❥ Match Making [Kise x Reader]

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Kise introduced you to his two older sisters, just like him, they were good looking and annoying. They were like the female version of him, but you were completely fine about it since Kise always pesters you and you finally got used in his attitude.

"Let's play dress up, [First name]-chii!"

"Yeah, yeah. You come too, Ryota-chii."

Also just like Kise, the sisters add the suffixes of -chii by the end of their names and add -suu by the end of their sentence. Well, they were siblings, of course they share the same quirks.

"D-Dress up? Aren't we too old for that, Nee-san?" Kise asked, not wanting to play dress up again.

"Nothing is too old for dress up!"

"I have tons of makeup kit too, we'll make you two really pretty."

Of course, you were completely against the idea of dress up and makeup but since they had the aura of I'm older than you so you should listen. You didn't have much choice but to agree.

"Why? [First name]-chii?!" Kise whines as you gave him an apologetic look, without anymore further ado, the sisters took you upstairs with him.


The sisters gave you two a complete makeover, you looked in the body mirror and saw your reflection, if you could describe yourself in one word, it would be;


You were wearing a [favorite color] dress with frills at the ends, high [favorite color] stockings, [favorite color] doll shoes and your hair was filled with various ornaments and was arranged in a [hair style]. Though it was hard to move in such a dress.



The blonde sisters hugged you tightly as you were being crushed in between them, just like Kise, he hugs you really tight that you can't breathe.

"Hey, Nee-san! Stop doing that!" Kise pulled your wrist and dragged you away from his sisters' grip. "You're crushing [first name]-chii to death!"

"That's unfair, Ryota! Don't take her away from us!" (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾

"Admit it, you're just jealous!" (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)

"What are you two talking about? I'm not jealous!" .°(ಗдಗ。)°.

Then you turned to Kise who was standing beside you, he was wearing a cute pink dress with frills at the ends, white stockings and pink doll shoes. He also had a light make up that fits his looks and he looked really adorable. You stifled a laugh as he turned to you.

"What's so funny, [First name]-chii?!"

You shook your head. "It's nothing, Kise. You look really cute."

His face turned bright red as he realized your were complimenting his dress and makeup, he became embarrassed all of the sudden.

"No! Stop teasing me, [First name]-chii! I'm not cute!" (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾

"Oh, yes you are." (๑╹ω╹๑ )

"You're the one who's cute!" (〃ω〃)

You blushed after Kise blurted that, you felt something coiled in your stomach and only to realize that they were butterflies. It seems like he also realized this, so he adverted his gaze away from you, blushing.

"Ah, I see...thanks." You softly stated, loud enough for him to hear as he nodded his head in reply.

The sisters looked at the both of you who were blushing furiously and avoiding eye contact, they already knew that you two are lovey-dovey for each other.

A glint of mischief formed in the sisters' eyes as they thought of a plan to get you two together, since it was a pain to see the both of you so oblivious of each other's feelings.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Oh, you bet I do."

They were whispering to each other silently, then they began grinning ear-to-eat before saying.

"Shall we push them together?"


You stood at the entrance of the amusement park while waiting for Kise and his sisters arrival, they sent you an email last night that they'll be going there and wanted you to come along with them.

Since they asked nicely, who are you to refuse? Plus, you wanted to use this opportunity to get closer to the love of your life and to his sisters.

Few moments later, Kise finally arrived as he ran towards you, panting heavily. He stopped when he finally reached you. That's when you realized that he was alone.

"Good morning, Kise." You greeted him as he was catching his breathe.

For a basketball player himself, he had a low endurance if you would say. As he finally catch his breathe, he stood up straight and smiled at you.

"Good morning to you as well, [First name]-chii!" He replied.

"Where are your sisters?"

"Oh, they said that they were gonna go shopping spree with their friends so they won't be able to come."

"They're the ones who asked me out and they're not coming...?"

"Well, you see, a friend of theirs texted them late at night about that. They felt bad about not being able to come with us...they also didn't want to cancel it so here we are now."

You just nodded, understanding. Since his sisters weren't here, you two will have to spend the day with each other.

Which means...this could practically mean one thing.

A date with your crush.

The two of you realized this fact as the both of you blushed furiously while walking side-to-side with each other.

Little did you know, that there were some blonde girls who had their eyes on the two of you since the beginning.

"Hurry up! We're gonna lose sight of them if you don't hurry!" (*'Д`*)

"I know that, it's just hard to run in high heels, y'know!" (つД')ノ

Yes, the sisters who said that they couldn't come, are here in the amusement park - stalking the two of you as your date proceeds in action.


Kise and You walked around the place, playing some of the games held in the stalls and winning some prizes along the way. It was fun, but the more you spend time with him, the more you fall in love with him. It also has the same effect on him too.

"No, you can't go towards them! We will just observe them and make sure that their date goes well!"

"B-But...I also wanted to have fun with our little brother! It's unfair that [First name]-chii gets all the fun!"

"Why are you complaining now? You are the one who wanted this to happen, so stop yapping."

"I know...but...but!"

"No buts, you better shut up before they actually spot us."

The two of you went somewhere as the sisters followed you secretly, still keeping a distance between the two of you and in a disguise.

Then you excused yourself to take a break in the bathroom as he just nodded in reply, waiting for you outside. Minutes later, you walked out of the comfort room and walked towards him.

"Kyaah! It's Kise-kun!"

"I finally got to meet him in flesh! You're so handsome!"

"I bought all of your magazines, please give me your autograph!"

You have completely forgotten that Kise is a famous model and he has lots of fangirls who were crazy for him, you were also one of his fangirls too. But luckier.

"Um...everyone, I'm sorry...but I'm with someone..." Kise stated as he was being surrounded by his fangirls.

Then he finally noticed you from the crowd, he walked towards you and pulled you towards him as he slides his arm around your shoulder.

"I'm here with someone today, I wanted some privacy for awhile so I would appreciate it if you girls give us some time alone." He told them off.

The fangirls didn't liked the idea of him hanging out with you, but since they didn't want him to get on their bad side, they simple followed and scrammed away.

"I'm really sorry about that, [First name]-chii. I'm so handsome that they couldn't help it..." He joked around.

"Oh, shut it." You pushed his arm away from your shoulder.

"So where do you want to go next?" He changed the subject.

"Hm, what is the best attraction here anyways?" You asked.

"Best attraction...? I heard there is one here, and it is supposed to be really scary." He answered.

You gulped, knowing where this was going. He showed you the best and main attraction - The Hunted House.

"This is...the best attraction...?" Your face turned pale.

"Y-Yeah, I think so..." Kise's face also turned pale.

The two of you could hear shouts and yells inside the hunted house, the both of you gulped, your knees were shaking in fear.

"S-Should we go in, Kise-kun...?"

"I-I don't know, do you want to go in there?"

"I'm asking y-you the question...don't ask back..."

"I j-just wanted to make sure if you were r-really up to this...I mean, you might be scared, right?"

"Scared?! Hah! You guess wrong, I'm not scared—I'll prove it to you!"

You grabbed Kise's hand as a blush appeared on his cheeks, but it soon faded when you dragged him in the hunted house. He didn't meant to tease you, he just wanted to make sure if you would really want to go inside. (Since he doesn't want to).

"W-Wait...were going in?!" He asked.

"Yeah...why? You scared?" You asked, smirking.

"Scared? Heh. No, I'm not." He replied as it was his turn to pull you in, you just followed.



The two of you shouted on top of your lungs as you and him were running for your lives towards the door exit.

"I'm not going to lie, I'm scared!" You stated, giving up the bravado.

"Me too, I'm also scared!" Kise admitted while running with you.

"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't suggested in coming here!"

"Why me?! Your the one who wanted to go in the best attraction in this place!"

"Also if you didn't teased me earlier about me being scared!"

"I wasn't teasing you! I was asking you if you can really handle it here!"

The two of you reached the exit and began panting heavily, trying to catch your breathe.

"I'm not going in this place anymore." Kise stated as he finally caught his breathe.

"Me too." You answered.

Then you two had an agreement in not coming in this scary place anymore, the both of you realized that you were scared and began laughing.


It was already 6:00pm at night, the skies turned dark as the stars appeared and the moon was shinning brightly above the starry skies.

"It's so pretty..." You said, admiring the view of the city lights below.

"But not as pretty as you." Kise suddenly said which made you blush.

"Y-You're joking aren't you?" You nervously laughed, trying to cover the blush on your face.

"What if I wasn't?" He stated.

Now this was weird, you were sure that he would just laugh at this and change the topic, but he didn't and pushed it.

The ferris wheel moved slowly as it stopped momentarily, you two were at the top of the ride, the cold wind of the air-condition slapped your skin as it made you chilly.

"[First name]-chii."

You looked at him with a blush spreading across your cheeks, your heart was beating really fast as he flashed you a smile.

"I think I have fallen in love with you!"

Your eyes widened, completely surprised by his love confession. Before you could recover from the shock, which he didn't give you the time to.

He leaned towards you and kissed your lips, suddenly, fireworks launched in the sky - adding much more mood to your romantic evening.

You can't hear anything except your heart palpitations, the loud fireworks outside and the rhythm of his breathing patterns.

He slowly leaned back, looking at your surprised face. He flashed you a smile and made it clear for you before you get the wrong idea.

"And I'm not joking."


The sisters saw their little brother kissing you in the ferris wheel, they were ridding the cockpit next to yours.

After seeing this, they began squealing and took out their phones and snapped many pictures.




Then once the ferris wheel came to an end, the sisters went out and saw Kise and you waiting for them to get out the cockpit.

"I knew you were following us." Kise stated as his sisters' sweat dropped.

"What? I thought they were going to shopping spree?" You asked him.

"H-Hey...fancy seeing you two here!"  One of the sisters stated while the other was quivering in fear.

"Why were you stalking us?" Kise heaved out a sigh.

"None of your business!" They stated simultaneously.

Then they took their phones and began teasing the new couple who kissed in the ferris wheel.

"So how was the kiss, Ryota?"



I don't know what are the names of Kise's older sisters are...but I hoped you like this chapter!

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