Chapter 12: Cute Together

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Chapter 12: Cute Together


"So tell me, when did you know you got selected? What were you doing at that time?" Davian asked, his eyes fixed on me.

I thought about that day when I learned I got selected into LM. A smile formed on my lips as I started narrating, "So it was the last week of summer break. I have the habit of waking up at six in the morning every day to do yoga. I did it that day too. Then, I drank lemonade with honey and started rehearsing for a while. As I kept rehearsing, all of a sudden, my phone rang. I picked it up, and that was it—the moment that changed my life."

"Interesting." He took my iPad and placed it on his lap to start writing something with the pencil.

While swinging my legs on the bench we were sitting on, I peeked at the screen.

When you get up in the morning to sing,
And then you get a ring

"It's nice," I said and took the pencil in my hand. "Tell me what LM told you when you got their call for the first time."

Davian smiled softly. "The day when I picked up their call, they said that they were from LM and they officially wanted me to be a part of them."

As the iPad was in Davian's hand now, I placed it back on his lap and tilted the device towards me to start typing the next few lyrics that crossed my mind.

Hey, it's Love Musical,
Yes, it's official,
Be a part of us.

He looked at the lyrics and laughed. "If this is how we are going to write, fine by me." He took the pencil from my hand. For some reason, as our fingers brushed against each other, there were tingles down my fingertips. "Now, it's your turn. What did they say to you?"

"They congratulated me and said that I had the potential to start a new journey with them, as I was selected in between among many candidates. I had no idea back then it was among ten thousand candidates," I ended with a small laugh.

When I looked at him, he was staring at me, but before I could get lost in the gaze, he looked down and typed the next lyrics.

Hey, it's Love Musical,
You have the potential
Start a new journey with us.

He looked back at me. "Now what?"

"How about we include those two lyrics we edited together?" I proposed, and he thought for a moment before agreeing to it. When I thought of my journey of joining the B4U, immediately, I took the pencil.

You are stronger than you think you are
No, your dreams aren't too far
To fulfill it and make it true
Just trust us few

Davian saw the two new lines I added and understood it was about the band, so he gave me a warm smile, and something fluttered in my stomach. Every time I saw him smile and laugh, it was like a resounding reminder of how much I liked seeing them and how attractive he looked with them on.

"I can write the next lines," he spoke up, and I handed him the pencil. My eyes lingered on his handsome features as his beautiful gray eyes were focused on the iPad screen.

When you choose your route
Know there's no turning back
Till you get the fruit.

"Let's put some lines on repeat now, shall we? And then, we can end it," he suggested, looking up, and I looked away instantly, humming in response. I felt a tinge of embarrassment heating up my cheeks, but it was gone the second I glanced at the iPad screen.

Hey, it's Love Musical,
Yes, it's official,
Be a part of us.

Hey, it's Love Musical,
You have the potential
Start a new journey with us.

Davian was about to end it, but I interrupted, "Wait. Let's add one more part, and then, we can end with the words Love Musical."

"Well, what do you have in mind?" He tried to hand me the iPad this time too.

"Let's add the promise LMA made to us," I answered and put the iPad back on his lap, then I started typing.

Hey, it's Love Musical,
Be practical,
We will make you the star...

Love Musical.

"There you go," I breathed out proudly, feeling satisfied and relieved that we finally finished the song.

"This song is really looking nice." Davian stood from his seat. "Wanna rehearse the vocals?"

"Sure, but first, let's send the song to Jax and Dee. Or, we can just show it to them during the lunc—" I stopped talking midway as a realization gutted me in the stomach and looked at Davian.

"Shit," we blurted together.

"How much time is there until the lunch period ends?"

He checked his wristwatch and answered, "It ends in two minutes."

Both of our eyes widened in horror. LMA hated late students.

Davian handed me my iPad, and without another thought, both of us ran to the staircase. If we took the elevator, it would take more time. Besides, it would be more crowded now that lunchtime was just ending.

"Why didn't you keep track of time?" I asked while running.

"If you wanna play the blame game, we have the entire day, but let's try to reach our classes on time now," he retorted.

Soon, we reached our respective classes, and just after I got into my class, the teacher entered.

I heaved a sigh in relief and took a seat at the last bench as that was the only empty spot left.

The teacher started the class.

I unlocked my iPad to take notes, but my eyes fell on the song we wrote together.

It was really fun writing a song with Davian. None of us realized how time flew within a blink of an eye. Not to mention, he looked more handsome than usual—especially from up close.

Was it the checkered black and red shirt and black inner t-shirt? But wasn't that the type of clothes he wore almost every day? He even wore the regular black jeans he loved so much—seriously, his closet might be half-filled with different black jeans. Then, why did I find him looking different—

How did you land up thinking about Davian's clothes from thinking about the song? my subconscious questioned, but I had no particular answer to the question.

However, there was a giddiness in my thoughts about Davia—err, I mean, the song I wrote with Davian.

Earlier I thought it would be awkward to just be with him and write a song. But after today, I want to write every song with Davian Leighton.

A smile automatically formed on my lips.

"Aurora, did you even start taking notes?" I heard the teacher's voice.

Mumbling a small 'sorry,' I opened a new page and started taking notes.


After all the classes ended today, I was walking towards the exit. That was where I spotted Davian talking to Jaxon and Declan. His back was facing my side.

Jaxon and Declan saw me, but before Jaxon could call my name, I put my finger on my lips and shook my head, indicating to them not to utter a word.

I took slow steps, and when I reached behind Davian, I asked, "Hey, Davian, did you have lunch?"

He flinched and almost immediately turned to face me, fear evident in his eyes. Poor Davian.

"Holy—" He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Then he looked—more like glared at me. "Will you ever stop doing that?" When I shook my head innocently, he glared at Jaxon and Declan, rebuking, "You guys saw her coming and know that I get startled easily. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Finally, we found someone who can mess with you like you do with us," Jaxon said and smirked.

"And how can we be so crazy to ruin it?" Declan gave the sweetest smile he could ever give.

I giggled but suppressed it as soon as Davian turned his glare back at me.

"By the way, you two weren't there during lunch, so we told Nina to keep your lunch in the dorm. So once you get there, warm up the food and eat," Declan informed, and we nodded our heads.

"Where were you two, though?" Jaxon asked, raising his brows. "Were you spending your free time together again?" The teasing tone was visible in his voice.

"We finished writing the theme song, but we didn't have the time to rehearse," Davian told them.

"Really? That soon?" Jaxon asked in surprise.

I nodded and spoke up, "If y'all are free now, then we can head to the dorm. We can show you the song while we finish eating lunch. Then, we can prepare the beats and rehearse."

"You are right. If everything is done, we will show a demo to Cillian, then record the song," Declan agreed.

"Then, we can enjoy our weekends in peace." Jaxon stretched his arms up with a comfortable smile as if he was picturing himself in his bed, wrapped like a burrito. "We won't be stressed about the results." He stopped stretching and informed, "Besides, I heard the results will be announced as soon as three bands submit the songs."

"You mean, if all of us submit the songs by tomorrow, then we will get the results the day after tomorrow?" I asked to be sure.

"Yes. But it's highly unlikely the other two bands will be able to hand the song in before Saturday. However, we will get the final results on Monday for sure. We don't have to wait till Tuesday." Davian cleared my confusion.

My mouth formed into an 'O' shape.

"Now, let's head back to the dorm. I am starving." Davian started walking ahead along with Jaxon.

"Come on," Declan urged, looking at me with a friendly smile.

We started walking together.

"How was the experience of writing a song with Davian?" he asked me while walking.

I gave him a wide smile. "Honestly, it was not how I was expecting it to go. I thought we would both be bickering the entire time. But turns out we both shared a deep understanding as songwriters. That's why it was so much fun. We were so engrossed in writing that we completely lost track of time until we finished the song."

"So you intend to write songs with him from now on, or...?"

"Obviously, with him as long as we are B4U," I answered proudly, looking at Davian's back as he was laughing at something Jaxon said.

Declan chuckled hearing my response. "By the way, Aura."


"You two look really cute together," with that, he walked ahead of me to make a surprise jump on Jaxon's back, as if he had just said a casual thing to me.

I stopped walking and stood at my place—dumbstruck.

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