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DAY 04

The confusion of Round 05 continues as everyone tries to find out who the Murderer is.

Hanamaru: Listen guys, Chika started shooting a while ago. You, Ruby, and Hanayo died.

Yoshiko: Oh really then...?

Hanamaru: Yes!!

Yoshiko: Hmph!! As if!! Bring us to that room then!!

Hanamaru: What?!! No way!! I am gonna die if you bring me -

Yoshiko: Everyone follow me!! Let's head for the room where Hanamaru has just stated her claim!!

Everyone felt unweary about it, but it sounded like a safe choice for all of them in a group. The girls agreed to follow Yoshiko as Hanamaru reluctantly brought them to the the room.

Nozomi: This feels so bad....all of us have no ribbons so we are totally defenseless unless we find six and get a gun....

They got to the room and inspected the room.

Umi: Oh crap....(sees three dead bodies.)

Nozomi: Poor You, Hanayo, and Ruby are truly out then.

Riko: Oh no....You is the we can no longer identify who the Murderer is!!

Hanamaru: See, guys?!! I am totally Innocent!

Yoshiko: As if!

Before the investigation ended, Mari noticed something.

Mari: I wonder how those three died so quickly......a pistol shouldn't be quick enough to kill three....oh?!! Hey, you're -

The shooter shot Mari in the head - she fell to the floor. Everyone turned around surprised.

Umi: Ahhhhh!!!? What?!!

Dia: Mari, nooooo!!!!

Eri: Everyone hide here!!

Whilst everyone hid in that same room, Dia managed to catch a glimpse of the shooter who's clearly aiming her pistol at them.

Dia: Guys!! Chika is shooting people!!

Eri: You sure!!??

Dia: Yes!! Totally her!! It could only mean one thing.....

Riko: I can't believe it....also, Chika already has a gun!!? She is so quick then to be able to get all six ribbons so easily!!

Kotori: See!!? Told you all I am trustworthy!!

Everyone looked at each other. Most of them decided to come to the conclusion that Chika is the Murderer - with Honoka still considered as a second suspect. Dia took a quick peek to find Chika no longer there.

Dia: Guys, Chika has left!

Yoshiko: Darn....alright, everyone after Chika!! She is a suspect!!

Nozomi: about Honoka?

Kotori: Uggghhh...Honoka is a suspect too....but Chika is a bigger concern now due to the fact that she has a gun.

Eri: Agreed. Let's do this then!! With our numbers, we will be able to capture Chika or even Honoka if we do find her even without a gun!! Though it is banned for Innocents to kill anyone, it ain't banned to catch someone, right?!

Everyone: Okay!!!

Everyone went outside to chase Chika, aware that they will be brought back to life after this round ends so dying no longer worries them much. However......

Yoshiko: Stay put!!

Hanamaru: What?! Why?!! I am Innocent!! Isn't it obvious?!!

Eri: Hold it!! Yoshiko, what are you doing?!!

Yoshiko: Eri, I am keeping an eye on Hanamaru!!

Eri: Why?

Yoshiko: I still do not trust her!! My instincts feel she still is a suspect!!

Hanamaru: are just paranoid.

Yoshiko: Look, Eri go ahead with everyone and leave the two of us behind. If Hanamaru dies, I am the suspect. I don't mind if you will doubt me, just go!

Eri: are soo weird.....alright, let's go!!

Eri and her group headed out ahead while Yoshiko and Hanamaru stayed at the same room.

Meanwhile, Nico and Kanan just met after going around the arena in circles.

Nico: Whoa.....Kanan, stay back....

Kanan: Sure, I am just chillin' here under the table. Relax.

Nico: Okey.....

Kanan: By the way.....ummm....sorry for what I may have said or did in a previous round.....

Nico: Like I actually care, Kanan. It is fine, we are just playing our games our own ways.

Kanan: Thanks.

Back to the main event, everyone is chasing Chika all over the arena. They manage to hide at different places - doors, furnitures, whatever - to avoid Chika's bullets. And if possible, one of the girls would try to get any ribbons that they might happen to find along the way. In one encounter, Riko asked Chika why she would do this.

Riko: Chika, why?!!

Chika: I am Innocent!!!

Eri: As if!!!

The tactic worked somehow. Due to having too many girls chasing her, Chika avoided risking to stop and shoot all of them. She kept her distance and focused on running away. She is also aware that her pistol is limited to about three ammo clips (each one has six bullets) so she cannot just shoot back too recklessly.

More shootouts erupted. Chika refused to give up. She totally has no qualms about getting everyone to target her.

Nozomi: Chika!! Drop the gun!!

Chika: Nope!! I am gonna kill everyone who I do not trust!!

Riko: Ehhhh?!! You serious?!! What kind of tactic is that?!!

Chika: Quiet!! (Shoots back about five times before running away and closing doors.)

Riko: LIAR!! I know Chika long enough to know she is lying. Totally the Murderer!!

Nozomi: Agreed. No way will an Innocent actively shoot everyone just to confirm who the murderer is!

Kotori: Wait....we should just stay put. Chasing her will not be a good thing for us. Nozomi, I trust you so please guard my back as we head out later.

After a long chase, Chika ran towards the southeastern sector and passed through a route she is familiar with - a path which would lead anybody to at least four directions. Almost instantly, she disappeared.

Nozomi: Darn it!! She's gone!!

Riko: Chiiikkkkaaa!!!

Kotori: What should we do!!?

Umi: It is too risky to chase her by spreading out!

Eri: Alright....let us group together and find ribbons!! Having any of us armed will be more than enough!!

The girls decided to hunt for ribbons quickly. Meanwhile, back at a previous room, Yoshiko still watches Hanamaru like a watchdog. She also pulled Mari's corpse inside so that it no longer blocks the doorway. Still, the corpses of You, Ruby, and Hanayo inside are all left untouched since they don't block the doorway at all.

Yoshiko: Stay put!!

Hanamaru: are not gonna win the round like this.

Yoshiko: Hmph!! I don't have to cuz the other Innocents will win this for me!!

Yoshiko and Hanamaru have a staring contest for a long time. Yoshiko had Hanamaru turn and put her hands at the wall while she observes her. They do this at the room's center - anyone can easily see them at the doorway.

Later, Dia and Umi are gathering ribbons near that room - they seperated a bit further from Eri's group. They could hear how much the two are bickering - or how much Yoshiko is bickering actually.

The noise also caught the attention of Chika who just passed by.

Yoshiko: Let me do what I want!!

Chika: ZUUUURRAAA!!! (She shouted as she went closer to the room.)

Yoshiko: Huh? Hold it, Chika is -

Hanamaru: (picks out her gun and shot Yoshiko)

Dia and Umi just witnessed a shocking scene - Hanamaru just shot Yoshiko. Then Chika arrived to talk with Hanamaru.


Dia: Psssshhhhh!!!! (says this as she grabs Umi's mouth.)

The two hid behind a wall as they eavesdropped on them.

Hanamaru: Phew! You actually fulfilled your promise, Chika-chan!!

Chika: I told you a while ago, right? After I shot You, Ruby, and Hanayo, I spared your life in exchange that we both work together to win this game!! I will tell you how I got this idea in the first place after this round!

Hanamaru: Yeah....I am so relieved you actually stayed true to your words.

Chika: I am also surprised how well done your acting is! I thought Yoshiko would've gotten you though!! By the way, where did you get that pistol?

Hanamaru: Oh this? Before I told everyone about what you did, I replaced You's gun with my gun. So the gun I am holding now is You's pistol.

Chika: Wow!! So picking up another person's gun is legal?!!

Hanamaru: A-Rise would have protested and announced it on radio if it was illegal, right? It turns out that "stealing" a gun used by anyone including the Detective's is allowed so long as the previous owner of said gun is already dead.

Chika: Oh!! That is so cool!! The others probably never got to figure that out though.

Hanamaru: Really?

Chika: Well, Eri and the others chased me all over and they each never fired a gun - in other words all of them have no guns.

Hanamaru: Oh. Hey, we should work together and kill them quickly then.


Before long, both Chika and Hanamaru coordinated a dual shootout. Clearly, they both tried a new tactic never done before - teaming up.

Dia and Umi quickly hid, luckily avoiding the sights of those two. They are both surprised about this and talked about it.

Umi: This is unbelievable!! To think they'd do this...

Dia: No wonder why Chika was around nearby a while ago and got Mari in the process!

Umi: It actually makes sense....Innocents could also choose to assist the Murderer if they wanted to. And so far, A-Rise does not seem too concerned about this....

Dia: Shit! Isn't this against the rules!!?

Umi: Nope, it is not considering A-Rise did not announce anything that banned this. Otherwise, they probably would have magically blown someone's hearts out. Literally.

Dia: Ridiculous!! No wonder they did not want to update this game!! They probably waited for something like this to happen!!?

Umi: I guess you're right....hmmm...Hanamaru shot Yoshiko, so we cannot be sure if she is a Murderer. Only a Murderer can use her knife.

Dia: I am not sure of anything anymore......

Umi: Hey, can I trust you? As much as I wanna go out and tell Eri, Kotori, Nozomi, and Riko about this....I feel that something might be up with them as well.

Dia: What do you mean?

Umi: If Chika and Hanamaru teamed up, there is a chance that someone in Eri's group has already struck a deal with one of them. Perhaps the same can be said for Honoka, Nico and Kanan who all are still missing. If we warn them, we might find ourselves as targets. So, can I trust you?

Dia: But...Umi, why would you come to that conclusion? I have a weird feeling you want to do this. What if you are the Murderer?

Umi: Sigh.....alright, I respect your judgement. I will let you do things on your own then -

Dia: NOOO!!! WAIT!!! F-fine. Like I have a choice!! I do not even know who is Innocent or Murderer anymore!! I think killing everyone is the best choice. Count me in!!

Umi: Thanks, Dia. I truly believe the others are probably thinking the same thing. I truly hate how this game is affecting our fellow friends.

Dia: Alright....let us try to avoid anyone as much as we can, especially Chika....try not to kill me if you are the Murderer....

Umi: .......let's just go...

Dia and Umi have decided to become a team (whatever happens) and fight everyone. Their goal is to finish their ribbon hunting and find a gun to help themselves.

Back at Eri's group, Kotori and Nozomi talk while Riko and Eri find ribbons. So far, the group has only managed to gather four - they still need to two before one of them can pull a pistol out.

Nozomi: Dia and Umi are taking a long time now, huh?

Eri: Should we look for them?

Kotori: Ummm...I don't wanna risk calling them all the way here. It might attract attention.

Eri: I guess four of us is still enough to catch Chika.

Amidst discussion, Riko caught a glimpse of someone looking at them from a corner whilst she looked for ribbons.

Riko: Guys, I just saw Honoka!!

Nozomi: Where?!!

Riko: Over there!!

Eri: Everyone group up! Let me scout ahead.

Eri cautiously walked to peek over the hallway. She is aware that none of them still has enough ribbons to use their pistols. When she peeked, Chika saw her and narrowly managed to blast her eye.

Eri: Chika is over there!!

Riko: What!!?

Kotori: Wait, why is Honoka not -

Eri: Probably working for Chika. And most likely unarmed otherwise she'd shot Riko a while ago. Chase Chika now!!

Nozomi: Chika has not yet known that we are two girls less. We have to go!!

Eri and her group chased Chika and once again Chika ran away. This time, the girls are able to catch up to her.

Kotori: Chika you can't escape this time!!!

Riko: Come here you orangehead!!

They pursued her into a long hallway with one room located at the front. Chika intentionally slowed herself down - then she dropped down the floor.

Eri: Wait, what?!

Riko: Chika just tripped over!! Capture her now!!

But then....


The door of that one room opened - Hanamaru appeared and shot back at the group now taken by surprise.

Hanamaru: This time, I can do this!! (Shoots back about four times)

Eri: NOOO!! Everyone, retreat -

Hanamaru succeeded in shooting and killing Kotori in the process. Chika turned back and shoots them to - taking Riko out.

Eri and Nozomi remained alive as they withdrew back to the southern sector whilst Chika and Hanamaru pursued them.

Nozomi: Yoshiko is right! Hanamaru is a traitor - which should also mean that Yoshiko is dead now too!

Eri: Crap, you're right. Listen, both of us must find ribbons no matter what!! Also, if any of us see Dia and Umi, get them to help us out! We need to win this round via a gunfight!

Nozomi: Alright! Let's split up!

The two seperated successfully and managed to escape from Chika and Hanamaru. Nozomi headed back to the southwestern sector.

Eri ran all the way to the central sector. She found one ribbon inside a small room with one bed. She picked it up and counted what she gathered - she finally had six ribbons. She picked her pistol and readied for action.

She went outside aiming her gun at all times. She moved cautiously.

When Eri walked to one pathway, Kanan saw her pass by - she sneaked behind her and shot Eri from behind.

Meanwhile, Nozomi is running away as fast as she could. She met up with Dia and Umi.

Umi: Nozomi!! Where are the others?!!

Nozomi: We've been shot!! Chika and Hanamaru are the ones who attacked us!

Umi: Really?

Nozomi: Yes. Come with me so we can take her out.

The two looked at each other and nodded. They decided to do what they have to do.

Umi: Sorry.

Dia: Forgive us.....Nozomi...

Nozomi: What do you -

Dia shot Nozomi, not willing to trust her.

Dia: Sorry Nozomi, we cannot risk you lying to us.

The two felt uncertain with this move, but they believed Nozomi killed the others after the "lie" that Hanamaru just made with them a while ago.

Umi: ......this is wrong....

Dia: I am honestly not enjoying this either, you know.

Dia and Umi proceeded to group up and kill everyone, refusing to trust anyone. Meanwhile, Chika and Hanamaru moved on to look for more survivors after killing Eri, Kotori, and Riko.

They're unaware that this is what the Murderer had planned - and she is gradually reaping the benefits.

Current streak: 6 additional deaths (Yoshiko, Mari, Nozomi, Kotori, Eri, and Riko) Including the previous incidents, there are eleven deaths overall.

Suspects: Chika and Hanamaru. Kanan, Nico, and Honoka all fall under suspicion as well. Dia and Umi might also need to be watched - one of them might be pretending.


A/N: I will let you guys know why it took this long to publish this.

1. I had to update my other novels, especially that I am slowly trying out transferring my novels to Quotev, another fanfic site which I hope will bring people more awareness with my story.

2. NO INTERNET!! PERIOD! You should know how painful it is for me - I cannot update or publish at all.

3. For about four days, I GOT SERIOUSLY SICK!! Can you imagine vomiting and having bathroom problems at that time? I thought I was gonna die - severe headache, feeling both hot and cold, painful stomach, and a feeling like a knife just stabbed me when I try to vomit. It turned out my illness is due to food (or water) poisoning (probably due hot weather). But it's okay, I AM FINE NOW GUYS! I am now back to normal.

By the way, I have renamed this page and the previous one Game 5 instead of 6. I probably counted a bit too far ahead so that is why that happened. Anyway, keep commenting on who you think is the murderer - next chapter will reveal who she is.

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