❥ Four Leaf Clover [Midorima x Reader]

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Midorima grabbed a sandwich from the basket as he took a bite and munched on it, he chewed on the bread and swallowed it, doing it few times until there were no more crumbs left on his taped hand.

"Did you like it?" You asked him, curiosity piquing up your interest.

"I-It's not bad, nanodayo." He replied as he pushed the rim of his glasses up.

"You can just say yes if you liked it." You wanted to hear his opinion of your cooking yet he wouldn't admit it.

The two of you were having a picnic in the park, today was Saturday, meaning there were no classes. You didn't want to spend your day in the house so you invited him.


"Hey Shintaro, are you free tomorrow?"

You called Midorima last night on the phone as you stood on the balcony connecting to your room, you looked up at the starry skies above.

"Yes, I am." He replied which caused you to smile from happiness. "Why did you asked, nanodayo?"

"Do you have plans for tomorrow? If none, let's go on a picnic!" You cheerfully stated.


"Yeah! I'll make all of your favorites!"

Midorima paused for awhile as you could hear him hum, it was like he was thinking if he would go with you.

"I...I...I guess I've just gotta go! I'm super busy, but I'll come! I'm busy, but I guess. What choice do I have?"

"No, if you're busy, I can just ask Takao to have a picnic with me."

"I said I'll come, didn't I?!"

After his sudden outburst that almost made your eardrums destroyed by the shouts, he hangs up the call, leaving you confused in why he was grumpy.

"Here, have some drink." You stated as you handed him a cold red bean soup in a tumbler.

He took it from your hands as he twisted the cup open, he chugged down the drink. He stopped drinking and closed the cup.

"How was the red bean soup? I tried to make it taste like the ones you buy in the vending machines...so what do you think?" You asked him, trying to get his opinion.

"It tastes fine." He replied as you sighed from unsatisfied answer that he gave you.

Nowadays, not bad and fine means good, right? You just wanted to hear him say that your foods and drinks that you make are delicious.

"What's your lucky item for today, Shintaro? I haven't seen you holding anything though..." You asked.

"Oh, it's actually a four leaf clover. Now that you mentioned it...I haven't had it yet." He stated.

Now this was weird. Midorima doesn't have his lucky item? He usually does, well, he always ordered for Takao to get it for him when he doesn't have the item with him.

"This is bad! I have to find a four leaf clover right now!" He said as he stood up from the blanket placed down the grass and started looking around.

It was a good thing that you two were at the park, there were lots of grass surrounding you, this could help him search for his lucky item.

"[First name], help me find it!" He told you, asking for help.

"Of course, I'll help. Your life is in danger if you don't have your lucky item daily, right?" You nodded while giggling.

"Yes, that is true. My life is in danger if I don't have my lucky item nanodayo." He said seriously as he begun searching for a four leaf clover.

You can't tell if he was serious or just kidding, he is really a die-hard fan of Oha-Asa Horoscopes.


"Ugh, I can't find one!" You whined as the two of you were searching for a four leaf clover for quite awhile now.

"Don't give up, [First name]. They're might be one laying around here." He said as he kept searching for his lucky item, rigorously.

You kept brushing the grass and searched around the huge fields, then you stopped for awhile, getting tired.

"Sure enough, happiness isn't something you come by easily."

Midorima turned to you after hearing what you just said. "What are you talking about, [First name]?"

"No, it's nothing." You shook your head and proceeded in looking again.

Then something caught your eye as you get hold of it in your hands, you walked towards Midorima with a smile on your face.

"Shintaro! Look at what I've found!" You called him.

He stopped looking and turned towards you as you stopped right in front of him. He stood up and faced you. "Did you found it?"

"No, it's not that! Look!"

You opened your hands as a white butterfly came flying out, it flied towards the sky as you followed its every movement.

"It's pretty, isn't it?" You giggled.

"That isn't a four leaf clover, nanodayo!" He scowled, expecting that you finally found it.

"Well, you can't blame me...it's hard to find one in a huge fields like this!" You pouted as you folded your arms across your chest.

In the corner of your eyes, you saw that the butterfly that you held earlier was flying with another butterfly in the sky. Being a simple girl you were, you simply smiled from that.

"Look, another butterfly appeared! They must be friends."

Suddenly, there was a dark creepy aura radiating behind your back. You flinched as you slowly turned around and saw Midorima who looked like hell itself.

"Four. Leaf. Clover." He emphasized each word as you nodded in reply and dropped on your knees, you began searching right away.

Few moments later of searching for Midorima's crappy lucky item - you finally found one.

It was in a place that people can't actually notice unless your searching for it, you called out the guy who wanted to get his lucky item.

"What is it now, [First name]? If it's just butterflies again, I'll ignore you the next time you called me out." Midorima stated as he walked towards you with a frown on his face.

"I found it, Shintaro!" Your lips curved in a smile as you showed him a four leaf clover that you were holding in your hands.

He was surprised as he took it from you, he looked at it intently - it was the real deal.

"A four leaf clover as a lucky item, huh? That's kind of amazing!" You stated as he looked at you.

"What do you mean amazing?" He asked, raising an delicate eyebrow. "I'm just providing the lucky items for everyday, nanodayo."

"Huh? You don't know?"

"I don't know what?"

"What a four leaf clover means?"

He shook his head in reply, you just smiled before explaining what his lucky item was all about.

"A clover leaf with four leaflets, rather than the typical three, thought to bring good luck. It's like a good luck charm and it's really hard to find!"

Midorima hums in reply, "Is that true? I didn't know there was such a thing."

"Four leaf clovers are lucky, they say. Since it's your lucky item—you can have it. I'm sending and sharing some good luck in your way." You stated.

Then his lips curved in a smile as he looked at you with his green eyes, this was your first time to see him smiling so honestly. And you have to admit that - it was kinda cute.

"You're like a four leaf clover. Rare to find, but lucky to have."

He cups your cheek as leaned down and kissed your lips, you were surprised at first but then you closed your eyes and kissed back.

Midorima leaned back as he caressed your face while looking at you lovingly, really, it was your first time to see him acting like this. He is a tsundere carrot for Pete's sake!

"I don't hate you, [First name]."

"So that means you love me?"

"Y-Yeah, nanodayo."


The wind suddenly blew and took the four leaf clover from Midorima's hand, it flew back down to the ground and blended with the grass.

A horrified expression was written on his face as he lost his lucky item that he just received from you.



Midorima sure is a tsundere carrot. Hoped you like the chapter though!

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