part 10

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Hello everyone am here with the update .

Thanks to everyone those who all voted for last part.

And guys sorry for not replying to the comments in the previous part , I was just busy with my exams , hope you all understand .please read the note at the end it is important .

This chappy is dedicated to ,on her request this part is updated .

Please ignore grammatical mistakes.

Happy reading .


Precap - jealousy feeling erupting in nandini's heart .

Manik - why are you angry now ?

Nandini angriy - really who stuffed that lunch in my bag and took away all my chocolates

Manik smirks - I don't know, I only put tiffin box in your bag , may be you ate them all and you dint knew when you finished

Nandini - what do you mean ? am lying

Manik - no , I didn't tell that right

Nandini - I don't know you are going to compensate for me

Manik - ok , I will so you are free for this whole week

Nandini- yes

Manik - why don't we go somehere , even it would be break for you

Nandini - no just want to lay in bed and fall in love with its warmth

Manik chuckles - sleepy head

Nandini smiles at him , it was first time she saw him laughing

Manik - why are you seeing me like am alien ?

Nandini - you are weird, I mean the first time I met you you shouted on me ,and today you are , no offence but after seeing that hulk mode of yours anyone in my place do be shocked to see you like this

Manik - ummm nandini

Nandini - you want to ask something ?

Manik - how do you know

Nandini smirks - am smart now tell me what you wana tell?

Manik - actually I started my buissness here and for that success the company with whom I made my deal have invited me for celebration , so I dont have a date

Nandini - you want me to accommodate you ?

Manik - yes and breathes out

Nandini looks at him blankly , manik gets tensed seeing no reaction from her .

Manik - umm nandni its fine I will go alone , you dont need to bother yourself

Nandini slaps him on his arm - didi I tell you no

Manik - then it means a yes with a smile

Nandini - I didn't tell that , it's a yes and a no

Manik confused - what ?

Nanidni - I don't have formal , long gown dresses like that i have all shorts and jeans regular wear types .

Manik chuckles - then I would take it as yes , I will call the designer he would arrange dress for you .

Nandini - are you sure

Manik - 101./.

Nandini - then am in

Manik - nandini

Nandini scrolling down her phone - hmmm

Manik - the party is in the evening

Nanidni shouts - what are you crazy ?

Manik - why are getting hyper

Nandini - oh god , manik you wont understand you now how much it will take me to make myself look presentable , you wont know manik you are a boy all you have to wear is suit , gel up your hair, spray perfume, then wear your watch there you're a gentle man with in 10 minutes .

Manik laughs on hearing her words

Nandini pov - I am successful in my plan , from now on you will be always laughing manik.

Manik - so lets have some snacks now , then we can go to your appartment and go to party

Nandini tensed - umm no manik actually I have to go to for my part time job .

Manik - nandini listen to me , is it neccesaary for you to do job

Nandini - yes , manik see in your life everything was served to you but am not you so I have to , and I wanna have some work experience and by sitting in home I bore myself, and I want to be independant ,and here when am getting the opportunity how shall I loose it .

Manik sighs - you can study nandini

Nandini rolls her eyes - will you drop me near libray

Manik - is your work place near by from there

Nandini - yes/no ?

Manik - ok I will , but night I want to know everything

Nandini - fine


Manik - nandini

Nanidni - yes

Manik - take care , but what work you do atleast tell me that ?

Nandini pov - no don't tell , that you work as waitress in coffee where boys wolf whistle at you , he do become once again a possessive beast and I cant bare that

Nandini - as a cashier

Manik pov - but aman told as waitress right , is nandini lying , no why would she lie I think amna did some mistake hmm , I wont ask her now if I will she will kick me that is for sure ,and a prince getting kicked by a girl , oh no how shame ful it is even to hear

Manik - ok , bye take care , call me when your shift is done , I will pick you

Nandini smiles at him - thanks

Manik waits till nandini enters the coffee shop, then later he also moves away from there to boutique in search of dresses for her


Nandini pov - I am controlling my anger , or else i would have punches that bastard on his gut and he woud have been dead by now

Guy whistling at her - hey hotty take my order over here

Nandini mutters - bloody morons, more 30 minutes keep calm

Nandni then goes towards them - yes sir (sternly )

Guy- you

Nandini snaps - what ?

Guy - one night and take this balnk cheque

Nandini slaps him hard and throws the cheque at his face - you are here our customer or else I would have not hesitated to kick you over there , next time don't you dare speak to any girl like that

Nandini angrily turns away , but the guy was angry now his eyes fell on nandini's uniform which was backless at the above and a string was holding down her top

Guy smirkingly - now let me see how you will hide your shame ?and walks back of nandini he has hold on it , nandini was unaware of it because she was busy taking the other table's orders

The guy pulls down the string , nandini feels her top to be loosened , she was holding tray in her hand and her top would fall down , tears made her way through her eyes , but nandini's top didnt fall ,she turns back to see a angry manik holding the strings of her top ,and the guy galring at manik

Nandini whispers - manik

Manik angrily looks at her he tied her string , then covers her with his coat , later punches the guy badly making him loose conscious with his one blow itself , but manik didn't stop , he punched his face , kicked the hell out of him making him bleed like a dead animal .

Manik calls his guard - third degree treatment , the guards nods ta him and take the guy away

Manik then looks at nandini who was crying and gazing the floor, he pulls her by his arms and drags her out of the coffee shop

Nandini slowly - manik

Manik angrily - not now , you have lots of explanation to me but not here

Nandini nods at him , because she knows how angry he is now and she don't want another explosion of his .

Nandini silently follows him in his car , the whole car ride both were silent, manik was controlling his anger , he was holidng the steering so tightly that his veins were visible , nandini saw that she was not a frightened mouse , soon they reach appartment and manik pulls nandini with him to their room and locks the door

Manik shouts cryingly - why ?

Nanidni was shocked seeing him crying , she was expecting him that he will all snap at her , but he was crying

Nandini - manik

Manik shouts - no don't manik me , why did you lie ?

Nandini stays silent

Manik angrily breaks the table near by him - lie? Why? I asked you to trust me , share with me as a friend , but no you cheated me like her

Nandini - no

Manik shouts - no you cheated me like soha , even she lied like this

Nandini then realizes that what her small lie did? she had to now control him ,once again pacify him , she hurt him another time , he was thinking that history was repeating with once again.



For my updates of book , stay tuned to my IG ACCOUNT , and I follow back my readers .

Do lots and lots of comment guys .

How was the chappy ?

Few words for manik

Few words for nandini ?

NOTE -hey guys I got a challenge from one of my friend , telling that I should potray manik and nandini in a muslim love story , it sounds interesting , right but I have to change their names and am ok with it , but the problem is that I don't know which theme I must apply can you please suggest me the theme, names for manik and nandini , and how many chapters book you want , the story plot is already in my mind I just need to edit it down , hope that you people will support me in this , looking forward for help from all my readers especially muslim readers, do please help me guys .

If you don't want the story its fine , you are free to tell that ,and guys please respond it means a lot to me . and no update till completion of targets

Next update on completion of 180 votes and 60 comments


Manik is only mine


Ok guys guess the promo ,(am so evil I know that please no cursing)

Till then


Take care ,

Love you all ,

Bye .


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