Love Me Hold Me Part 1

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Gauri Please Listen to me! "Omkara said while running after his furious wife.She had seen him and his old flame Ishana ideally talking by the pool side when in the exact Moment Gauri wanted to greet them Ishana deliberately tried to hit on Omkara; knowing that he was married and considering the fact that he had just accepted her apology for lying to him all this time ago. For Omkara it seemed like a lifetime ago, that he had liked Ishana.Gauri tried hard to fight her tears. She was insecure because she knew how much Omkara had loved Ishana and that her and another Girl Ridhima were the reason why Omkara had been so harsh to her in the beginning of their marriage. Gauri knew that he loved her now and that he tried his best to make it up to her but still seeing them both together in that position her heart broke; she trusted him but still she felt insecure enough to doubt that trust."I don't want to hear it okay? We have Guests. Gauri said but before she could disappear into thin air her husband got hold of her and pulled her into the room closest to them.Feeling his body brushing against hers for a Minute Gauri forgot how angry she was. All she could think of was his body and his breath on her face. She wanted him to kiss her, to take away all those insecurities but she was too shy to voice out her desire.Omkara sighed with relief as he noticed the visible change of her emotional state.He knew she felt his body against hers, the way he felt her and couldn't help but smile."I swear on our Love, she tried to initiate any intimacy. I don't love Ishana Gauri, I love you. I just want to kiss you, make Love to you. You are my everything. How can you for a second believe that I would want her? She is nothing next to you, you are all I ever wanted in a life partner. Omkara whispered against her lips and felt her quiver in need. Despite their love declaration a few months ago they still haven't been physically intimate. He knew she needed time after everything they have been through it was a wonder she was still by his side. He appreciated each day she smiled at him; forgiving him for hurting her badly."I love you...Please don't ever leave me. I- I would die without you and your Love Om...I need you like the air I breath. Gauri said and looked into his eyes, their lips only inches apart.She wanted him, the way he wanted her, but despite a few kisses he never had initiated any intimacy fueling her insecurity. Didn't he want her the same way she wanted him? she thought. The room they entered was semi lit so she couldn't see him clearly but she was glad that he could not see her either. Because of their proximity she was blushing profoundly."I will never leave you. I will always Love you, Hold you. Till the day I die...Gauri...I..I need you, He said and rubbed himself against her, making her feel his desire for her.She felt shocked, he desired her? He wanted her like that? She knew he loved her till the moon and back but she did not know that he wanted to take their relationship to the next level. She felt tears in her eyes and stood on her tip toes pressing her lips against his.That was the only answer Omkara Singh Oberoi needed to claim her mouth.Gauri closed her eyes and sighed against his lips; giving him the much need entrance for his tongue. They fought the fight as old as time, their body's pressing against each other like there was no tomorrow. Omkara felt her Hands trying to get rid of his jacket and he happily obliged while kissed her neck and marking her as his for everyone to see.Gauri giggled and slowly opened each button of his Kurta not feeling shy anymore. She was ready. Omkara turned them around till her back reached the wall and pulled her up, her legs wrapping around his waist, feeling his hardened member against her most private part. Thank God she had worn a Dress with a high thigh slit making it easy for Om to position himself between her legs, only her undergarments and his pants in the way.Gauri moaned in pleasure and asked him to love her here and now. Before he could fulfill her wish, he heard his brother and sister in law calling for them. Both looked at each other horrified. They tried not to make any sound and waited for them to leave before he released her. Trying to adjust her dress, Gauri blushed remembering what she had just asked him in the heat of the moment. How could she be so shameless? But then why? She was a grown woman that wanted to be one with the man she loved. She shouldn't feel ashamed to feel that way. Omkara sighed defeated. Gauri caressed his cheek and smiled."The Party is almost over and then we can...continue maybe? If you want to. While speaking her fingers traced his lips and she pulled him down to suck on a spot on his neck.Omkara closed his eyes and hugged his tigress of a wife. He liked her like this, when she wasn't shy of demanding what she wanted. It made her even more compelling. Giving him more reasons to fall in love with her irreversibly. "I would love to. He whispered and then stepped back. He needed to calm himself down if he didn't want anyone to see his aroused body. "You should go first; I need a few minutes. Gauri giggled again hearing him and shyly left the room. Leaning against the door she caressed the spot on her neck that he had bitten. She could almost feel his hands again but before her thoughts and her desire could weaken her she quickly went to the main hall to entertain their Guests after all it was their first Marriage Anniversary they were celebrating."Gauri there you are we have been looking for you and Om for forever. Anika said and pulled Gauri aside. Gauri blushed slightly. "Well... We were occupied. I am sorry.Anika chuckled and said "Looks Like you will be the one to get pregnant next.Her Hand caressing her own swollen Abdomen. She was already in her 7th Month.Gauri blushed even harder. She had longed for a child ever since she heard that Anika was expecting but it was too soon for her and Omkara. Gosh they didn't even had had sex yet."Maybe. A male Voice said and wrapped his Hands around Gauri's Waist; causing her to smile. She turned and saw her Husband smiling lovingly at her."Maybe. Gauri confirmed happily and proceeded to talk to Anika and another Guest. They were having a blast until Gauri realized that Omkara's Finger went wandering, drawing Patters on her Arm, her neck, every inch of skin he could get hold of. Gauri tried not to react."Omkara, Gauri tell us how did you two meet? And was it love at first sight? "Vedika asked; One of the Oberois distant Cousins. Everyone who heard her question curiously turned to them and waited for the Love story of RiKara, that's how Vedika had called them earlier. Gauri looked at Om, wanting him to tell their story. She wanted to hear what he felt now about their first meeting, their marriage, their love.Omkara looked at Vedika with a smile and with a calm voice began narrating."Well the first Time I met Gauri was when I tried to tear down her Booth near a Temple at Bareilly. She was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen and the moment her eyes met mine, I knew we would cross paths again. That she was written into my destiny. She looked at me with so much Hate for a Minute I was afraid that this would be the only emotion in our Story. Omkara smiled remembering his undeniable Attraction even then.Gauri looked at him surprised; she never knew that he had found her beautiful back then. "What were your first thoughts on Om Bhaiya? Vedika asked Gauri eagerly.Gauri chuckled. "The Minute I saw him, I thought: That man is so arrogant. Walking into my village like he owned it. But then I looked into his eyes and for a minute I could see the kind of future we could have, if he was willing to take me as his bride, a girl from Bareilly that back then did not understand a single word in English. I saw that he had been hurt in the past and I just wanted to take away the shadows that seemed to follow him. But of course I got angry and started to fight with him.Omkara couldn't believe that she had seen right though him with just one look. She had known that he was hurt and bitter back then but hearing her say she had hoped to be a part of his future even then made his heart beat faster. Gauri snuggled closer to him."What happened then? Everyone else asked; hooked to the story."Well I climbed into the bulldozer he tried to use on the booths and destroyed his car. After that we met again and again. When Omkara married me, he saved me from a life full of misery, a life not worth living. In that instant he became my everything, my Husband and I knew I would cherish that relationship all my life. Your Omkara Bhaiya wasn't that sure in the beginning but slowly even he could help but fall in love with me hain na? Gauri continued and everyone laughed a little."Well you were intimidating with all this passion and this respect. I was scared I couldn't live up to your expectation so we had a few differences in the beginning but yes, even I couldn't help fall in love with you. And I have been falling in love with you ever since. Every day you give me a new and an old reason to love you Gauri Kumari Sharma. Omkara kissed her forehead causing everyone to go "aaawww."Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi. Gauri corrected him and looked into his eyes."That was so romantic Bhaiya! You are truly one of the sweetest guys on this world. Vedika said and slowly disappeared into the crowd along with their other family members.Anika smiled at Om and Gauri. She knew that their story was quite different from what they had shared with the rest of the world but she knew that this was their way of showing that the past laid in the past. Only the future mattered."I am proud of you Omkara. Anika said and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you Bhabhi. Without you and Shivaay I would have never understood myself, my feeling and especially my Marriage. You reminded me that back then I was the one preaching about Love but failed to Love. Omkara looked at the Woman his Brother loved the most in the world. She had always been like a sister to him and he had tried his best to be her supporter whenever needed. They shared a special bond."I thank you as well. You gave me my Billu. "I heard your talking about me? Shivaay hugged Anika from Behind and she blushed."I just told your Brother that you are the world's best Husband. And that our Daughter is eager to meet you in 3 Month.Shivaay smiled at his Wife and caressed her abdomen. Gauri took Omkara's Hand in hers and stepped closer to the three of them. "Bade Bhaiya...Thank you. Shivaay looked up surprised hearing Gauri's Words. Why did she thank him?"Why?"Because without you I would have never had the courage to fight for my marriage, to fight for my love. You made me believe in myself and helped me to complete my studies. " They smiled fondly at each other before Gauri embraced him in a sisterly hug.Just like Omkara and Anika even Gauri and Shivaay shared a special bond. He had been her strongest Ally in this household when she was fighting for Omkara and while trying to clear all the misunderstandings between them. Without him she would have been lost."Don't insult me by thanking me please. You are my sister, right? So I would do everything for you. Thank you for giving us our Omkara back. The two couples laughed and chatted for a little while more, before the Party was finally officially over. Omkara couldn't wait to be alone with his wife again to continue what had started hours ago. Just thinking about it made him go hard and he nearly sprinted into his room. Gauri was standing under the Shower when she felt Omkara's Hand on her waist."Om... she moaned softly as he turned her around and started kissing her neck."Now no one can disturb us. You are mine. Or rather you will be... he whispered against her skin and Gauri closed her eyes against the overwhelming feelings that overcame her.Her Fingers found the way into his hair and she softly bit him into his Shoulder; earning a growl from her Jatadhari Hippie. His lips grazed her breast, until he reached a sensitive spot right next to her navel. Gauri didn't know how much longer she would be able to handle his slow discovery tour. She wanted him; She needed him right now!"Please...Om...Make Love to me...Omkara smiled and started kissing her senselessly. He wanted her to feel nothing but Love and Hot desire. He wanted her to feel cherished, to make her feel good."I love you Gauri. His Hands lifted her up and she straddled him almost immediately.She sighed when she felt his naked Body against hers and Omkara slowly carried her onto their Bed; neither of them cared that they would drench the sheets. At this point all they wanted was to reach fulfillment, to be one in mind body and soul.As soon as her Back touched the Bed, Gauri turned and was on top of Omkara. Not for a second did she feel shy, how could she? He was her Husband, the Man who loved her no matter what. She could almost feel his hungrily gaze on her Body and sly smirked.Her Lips found his and slowly traveled down to his neck, biting and marking him the same way he had marked her earlier this evening. Om hissed in pleasure and found his hands steading her waist, if she would move anymore he couldn't hold back any longer."See what you have been doing to me the past weeks... She said against his chest and placed faint kisses all around his upper body, the minute her lips took one nipple into her mouth he flipped them around and positioned himself between her legs.Gauri gasped in shock and smiled. He was impatient her sweetest Husband."Love Me Om, Hold me till I forget everyone and everything except from our bodies.Omkara's Lips found hers again and he entered her with a clean thrust.Gauri shrugged in pain but any pain almost immediately turned into immense pleasure.She sighed and visible relaxed. He smiled apologetically and slowly started to move."Faster...Please... Om almost didn't hear her faint whispers and began moving faster.Soon both of them found their highest point of pleasure at the same time."That was definitely Worth the wait, don't you think? Omkara said chuckling and looked at his now satisfied wife. Gauri laughed and snuggled closer to him."I would have waited a lifetime for just a small moment of this wonderful Memory. Thank you for being in my Life. You gave me everything I asked for. I am so happy Om. Gauri said and rested her head on his chest. Omkara smiled into the darkness of their room.He should thank her instead. She had given him so many reason to enjoy Life, she was the reason he woke up every Day and the only clarity in his unstable family life. For a while neither of them spoke a word. They enjoyed the silence, that always spoke on their behalf. "I hope you get pregnant...Omkara said and turned to look at his wife.Gauri looked up at him; happily, shocked. She didn't know he too wanted to have children."Really? You would like to have children with me? She asked amazed.His fingers caressed her face ever so softly causing her to close her eyes."Of course Gauri. Just think about it, A Baby. Our Baby. The Fruit of our Love, a part of you and a part of me. I couldn't think of a greater Gift in Life. Hopefully we will have many children. I can't wait to be a father, the father to your Children-. Before he could finish, he felt her lips on his. He smiled and deepened the kiss already feeling the sheets given away, bearing her beautiful body to him once more. She was perfect, perfect for him.He couldn't understand how her body was almost tailor made for him. Every inch and every part belonged to him now, just like he belonged to her. They were one."Stop Talking and get to business...We should try again and again, right? She said smirking and pulled him onto her once again."Right...You are right my Wife. As always.And with that neither of them spoke another Word. Their Bodies spoke the oldest language in the history of time. The language of Love. Nothing else mattered.

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