Part 13

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Happy reading .


Nandini was still on bed , she was snoring a little , manik entered her room and found the sight to be adorable , he didn't want to wake her but it was christmas today and they had many plans piled up for today

Manik pats nandini's cheek a little – nandini nanidni

Nandini – please manik go out I want to sleep

Manik – ok then am going as you forgot our christmas shopping

Hearing this nandini was wide awake

Nandini shouts- no wait ,am coming

Manik laughs at her – in this night dress

Nandini – no and runs to bathroom

Nandini then peeps out of bathroom – manik for today in breakfast I want pancakes with lots of and lots of chocolate syrup and nutella

Manik – and you are not getting that and walks out of the room

Nandini shouts –why ?

Manik – because I have made waffles today with omlette

Nandini – ugghhhhhhhh , I so hate this donkey but at the same time he is so cuete , I cant help my life without chocolate at any cost

Manik pov – this girl has an obsession of chocolate for 24 hours , now she might be using her mouth with dirty words and praising me

Nandini soon changes into a beautiful winter dress and makes manik heart skip a beat

Manik pov – she looks good in every dress

Nandini smirks at him – I know am always looking good

Manik – don't you think so much of self praise is not good

Nandini – ahhaa, right but you always need to have self confidence in you

Manik chuckles at her use of words – ok waffles

Nandini looks at him angrily – no I need nutella or chocolate chip pancakes

Manik – I will make it tomorrow

Nandini – no I want it now , yesterday you also said the same words

Manik sighs –ok if you have waffles I will give you this chocolate milkshake and shows her milkshake

Nandini eyes twinkle seeing that

Nandini – ok and muffles her waffles in a go , making manik shocked

Manik – you completed

Nandini smiles at him brightly – yes

Manik shakes his head in disbelief and gives her chocolate milk , nandini eagerly haves a sip of it only to glare at him

Manik – what ?

Nandini angrily – manik you know in this the very less amount of chocolate is there

Manik folds his hands – take it or leave it

Nandini didn't drink it and angrily walks out

Manik – damn this girl


Manik – nandini which is the best ?

Nandini does not give him answer and looks at other dresses for herself and looks in the mirror

Manik – you know if you ignore me , I will leave you all alone here

Nanidni – boooo I got scared really , I can help by myself you can go

Manik – and how would you help yourself

Nandini smirks at him- see

Nandini walks upto a random guy and winks at manik , making him angry

Nandini – excuse I came here with my friend but I lost my way can you please help me

Boy – oh sure , it would be great to help you a beautiful lady like you

Nandini now looks at manik , who was balling his fist angrily even she got scared when she saw him coming in her direction angrily

Nandini pov – oh shit I think it became too much

Manik angrily – no need ,am here for her now

Boy –and who are you ?

Nandini – umm he is my

Manik angrily - boy friend

Boy – ohh lucky guy to have a girl like her

Nandini pov – when did I become his girl friend ? not even in my dreams he asked me out

Manik angrily – yes even if you want to be lucky go home and celebrate christmas with your family then get out of sight before I kill you

The boy runs away in fear , manik pulls nandini with him to food court

Manik angrily sits on the chair

Nandini –a m hungry

Manik shouts –waiter

Nandini pov – he is like a volcano now

Waiter – yes sir

Manik – take her order

Nandini pov – even I will see how long you will give me this silent treatment

Nandini – I need a large thick chocolate milkshake with extra chocolate on top , and burger , French fries

Waiter – sir yours

Manik sternly – nothing

Nandini pov – he didn't react , is he for real ?

Nandini – no one cares about me and looks at manik

Manik looks at her angrily and takes out his phone and dugs his face in it

Nandini – when people are beside you , it's a bad manner to use phone

Manik didn't give a damn to her words and looks at his phone and smiles , nandini in anger snatches her phone making him more angry

Manik angrily – nanidni give me the phone

Nanidni – no and looks at his phone , to find her childhood pic in his phone

Nandini – where did you get it ?

Manik snatches the phone – none of your buissness

Nandini – manik will you speak with me or not

Manik does not budge at her question , making her angry

Nandini – I want to go to home

Manik snaps his head – fine

Nandini – I want to go back to india

Manik –what ?

Nandini crying – I want to go back to mama

Manik angrily – and why is that ?

Waiter comes and serves nandini her milkshake and burger

Nandini angrily – because of this and pours all milk shake on manik's head , making him clown over there

Manik was baffled , never he saw her this angry

Nandini was walking away , manik was going to follow her

Waiter – sir bill

Manik glares at him and throws money on his afce

Manik shouts – nandini nandini

Nandini was now running

Manik pov –what shall I do with this girl ?

Nandini was now where found now , manik asked the security to check the cctv and then he fund nandini sitting outside , he ran because he didn't want to miss her now

Manik taking deep breathes – nandini

But nandini was busy in her own world , there was a small smile playing on her lips

Manik was confused with her behaviour and looks in her direction and found a mother playing with her daughter

Manik pov – she misses her mom , I should have known

Manik puts his hand on her shoulder – nandini

Nandini comes out of her world and looks at him quickly wipes her tears

Manik – missing mom

Nandini just nods

Manik – ohk am sorry

Nandini looks at him – for what ?

Manik – for morning and then in here am sorry

Nandini – am sorry too

Manik -why are you sorry is it for milkshake?

Nandini glares at him – no am not sorry for the milkshake , but for being stubborn in morning you only told for my good even if mom would have been here she would have done same what you did and then that guy I was wrong I should not have ignited you

Manik wraps his arms around her and pulls her body by his side - you know the amount of chocolate you eat will surely cause you teeth decay and that guy I was angry because he was taking your picture when you were talking to him ,and sorry that I said I will leave you , I will never leave you I was just kidding

Nandini smiles at his words – then why didn't you kick that guy

Manik chuckles – because I know you don't like people who pick fights , even in your high school you were away from it , I was observing from you from many years then why would'nt I know this ?

Nandini – do you know everything ?

Manik – mostly why ?

Nandini – nothing we will talk about it later , but my shopping didnt complete and here its evening now

Manik laughs – who told its complete what ever dresses you tried I purchased it

Nandini looks at him gaping – all

Manik pulls her cheek – yes

Nandini – but you didn't even spare me a glance then how do you now that what did I like?

Manik – I did spare you a glance I know you like the red jumper a lot

Nandini looks at him disbelief – you are one of a quiet observant

Manik – ok lets go to home now

Nandini – manik do you miss your parents

Manik stops over there – I don't know the answer for this question nandini , may be or may not I never saw them after I was born they were dead in accident so I was brought up in boarding school and my realtives they were back of my wealth so I broke all my relations with them after I turned 18. but at times I feel jealous when I see others with their mother , even I feel jealous from you when I see priya aunty and you the way she caress you , loves you , you are a lucky one .

Nandini looks at him wide eyed – am sorry to ask

Manik – but am not alone now

Nandini – what ??

Manik holds her hands – because now you are with me

Nandini looks at him lovingly , his eyes spoke truth , there was admiration , love for her in his eyes

nandini hugs him tightly after 10 minutes

Manik – nandini why are you hugging me so much , are you feeling cold

Nandini laughs at his question – no

Manik – then

Nandini – because you smell of chocolate

Manik looks at her amusedly – seriously you are hugging e because I smell like chocolate may be even in next few minutes you will lick /kiss me thinking that I may taste like chocolate

Nandini glares at him and leaves – no am not that stupid

Manik laughs at her – I know , I know that is why you did your 10 class project on chocolate house you even made one , by the time you took it to school it melted away then when people came to you ,and you were licking the chocolate from your fingers .

Nandini stomps her feet – I so hate you

Manik – really

Nandini – yes

Manik – then this will explain and tickles her making her laugh at loudest

Nandini – manik no please its paining

Manik – you hate me na

Nanidni – no please ok I dont hate you

Manik – good and leaves her

Both of them had a contended smile on their faces


Soha – see the girl over there , you have to tarp her on new year night

Guy – ok

Soha – now I will also see how manik will bear another betrayal ,and this time I will provide my shoulder for you to cry and smirks evily at them .


Done with the update guys hope you all like it 

next update on completion of 200 votes and 60 comments 


Love you all



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