Prologue - The girls' reborn memories

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Honoka's POV
Just the same as every day, I woke up to have breakfast and helping my family with the bread store. And I also checked my channel on Youtube to see my old videos, my performance, my views. But it was a bit different today. I saw a Youtube link from a viewer, with the comment:
"I wish those days of you guys would come back again, those moments when you and your friends always sang and danced with happiness... Gosh, you guys have changed so much..."
I didn't feel strangeness with that link. Because that was the performance of our first ever song.
Start: DASH!. (You can find this on YT, I'm too embarrassed to post it. Sorry :p )
I sat at my chair for a while. I thought about those days, about how we started, what difficulties we've been through, and when I thought about giving up hope, my friends came and encouraged me. And I remembered how we used to performed in front of millions of people and became famous worldwide. With all the memories of my friends as well...

God, I missed them so much.

If only we didn't have to disband...

I watched that video several times. And I didn't even noticed that tears were falling from my eyes. I miss Muse. I wanted my friends to come back, to share all we used to have, all the happy, hilarious and wonderful moments with them. 

(A few days later)

Recently, mom, dad and my sister were acting so strange. It seemed like they wanted to hide something from me. But I just ignored it and do my job, although sometimes I still wondered about it.
That was Yukiho.
"What happened?"
"Mom and Dad want to tell something with you!"
"What is it?"
"Go with me and you'll find out." She said with a cheerful tone.

Kotori's POV
Oh my god. 5 cities in 3 different countries in just 2 weeks? I wish that didn't happen. I was exhausted. I lied down to my bed in my room (I stayed in a hotel) and sighed. "Really? Why in the world have I accepted to do this?" I spoke to myself. Probably because my hobby and passion with designing had pushed me into this, but seriously! That was just too much! I've never traveled as much as this before. 

As always, whenever I could have free time, I opened my phone and watched videos of me and my old friends, as Muse, performed on stage. I smiled while sighing. Oh, those old days. When between us were nothing apart from those funny moments, those amazing performances; when I was just design outfits as a free-time activity and for the upcoming lives. 

Those moments when we were just school idols, full of happiness and laughters.

I closed my phone after 30 minutes just watching lives, and asked myself a question that I've always wanted to know the answer.

"When can we meet again, and enjoy ourselves like when we were idols?" 

Eli's POV
Finally. 4 hours of non-stop working and now I can relaxed for a bit, at last. Seriously, how can military in Russia have so many problems since like 8 years ago, when I've only just returned from Japan? I had to work for like, 14 hours a day, not being forced by others, but forcing myself. I can deal with it quite easily, though, thanks to my experience of being a School Council President back at Otonokizaka Highschool. Whenever I can stay away from paper work (probably in the weekend), I and my sister, Arisa, just stepped out our house and play football. I still had to practice, the World Cup is 4 months away and I couldn't stop myself from kicking the balls. I didn't know when this has become my talent, it's just I'm really good with it. My sister is always the goalkeeper for me to challenge myself (Yeah, she plays pretty well. Arisa had been summoned into the Russia Under 25 National Team recently!) We always played for like 2 hours, then we walked home, panting but talked to each other very much. But today, my sister suddenly became quiet. I noticed it and asked her:
- Arisa?
- Hai? (Yes?)
- Why are you so silence today?
- I'm thinking about our past days back in Japan. You were enjoying yourself so much with your friends. You looked so happy. But I haven't seen you smiling since you started your work back here. What happened?
Now it was me who had to think about the past.
Why had I forgotten it?
Why had I forgotten those wonderful moments...
When becoming a school idol was one of the only things that can drag me away from business...
And lastly...
I... had forgotten that conversation...
The moment before I left...
I didn't know if she was still waiting for me...
As I thought of that, the tears started flowing from my eyes.
- Onee-chan, why are you crying?  
I hugged Arisa and said whilst crying:
- I'm sorry. I don't know when have I forgotten those memories. Of becoming school idols. When between us were just happiness and joy...
Then I whispered to her:
- Arisa... Did I make the wrong choice? About going back here?
She patted my head. That was the first time I let someone pat my head, especially when that was my sister.
- No onee-chan... You've made the right decision. This country needs you. And you can't just look at Russia going deep down into crisis anymore. I know, this is a cruel world, but the best way to deal with it is to live with it and find a way to make it better. And don't worry onee-chan. Your friends will be still waiting for you. Nozomi as well. I believe that.
- Thanks Arisa... That really cheered me up. 
- No problem sissy!
I smiled to her. The first time I smiled in so long. We kept hugging for 5 minutes. Then my phone rang.
- Hello?
- Ayase? We need to talk to you. Can you go home? - It was my mother.
- I'm coming!
Arisa and I walked home, holding hands together. And smiling.

Umi's POV
Whoo! Another good day for an archery, wasn't it? I was just practice like other days, and as always, I got over 9 points in every shot. That was the moment when I have just sat down and rest, when I suddenly received a message from my manager: 

"Your friend sent to you a video that she said is about "our old days"? I think you should see it.
Oh, and you can have the next week off. I don't want you to work too hard."
"Don't worry, I'll watch that. And thank you." - I replied.
I started watching the video which was sent from Honk (I didn't know when I started to call Honoka that). Then, I sat there for a moment, silence filled up the atmosphere.

Our old days.
How could I forget you guys?

And those wonderful songs, when we danced and sang happily in front of the fans and didn't have to worry about anything...

I wished those days would relive once again.

Third Person's POV (talk about Rin + Hanayo)
They were going out. The restaurant was bring managed by the staffs. That's Rin and Hanayo for you there. They're always together at the weekend. Go to the cinema, hang out at the park, or just simply visiting different places in the city.
But today, instead of the cheerful mood you see everyday, Hanayo looked a bit down. 
- Hanayo, why you so sad nya?
- Do you miss them?
- "Them"?
...Oh yeah..."them"...
Rin's POV
Muse. That one word just stuck in my head this whole time. Since our final live, we've never met each other. Not a reunion. Not even a single phone call. I missed them so much. I've somehow lost my cheerful expression since then. I've let my hair grow longer. I've focus in working so much.
I've become a different person.
But there's one thing that wouldn't change.
My friendship with Kayo-chin.
She's been always there with me the time after the disband. She has always supported me in my work. And now, she worked with me. I didn't know "best friends for life" was real. When I was with her, I felt so comfortable. Like everything in the world disappeared for a while. It's relaxing.

I couldn't say anymore...
Than a thank you to you.
You helped me to go through everything.

Thank you, Kayo-chin.

We'll be best friends forever.

Hanayo's POV
10 years had passed now. Everything has changed so much. We never met one to another. Nor made any contacts. That was also the time Rin was down the most. She lost her usual cheerful mood. She never spoke to anyone with her "nya" as usual. She hardly went out or even spoke to anyone. She sometimes even cried when she remembered those old happy moments. All that time, I was the only one to comfort her, since her parents were always away.

(Flashback, 2 weeks after Muse disbanded, in Hanayo's house)

- Rin... 
- (sobs) Yeah...?
- I know you're very sad... that our adventure has ended. 
We've gone really far.
And the end of an adventure will be the start of a new one. 
Don't be sad anymore, okay?
You're friends... I'm sure they'll still waiting for a reunion.
And me too.
I'll stay by your side. No matter what happens.
So be happier, okay...?
- (stops crying, and then smiling, look at Hanayo) Thanks Kayo-chin... Those words really cheered me up. Thanks for dragging me out of this pain. Thanks for making me realized that just sit there and crying about your past helps nothing.
And most important...
Thank you...
For becoming my closest friend.
- Sure! Just remember that I am always here for you. I always will.
And then she hugged me. The warmest hug I've ever had in my life.

(End of flashback)

And now, we're here. We are still close friends. But Muse hasn't gone out of my head a single time. I miss them. I wish we would meet each other again. But for that moment, I was enjoying my life with Rin-chan.

Nozomi's POV
So boring...
It was on summer vacation. I didn't know why I got bored from resting and do whatever I like. Maybe it's because I have become similar to a hard-working person. When I was on free time, I always check the Facebook, Skype to see if anyone was there.
No one was online.
I tossed my phone onto the bed and sighed.
Why does the world's daily life so fast?
All of them...
Those wonderful moments I had...
When we were still in school...
When we performed the lives...
I miss my friends.
And... Elichi...
I didn't know if she was still waiting for me.
All 9 of us.
The 9 goddess of music...
Have gone seperate ways.
And still unknown about when we will comeback.
To have a reunion.
To relive those moments when we were still together.
And... to come back to my lovely Elichi.
To spend every moment with her.
I wish those days would become real.

Hi guys! That was my first chapter of this story! Now I know there are a few questions that you would like to know the answer. I can only think of these two, so if you have anything else, leave them down the comments.

1. Why is there a Third Person's POV before RinPana?
I don't ship this pair, but I always think that they cannot be seperated from each other. I think that this character will make the other one become more... perfect in personality? Idk anymore.
2. Muse has 9 girls, why is there only 7 in this chapter?
The NicoMaki will be a seperate chapter to this. It'll be about their surprising union in the past and how both parents react to this scene. So yeah, it'll be special.

That's it for now. This is so long, I swear to god. Please support and keep in touch for more chapters in the future!

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