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(Picture above, from upper -> lower: year 3->2->1 in their school days)

Literally just a Q&A. It'll be pretty long, though.

1. Why did you make this story?
I got inspired from amateur-writer and his/her story (idek your gender, I'm sorry XD) "Exchange Students", which is a Love Live! fanfic contains these 9 guys and our 9 goddess girls. The name of the guy's group, which is "BadBoys", in the description, is completely made-up by me XD

I really liked this story from the first chapter. After reading the story, which isn't even finished yet, I wonder to myself: "One month? Is that all? What will happen to them in the future? And when they meet each other, probably after a long time, will they still remember their friendship?" And suddenly, an idea popped into my head. "I can write a story about this! This can even be my chance to test my fanfiction writing skill! So why not?"

And the result, is this book.

2. How will everything start?
For this question, I'm gonna write a short story (might not even short)

After that month, the boys and the girls continued their school and idol life. And it was only a matter of time before they had to reach the end, which was very painful, but it had to be done, for the sake of everyone: Disband, when they've reached the highest goal. Muse disbanded after they won in Love Live! 5th Anniversary against A-RISE. BadBoys's retirement makes people even sadder. They disbanded right after their victory in Idol Worldstars Contest (which was pretty much World Cup of Idols). After that, they finished college, and since then haven't met each other. Not even a single phone call. After 10 years, without making contacts to each other, their lives now has pretty much changed, compare to their school years.

First up, the BadBoys. They were lucky, because they all joined a football team and achieved many goals, won many trophies for their team. They have a left-handed job, which was film editors, in the same company! They all stay on the 9th floor in a 22-floor apartment. They are always happy and chat whenever they have time. In the weekend, they all go to an E-Sport Net shop to play games. All of them play League Of Legends, except for Kimura who plays FIFA Online (Yes, that is me XD). They are all close friends, but the closest are Rosuke and Kumaru. They always talk together the most. The 9 boys are always together, in everywhere, at anytime. They've kept the promise, that they will become best friends for life.

Unfortunately, Muse is not as lucky as that. After the 9 girls graduated, they had to say goodbye to each other (god, I use this word so much XD) . And 10 years later, they've gone different paths, one by one.

Honoka Kousaka takes on her family main work, which is bread-selling. She also has a "part-time job", whenever she has free time, as a Youtuber. She post videos about herself singing and dancing, sometimes play musical instruments. Her channel got well-known and she gets a lot of money from this. Pretty much, she uses this for helping the handicapped children and poor people, and a small amount of her money for SIF (Scouting, as usual.)

Rin Hoshizora and Hanayo Koizumi started a restaurant, which is based on their favorite food: Ramen and rice. Their restaurant got bigger and bigger, attract many customers and gives them a great amount of money every year. They're lucky to be together after graduating.

However, our Parfait Couple is not lucky like that. 2 years after graduating, Eli Ayase went back to Russia. Her country needed her help on military problems. And now, she is also #1 hope for Russia Women National Team on Women World Cup (Soccer/Football is her secret talent). Before she left, her girlfriend and her had a little goodbye-talk:
"Promise me you'll wait for me, even if I can never come back."
"I will, Elichi. You're my lover. And forever will be."
"I love you, Nozo-chan."
"I love you too, my harasho girlfriend."

Nozomi and Eli haven't met since then, not even on Skype, or Facebook (Eli was too busy that she rarely online). 3 years after those last words from Eli (no she's not dead), Nozomi Toujou became a teacher in a big school in Tokyo. Everyone knew her past, so she is strongly respected and being impressed. Not only that, every student want to study with her, cause she used to be a famous school idol (if they're boys, probably because her big breasts as well? Idk XD). She lives in a big house, the one she stays all the time she was an idol, and she usually stays there alone because her family travels a lot due to business.

Umi Sonoda became a world-class archer and achieved nearly everything you can imagine: 20 Gold medals, 5 Silvers and 2 Bronzes since Umi started her career. At the time I mentioned in this story, she is training hard for the Olympics. Her lover, in my opinion (since we always have the second year trio), Kotori Minami, is now a worldwide-famous fashion designer. Every design she makes for the publicity earns her millions of dollars every year. But she never forgets her old days with her friends, when they're still idols. Sometimes, she tried to Skype-called them, but no one was online since they're too busy. And Kotori herself also said in an interview that she was tired "due to moving overseas too much" but still continue "because that's my talent and hobby, so I will keep doing it", as she said.

And lastly, our cute tsundere couple. Maki Nishikino works in her father's hospital after she finished university in Korea. Nico Yazawa became a worldstar idol, as her dream since she was a child. She is also her family's hope, which also contains Nico's mother and her siblings. She has everything: her dream, her earnings which is enough for her family in the next 15 years and still counting, her beautiful sights of different countries she went to. But, as she said in an interview after a live, she "still feels like she's missing 2 things, that my current life can never makes me forget it", as she said. First, is her father's loss. "Sometimes I still cried a little bit whenever I think of my father. He inspired me with my dream of becoming an idol". The second one, is which she "haven't found out yet, but she will tries to search for it. Probably the feeling of loving someone", she think. After graduating, Maki and Nico haven't made a single contact, and they've never met each other since then.

Everything changed when Maki had to go to Osaka for a one-week shift. Surprisingly, she met Nico, who was about to have a live there. They talked, chatted happily, and in the end, they hugged each other, both said:
"I miss you."
That has caught Maki's parents' attention. Adding more to the embarrassment, Nico's  family had seen it all, too! 
What has happened after that, I'll put in the prologue. You can know that, both of the parents were happy to see their daughters meeting again. And after that week, Maki and Nico bought a big mansion to stay together. (Maki's parents still live in the same house, while Nico's mother and siblings live in a big house that Nico bought from her savings.)

That's when, everything started.

3. Will this be a Mature story?
I rate this story "Mature", but only 1 or 2 chapters will mention lewd things. 

4. Will this story have lemons?
Yes, it will. And to warn you first, this will not be a same-gender lemon. :)

That's all. The next two or three chapters will be the prologues for the boys and girls. This is my first fanfic so please support, guys! I'll try my best in this story!

Bye for now! 

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