm in my heart.

Are we?...

Whoo! That's the prologue done! The next chapter, I think you can already guess what it will be!
Okay, now I need to say this to you guys. In this story, I ship every member of Muse with one of the BadBoys' . So it's basically like a BoyXGirl shipping (I think I said this in the introduction). And as I said, there WILL be lemons. I know what you are thinking. I AM NOT A PERVERT, GUYS. I just thought of this idea to become a story and make it into this book, to let everyone know what I predict about the sequel of "Exchange Students" from amateur-writer, which is a thing I've never thought of before!

Let me know if I've done anything wrong, guys!
And give me advice on writing stories in the future!  
Thanks for reading!

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