Love Me Hold Me Part 2

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3 Month later

"Gauri? Omkara searched for his tiny little wife. He had been away for a week because of an art exhibition and he had missed her like Crazy. Chuckling to himself he recalled how eagerly he had awaited the end of the day to finally have his crazy woman pressed against him. Ever since their first intimate encounter they have been insatiable for each other.

Omkara entered his room and saw Gauri sleeping on the Bed, his picture in her hands.

A soft smile adored his lips and he carefully caressed her face; not wanting to disturb her peaceful sleep. As if she sensed him Gauri opened her eyes slowly and looked into her husband's face.

"Om! You are back. Almost immediately her Hands wrapped around his neck and she kissed him passionately. Omkara smiled before kissing her back.

"I missed you too... He whispered against her neck; causing her to blush. She knew he had missed her physically as well but before that she had to talk to him.

"Om Listen I have... Gauri started saying before they heard someone knocking.

"Who is it? Omkara asked and opened the Door.

Shivaay beamed and hugged his brother. Omkara smiled and hugged him back. Being away from his wife was one thing but being away from his brothers was the hardest.

"Kya Hua? Are you okay?

"Anika's Water Broke! The Baby is coming.

Gauri jumped from the Bed and ran to her husband and her brother in law.
"KYA? She screamed and pushed both of them out of her way to support her sister in law.

Omkara chuckled and he and Shivaay followed his wife to take Anika to the Hospital for her delivery.

Shivaay, Omkara and the Rest of the Family waited in front of the delivery room. Gauri was inside with Anika. 4 Hours already passed and there was still no sight of either one of them.

"Why is it taking so long? And Why should I wait outside? Shivaay asked his Family nervously. He wanted to be there with his wife. Omkara understood him and asked him to be patient. "Shivaay think about Anika. Maybe she is more comfortable with a woman inside.

Another Hour passed when they finally heard a loud scream. Almost immediately Shivaay knew that that was his daughter announcing to the World that she had finally come.

Seconds later a tired but equally Happy Gauri came out; holding a little baby in her arms.

"Bade Bhaiya here is your little princess. She handed him the Baby and tried hard not to cry.

She was very happy for Anika and Shivaay for finally holding their daughter in their arms.

Gauri knew how tired Anika was so she took it on herself to introduce their daughter to the Oberoi Family. She wanted Anika to take rest before being surrounded by the entire family.

Shivaay took his baby daughter into his arms and couldn't help the tears.

"I will always protect you. No one will ever harm you, I love you Ayna Singh Oberoi.

He kissed her cheeks softly and as if she understood his promise his daughter Ayna looked into her father's eyes. Just like Shivaay Ayna had beautiful Khanji Eyes and Anika's dark brown hair. She was perfect.

Omkara wrapped his arm around Gauri and pulled her closer watching his Brother Shivaay and the rest of the Family each taking turns in holding the baby and trying to make her laugh. All that Happiness was much needed especially after Shivaay had found out about his mother's plan to separate him from Anika. He had cut all ties with her and wasn't talking to her. He was hurt and Anika knew that so she tried her best to make him forgive his mother but it was too soon. So Shivaay had focused all of his attention on Anika and her pregnancy.

Omkara looked at his family and realized he wanted that too, a Family with his wife and he knew Gauri wanted the same thing. But how to approach her?

As if in reading his thoughts Gauri looked up and saw her Husband smile at her.

"Om? She started softly and tried to look anywhere but into his face. That made Om curious, why was Gauri avoiding his gaze?

"Kya Hua? Are you okay? Was it that bad? He asked; thinking she was like that because of the delivery she just had witnessed. Omkara caressed her cheek and made Gauri look into his eyes. He saw Love and Happiness. Her Eyes were as pure as her heart and he could normally read them without any problem but today it seemed like they hid a secret.

"Gauri? Please you are scaring me!

Gauri smiled and went on her tip toes to whisper into his ears. Words he would never ever forget.

"I am pregnant. Gauri whispered and kissed him softly. She had found out last week when he had gone away for his exhibition and wanted to surprise him today but because of the pregnancy she had been tired and fell asleep before he reached.

And then Anika went into labor; giving her no chance whatsoever to inform her husband.

"You...You are what? Om asked not sure whether he heard her.

"I am pregnant Om. We are going to have a baby.

Omkara's face broke into a smile and he picked her up and whirled Gauri around.

She laughed and was happy that her Husband was as excited as herself. Both of them had longed for a child but that they would be so successful so soon was a dream come true.

"Are you two okay? Rudra asked and Omkara let Gauri down. They saw the entire family watching them with a sly smile and Gauri looked down embarrassed. That is not how she had imagined to tell her husband about her pregnancy. She had it all planned out but Fate had different plans. As always, Gauri thought chuckling to herself.

"Well...We have some good News. Omkara started and looked at his Mother. Jhanvi smiled and started walking towards her oldest son. She had a doubt on what her son could possibly be talking about. She hoped that she was right. Dadi too smiled knowingly.

"Tell us. Rudra demanded earning a slap on the back of his head from Shivaay who knew exactly what Omkara was talking about. His daughter was sleeping peacefully in his arms.

"Gauri is pregnant. We are going to have a baby. Omkara announced and every one cheered. Gauri was hugged by her Mother in law and Dadi. They blessed her and thanked her for giving them so much happiness. Shivaay handed over his baby to Omkara and hugged his sister in law.

"Congratulations Gauri. I am so happy for you and for my Daughter. She will have a sibling soon. He blessed her and hugged her once again. Gauri fought against her tears.

"Thank you Bade Bhaiya. I am sorry I wanted to wait so we could celebrate the birth of Ayna but then... before she could finish Shivaay stopped her by raising his hand.

"Don't you say that Gauri. Your happiness is my happiness.

Gauri smiled and nodded. "Thank you.

Omkara smiled and kissed his niece on her head. He couldn't wait for his child.

He wanted their baby to be like Gauri. To have a heart as pure as hers, a face as beautiful as hers and faith as strong as hers. He wanted their Baby to have the best of both of them.

"When did you find out? Jhanvi asked and took Ayna from Omkara. She couldn't wait to meet her grandchild in a few months. Jhanvi could already imagine a little Baby with Om's Hair and Gauri's Eyes. She wanted her Son to find happiness in his Family to erase each last trace of their heartbreaking part.

"Just about a week ago. After feeling nauseous and tired for a while I went to the doctor yesterday and he confirmed my pregnancy. I wanted to inform Om first Maaji I hope you are not angry with me for not telling you immediately.

Jhanvi smiled at her Bahu. Gauri was truly the best Daughter in Law and she thanked God every day for giving them this beautiful girl.

Omkara hugged Gauri once more and kissed her softly. She blushed and reminded him that their family was with them. Everyone was considerate enough not to say a word.

"Thank you Gauri. Thank you for this wonderful gift.

"I thank you but enough of me. Let's meet Anika, I bet she can't wait to see us all. This Day belongs to her. We can celebrate later. Today it should be about her and Shivaay Bhaiya's Baby. Everyone Smiled hearing her selfless thought, giving them even more reasons to love this little girl standing next to her husband. Shivaay turned around and everyone went to meet Anika.

She was waiting and smiled seeing Shivaay with their baby. She couldn't believe that she finally had someone to call her own. Their daughter would never have to wonder about her Naam Khun Khandaan. She was an Oberoi, Shivaay Singh Oberois Daughter and she was loved. She would be raised with so much love and a wonderful family. Anika was happy that her daughter would never be alone, that she would always know where she is from and who her parents are. She would never face the same problems as her.

"Shivaay... Anika started and was stopped by his lips. He kissed her softly, ignoring the family standing in the room smiling at them. Anika blushed and softly slapped his cheek.

"Behave! She whispered and he gave her their daughter. Anika kissed Ayna's face and couldn't believe that her daughter was finally in her arms.

"She has your eyes. Shivaay smiled at that comment and kissed Anika's Head.

"I hope she has your Character. I want her to be as amazing and strong as you.

Anika smiled hearing his words and Shivaay embraced both of his women.

Dadi and Jhanvi blessed Anika and gifted her for some jewelry and money.

"Dadi please... Anika said not comfortable with all that. Dadi shook her head.

"Anika that is our Duty. Please accept our Gifts.

"Come on Guys let's leave. I think they need some Family time alone. Omkara said and took Gauri's Hand in his. Shivaay and Anika smiled thankfully. They wanted a few minutes alone.

After hugging Anika everyone drove back to the Oberoi Mansion and retreated to their respective rooms.

Gauri stood in front of her cabinet and started removing her jewelry when she felt her Husband's Hands hugging her from behind. She leaned against him and sighed happily.

After a long Day there was nothing as comforting as his broad chest.

"Thank you Gauri. Thank you. Omkara whispered into her ear as his fingertips traced her abdomen. He couldn't believe it, his wife was pregnant. They were really going to have a baby.

Omkara was thrilled, his joy didn't find the right words. How could be show how happy he was?

Gauri turned and cupped his face in her hands. She softly kissed him and then rested her forehead against his. She should thank him for giving her a family that she could call her own.

"I have to thank you. You gave me a family and so much happiness. I always dreamt of having your children Om...and now finally we will have a baby. A part of you and a Part of me. I mean can you believe it, we made that? A tiny life.

Omkara chuckled and slowly led her to their bed. With a Blush Gauri laid down and Omkara came on top of her; carefully as to not hurt their baby. Feeling his weight on her she relaxed.

"Well...You know when a Man and a Woman love each other that often results in a child...Omkara whispered as his lips found her neck and he kissed a soft spot right under her ear. Gauri closed her eyes against the overwhelming desire that threatened to consume her completely. Her Hands found the buttons of his shirt and slowly opened them.

Omkara shed his Kurta and helped Gauri get out of her Salwar Top.

"I think you need to remind me...How to love you... Gauri said and turned till she was on top of him. Omkara loved it when his usually shy wife took the lead. She kissed his neck and her lips followed an invisible path down till his chest. Her lips found his nipple and sucked on them lightly. With a hiss Omkara grabbed her waist and Gauri stilled for a second; looking deep into his eyes. She wanted to give him so much pleasure that by the end of the night he would feel the way she felt every time his expert fingers touched her skin as softly as a bare whisper. He would never forget this night, Gauri thought and her lips went further down.

Spent, They both lay in each other embraces content with the world.

"Do you want a boy or a girl? Gauri asked; drawing patterns on his chest with her fingers. She had always wanted a son, a cute little boy with his father's hair and her eyes.

A son that would take care of her the way Om took care of Jhanvi.

"First of all I want a healthy child. The rest doesn't matter but If I could hope for a Girl I would. I would love to have a Girl, as beautiful and pure as you. Omkara said and kissed Gauri's head. She closed her eyes; feeling all too emotional by his reasons.

He wanted a girl? Not an Heir? For an Indian Man that was very unusual especially in rich families and considering how the elder Oberois were always fighting about the Chairman position in the past, Gauri had subconsciously been afraid that maybe Omkara thought that way too. But then she was angry with herself for even thinking that. Omkara Singh Oberoi was the last person on earth to care about business and heirs and who would be the boss. He was an artist, he loved the peace he found in his work and she knew he wanted a child that combined both her belief and his creativity. Her strength and his compassion, her forgiving nature and his loyalty. Their children would be the best version of the both of them. She couldn't wait to hold her child in her hands.

"What are thinking about? Omkara's question brought Gauri out of her thoughts and she smiled at him. He smiled back and softly kissed her. She closed her eyes and kissed him back.

His hand caressed her abdomen and both smiled; their lips still pressed against each other.

Gauri's Pregnancy was luckily easy till date. Omkara had to endure a fair share of Gauri's tantrums but he didn't care. With each passing day his love for her grew even more.

If he that she was beautiful before he was wrong, being pregnant made her the most beautiful person on earth and seeing her with his niece just made him anticipate the arrival of his child even more. He couldn't wait to hold their baby in his hands.

"Gauri? Don't you have a doctor's appointment in an Hour? "Anika asked while sitting down next to her sister in law and her daughter.

Ayna had brought so much joy into the family and Anika had been thrilled when she found out that Gauri was pregnant, giving her daughter a sibling to play with very soon hopefully. She wanted their children to be as close as the Obros.

Gauri stood up and felt dizzy for a second, Omkara immediately ran to her side to steady her. She held on to him and smiled softly.

"Are you okay? He asked concerned and she nodded.

"Yes I am. Sorry I was standing up too fast and felt dizzy but that is normal that my doctor. Which we will see in an Hour so call down Honey. Gauri said and kissed her Husband.

He smiled and hugged her. He had been scared for a second.

"Anika Bhabhi? Looks like these two have become very naughty don't you think? Rudra said and walked in with his next Girlfriend Bhavya. They have been seeing each other for a few Month now and soon there would be an official engagement. Bhavya smiled and went to Anika and Ayna. Both smiled and started chatting about this and that.

"Shut up Rudra Gauri and Omkara said simultaneously and everyone laughed.

"Let's go. Omkara said and took Gauri's hand in his. He bid Farwell to his family and he and Gauri drove to her doctor. After a few minutes it was time for their appointment and as always they did an ultrasound.

"Everything looks great so far. You are in your 5th Month now and the Babies look healthy. Your vitals are perfect as well. The doctor said and pointed at the Babies on the screen.

Omkara and Gauri looked at each other in surprise.

"Wait Babies? Both asked confused.

"Yes. You are having twins? Didn't you know? I mean your old doctor told you that right? Twins are shown in the first stage of pregnancy. " Her doctor smiled and wiped the gel off of her abdomen. Gauri looked at Omkara's expression and saw awe. He was happy?

"Sadly no. My old doctor never mentioned twins...Gauri said embarrassed and stood up with the help of Omkara.

"But that would explain a lot. I mean you are very big for 5th Month. Omkara said earning a glare from his wife. She had noticed that too but hearing that from her husband wasn't very nice.
"Dr. Mehra should we consider more precaution or other things? Gauri asked instead of scolding her husband for calling her fat.

Dr. Mehra shook her head in a No. " You are doing great Gaur. Your due date should be somewhat around June so enjoy the last months. But I do advice bed rest once you reach your 8th Month.

"Why? Omkara asked while Dr.Mehra gave him the Ultrasound pictures.

"Well your wife is short and has a narrow pelvis that could trigger premature contractions that's why. Twins are very heavy and push earlier into the birth canal.

Omkara nodded and thanked the doctor before driving Gauri back home.

In The Oberoi Mansion they were greeted by their entire Family and were at loss for word for a second.

"Kya Hua? Shivaay asked with a concerned expression. Both Gauri and Omkara seemed visibly shocked and a little pale. Omkara led Gauri to the couch and made her sit down. She sighed and leaned back still thinking about her babies.

"Well we have some news...Omkara started and sat down next to his wife.

Everyone curiously turned to the couple and Dadi took Gauri's hand in hers.

"Are you fine Beta? Is the Baby okay? she asked and caressed her Bahu's Face softly.

"Babies. Gauri corrected her; now smiling a little.

"KYA? everyone screamed and looked at Omkara. He nodded in confirmation.

"We are having twins...Gauri's old doctor apparently didn't bother to tell us. He said with panic clearly written in his face. Shivaay and Rudra looked at their brother and pulled him up. They started pulling him towards their favorite spot: the pool.

"Where are you taking me? I have to take care of my Wife... Omkara said; looking at Gauri.

She smiled and told him with her eyes that she was fine.

"So Twins? Oh my Mata that means double happiness. Anika said and everyone looked at her. Shivaay turned around hearing his Mothers famous words out of her mouth.

"Go! Anika said to him and soon the Ladies of the Family gathered around Gauri pampering her even more than before. She looked content.

The Oberoi Brother sat down by the pool and Shivaay looked at Omkara.

"You are panicking. Rudra stated and offered his Brother his Hand. Omkara nodded his Head and took both his Brothers Hands in his. He needed their support more than ever.

"I don't know if I will be a good father or not. I mean before it was just one child but now two. I mean I am thrilled I swear but what if I fail? What if I end up like Mr. Oberoi? Omkara confessed and didn't know what to do.

"You won't Shivaay assured him and hugged him a little.

"How do you know that?

"Because we know you. You are nothing like Dad and also you have Chulbul Bhabhi by your side. Rudra said earning a chuckle from Omkara on hearing him call Gauri Chulbul Bhabhi.

"Exactly! Om you have an amazing Wife and you are way too hard on yourself. I see the way you are with Ayna and believe me you are doing a great job. I was scared too but you are never alone. Your wife and we are here for you. Gauri will be one of the greatest Mothers and together you will be the best parents you can be. Don't lose faith in yourself. Shivaay said and Omkara nodded. He knew his brothers were right. They were his support system and he had Gauri by his side. Omkara realized that with Gauri by him side how could he ever think to fail as a father? She wouldn't let him fail. Never. Omkara stood up.

"You are right! I have Gauri by my side and you, I will be the best dad I can be. I have faith.

And there it was, the famous Obro Moment.

Omkara pulled Shivaay and Rudra in a tight Hug and thank God for his Family.

"Om? the Three Brothers pulled out of the hug when they heard Gauri's voice. Anika was helping her since she was a little bit tired. Almost immediately Om walked to his wife and kissed her on the forehead.

"you are tired. He simply stated and she nodded. He always knew how she felt.

" Can you lay down with me for a while?

Omkara nodded and left with his wife. They walked into the privacy of their room and laid down. Gauri looked at him as Om caressed her abdomen.

"We will be fine right? she asked him; a little scared. He kissed her softly.

"As long as we have each other. Always. He assured her and hugged her before both fell into a peaceful sleep.

Anika, Shivaay and Rudra smiled looking at them leaving. Never ever had they thought that these two could be as happy and perfectly compatible as in this moment.

"Destiny is a funny thing. You don't Love someone because of their looks or their clothes or their car. You love them because they sing a song only your heart can understand. Gauri was what Omkara needed. After all the Heartbreak he had to face she was the only one who was able to sing the song his heart would understand. I am proud of them, it took them a while to reach to this point but still Some things are destined to be it just takes us a couple of tries to get there." Shivaay said; causing Rudra and Anika to look at him in shock. The great Wall of Shivaay Singh Oberoi was talking about Destiny and Love.

Wow I must say I am impressed."Anika whispered into his ear after realizing that due to their own Lovestory her husband had changed into an even better version of himself. He was still a ruthless Businessman but the Minute he came home to her and their daughter he was Sweet Singh Oberoi.

I know Baby." Her Husband said with a wink and excused themselves from Rudras curious look. They reached their bedroom where he started kissing her passionately; already tugging at her saree. Anika blushed and looked around.

What?" He asked and stopped kissing her neck. Anika shock Her head.

I was wondering where Ayna is."

She is with Dadi and Bade Ma so we have a few minutes to ourself." He whispered with a smirk and Anika happily obliged.

Rudra smiled as he saw his Older Brother and his Sister in Law leave for a few moments alone, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He knew exactly who it was.

Hey Baby." He said and turned to pull his soon-to-be bride in his arms.

Bhavya blushed and looked deep into his eyes. She loved her Rudy unconditonally and despite a few problems at the beginning of their relationship she wouldn't have it any other way. She loved him and she knew he loved her as much as she loved him.

I knew I loved you before I met you. I think I dreamed you into life. I knew I loved you before I met you. I have been waiting all my life Bhavya said and placed a soft kiss on his lips. His heart beating against his chest he closed his eyes and rested his forhead against hers. He had had many relationships in the past but nothing felt as right as with her. She was his anchor, his everything. Without Bhavya Rudra Singh Oberoi felt incomplete.

That was nice. I wish the wedding could be sooner than in 6 Month." Rudra said sadly and looked at his fiancee with a smirk. She blushed a little.


So I could carry you to my room and show you how much I love you."

She hit him on his chest and turned around to run away but before she could move he got hold of her hand and pulled her back. Bhavya felt his breath on her neck and closed her eyes. She didn't know how long she could fight her desire to be with him.

But I respect you too much to seduce you now."

And with that for the first time in her 25 years Bhavya was left speechless.

4 yearslater

Gauri! Where are my shoes?" Omkara asked and looked around in their bedroom. Everywhere there were toys and playbooks and all the other stuff his kids where into.

Gauri who had heard her husband came out of the bathroom and pointed to the door. There right next to his Art supplies laid his shoes; protected from his devious kids.

I swear to God these two will burn the house down one day and Ayna is helping them." Omkara said and turned to look at his pale wife. She looked a little sick.

Gaur-" before he could even aks her what was wrong he heard his two 3 year old children run into the bedroom. Aryan Omkara Singh Oberoi and his twin sister Gayatri Omkara Singh Oberoi ran each to their favorite parent and demanded their attention. With a smile Gauri picked up her little prince while Omkara tickled his little Princess. Their twins had been the greatest Blessing in the World but also the hardest Challenge Omkara and Gauri had to face yet in their 6 years of Marriage.

Did you have breakfeast?" Gauri asked her children and both said No. She frowned at them and called out for her Mother in Law. Jhanvi walked into the room and took her Grandchildren on each side of her hip. They smiled happily at their grandmother and asked her to feed them. She smiled and reasurred Gauri that she could rest a few minutes while she would watch and feed the kids.

Thank you Maaji." Gauri whispered and sat down tiredly. She knew why. Omkara looked concered at his wife and sat down next to her. He caressed her face softly.

What's wrong? Are you tired because you watched Rudras and Bhavyas Daughter last night?" A year after their Wedding Bhavya and Rudra welcomed a sweet little Girl called Riya into the world. Then a year ago Shivaay and Anika had welcome their Son Sameer. The hosue was full with children and laughter and happiness.

Omkara hated it to see his wife so weak and tired. It made him feel like he wasn't helping her out enough. Gauri smiled at his concern and kissed him.

No it is not that. Also Anika helped out too. You know that her son is only a year old so he needs a lot of attention too."

Then what is it? Are you sick? Do we have to see a doctor?"

Gauri blushed and placed his Hand on her abdomen. Omkaras eyes widend in shock.

I already went to a doctor. I am pregnant." Gaur said with tears in her eyes; happy tears. Omkaras face broke into a smile and he picked her up; spinning her around.

Gauri laughed and asked him to put her down else she would throw up again.

He delicately placed her on her feet and hugged her tight. They always knew that they wanted more children but that it would happen so fast was a miracle. They had planned to wait till the twins were at least two before they had tried again.

How far along are you?" He asked and kissed her softly.

2 Month. I felt a bit nauseous but that's it. Not like with the twins where I just knew I was pregnant but everything looks Great. The baby is healthy and growing. We are going to be parents again Om." Gauri said and hugged him tight. He hugged her back and then they both went down to the dinner hall. The entire family was waiting for them to have breakfast.

Shivaay was trying to feed Sameer while Anika was busy plaiting Aynas Hair for preschool. Bhavya was busy finishing some of her work while Rudra tried hard to make Riya eat her food without throwing it at her cousins or worse- her mother.

Omkara smiled seeing their Family. After all this years their bond just got stronger and each had individually found their place in life and in their home.

Dadi I want daddy." Gayatri said and her face lit up as she saw Omkara walking towards her. He made her sit on his lap and started feeding her. Jhanvi lovingly looked at her son. That was the life he had always deserved. A life full of Happiness.

Mama! More Milk." Aryan said while climbing onto his Mother lap. Omkara looked at them concered. Causing the rest of the family to be surprised.

Aryan my Boy. Take care Mami isn't feeling too well okay?" Omkara said and kissed his son on his head. Aryan nodded and obediently sat on his Mother's Lap while Gauri made him drink some Milk.

Gauri Are you okay?" Anika asked and started to butter her daugthers Toast.

Well..." Gauri blushed and looked at her children. Everyone looked back and forth from Om to Gauri and slowly realization dawned on them.

Wait a minute...Are you?" Bhavya said already standing up to hug her sister in law.

Yes I am pregnant." Gauri declared and the entire family screamed in joy.

Another Oberoi with wonderful hair." Rudra said and everyone laughed. The twins had Omkaras hair but Gauri's eyes and characterly they where the best of both of their parents. Omkara and Gauri couldn't be prouder.

Everyone congratulated the happy couple and Om and Gauri looked at each other.

Om?" Shivaay said causing everyone to be silent. The children respected Shivaay immensly after all he was the oldest, their biggest support.

You know what is missing?" Anika said understanding her Husband intentions.

Omkara smiled. It's been a while right?" He stood up and thought for a while,

Since the first day we met,
I knew you were the one.
God answered my prayers;
You came down from above.

You gave me your heart,
You gave me your trust.
From that very moment,
It was more than just lust.

Your sweet, loving words
Can never be compared.
I am your forever partner;
My soul I have bared.

Never put into question
Any of my feelings being true.
I have found my one and only.
For the time I spend with you, my heart truly sings
My one, My only, My EVERYTHING."

Everyone looked at their respective partners when Om finished his poem. There is never a time or place for true love. It happens accidentally, in a heartbeat, in a single flashing, throbbing moment, Omkara thought looking at his beautiful wife and his children. Life was good and he prayed to God that his Family would be happy and together for ever.

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