Chapter 31: Official Auvian

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Chapter 31: Official Auvian


By the time Davian finished singing the song, I was still trying to process what had just happened.

Did Davian sing this song for me to tell me what he really felt? Did he like me too? Or was I misinterpreting it?

But he clearly sang, "'Cause girl, I like you," and he was looking into my eyes intently the entire time.

"Aurora," Davian said, and I could swear that was the most beautiful way someone had uttered my name. He put the guitar aside and walked toward me with that damn smile that always made my heart race twice as fast. He took my hands in his, brushing them softly with his cold fingers as he breathed out, "I like you."

It felt too surreal. I couldn't believe he liked me. All this time I thought it was impossible that he would like me. But now... he was trying to be patient as he waited for my reply anxiously after pouring out his heart through a song, trying to keep up his smile; it made me want to make him yearn longer, but I also wanted to end the suspense.

I smiled warmly and squeezed his hands. "I like you too, Davian." As those words left my mouth, a huge burden was off my chest.

His nervousness instantly disappeared, and his smile got wider. He instantly wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a hug, which I reciprocated. I could hear his loud heartbeat from our embrace. It must have been nerve-wracking to confess, but yet, he did, and I felt so incredibly lucky.

We broke free from the hug when we heard the claps of the two familiar people, standing at one corner of the rooftop, almost as happy as us with huge matching grins etched on their faces.

"Finally, the ship sailed!" Jaxon chirped while walking toward us along with Declan.

"I didn't expect Davian to do this first, but well, this was a pleasant turn of events," Declan said aloud. Then, he whispered to me, "I told you, he liked you."

I tried to glare at him, but I was too happy to get mad today, so I didn't even playfully jab him and ended up smiling once again, blushing a little as well.

"Okay, this was all so sudden. Is this what you guys were up to the entire day? Preparing all these? Planning and plotting behind my back?" I asked the boys.

"Hey, it's rude to label it as planning and plotting," Jaxon protested, making me chortle.

"Yeah, I told Jax and Dee what I felt for you when we were planning the surprise concert for you. Then, we decided that I would tell you what I felt after dealing with the fans," Davian explained to me. "I can't let B4U fans hate you, because I know you have to deal with jealous fans once our relationship is made public. Therefore, one thing at a time is better, right?"

"Yeah, thank you so much for thinking about that," I said, giving him a tight-lipped smile. When the boys laughed, I glanced at Declan. "Why did you tell me that something happened to Davian? My heart had jumped to my throat."

"Well, something did happen. I didn't lie," Declan said innocently.

"Oh, really? What happened?" I inquired, putting a hand on my hip.

"He fell for the romance trap," with that, Declan burst into laughter once again. He was having way too much fun.

"Okay, guys, I am starving. Let's have dinner, shall we?" Jaxon said and rushed to sit on the couch.

We joined him and decided to have dinner together. There was a table in the middle and the dinner was nicely arranged there.

When Davian served me food, I mumbled, "Thank you."

"You are welcome," he said with a smile, his eyes never leaving mine. There was something special in that brief change. It was as if nothing changed yet everything had changed. I now knew that this person who has always been so kind to me actually liked me back.

"God, we have to get habituated with these two being all couple-ish," Jaxon groaned and continued eating.

Declan just chuckled and ate quietly.

"By the way, Davian," I started while eating, "How did you get this dress? I am pretty sure this is the same one I wore during the teaser shooting."

He gave me a sheepish smile and admitted, "I took it from Keth."

I arched an eyebrow. "How did he agree?"

"I told him the truth, and he agreed easily. Besides, he even promised to give you this dress as a gift permanently once the shooting ends."

I gaped at his response. "You told Keth the truth? I mean... he knows about this?"

When Davian gave a curt nod, I didn't talk about it anymore. I was getting way too many surprises at once. It was tough to handle.

Once the dinner was over, Jaxon and Declan cleaned up the table and decided to give us some alone time, so it was just Davian and me sitting on the couch together in comfortable silence.

"Aura," he decided to speak up, slipping his fingers through mine, and my heart danced at the thought that we could always do this now whenever we wanted. "I know it's all so sudden to you, but I want to tell you what I feel for you."

I looked at him with a smile. It felt like a dream, yet it was all true. So very true. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs in happiness.

"I had a tiny crush on you since the day we talked properly for the first time at the mall."

"When you, Dee, and I went shopping for my new room?" When he nodded his head at my question, I almost gasped. It had been that long?

"I tried to stop myself, but it kept increasing. And the day you wore this red dress during the teaser shooting, I knew that I was a gone case. I had already started liking you, more than a friend."

When I quietly listened to him, he further spoke, "Everyone was complimenting you the most that day. I was happy but at the same time, I couldn't help but get a little jealous. Probably because I knew we weren't a thing at that time."

"So are we a thing now?" I raised my brows.

He narrowed his eyes in my direction. "You know what I meant."

I grinned. "Fine, fine." I decided to tell him, "Okay, now let me tell you how I realized. It's kinda similar to your story."

"I am all ears," he said excitedly.

I couldn't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. I couldn't believe this adorable yet handsome person was mine from now. "So the day the final results for the auditions were out, I realized I was crushing hard on you. I even wrote a song just by thinking of you."

He arched an eyebrow. "The one Trina sings for Leven?"

I nodded my head, averting my gaze in embarrassment.

Davian raised my chin and made me look into his eyes. "Hey, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, the way you were behaving, I kinda knew what you felt for me."

"Was it so visible? That's hella embarrassing," I mumbled.

"But I found it really cute," he let out. His soothing voice never failed to calm me down. "By the way, did you try to stay away from me for those ten days before the shooting started to get rid of your crush on me?"

"Yes, I did. But my plan failed miserably. I ended up accepting that I liked you, instead. Though I was intending to ask you out once the rivalry ended, then the teaser got released, and the hatred of fans I was receiving, and..."

"Okay, okay, I get it," he decided to end my rambling session shortly.

I shifted closer to Davian, keeping my head on his shoulder and staring at our intertwined hands. I had no idea how I had so much confidence in myself all of a sudden, but when he didn't stop me, I knew he had no issues. We could now get comfortable like this and do all sorts of couple-ish stuff.

Wait, we are an actual couple now, right?

"So are we girlfriend and boyfriend now?" I asked him, and he hummed in response. I could literally die happily with no regrets right this moment. "So will we announce it officially, or...?"

"Officially, only if you are comfortable with it. I won't do it without your permission. If you want to keep it private or think it's too soon, then—"

"No," this time, I stopped his rambling. "I am okay with it, Davian. I want the world to know that we are a couple now."

"Alright then." He smiled. "Anyway, the fans have been shipping us ever since the surprise concert where you proved yourself. I must say, things really did turn out for the best."

"Thank you for coming into my life, Davian," I said, gazing at the stars and the moon while scooting closer to his body. I didn't know I could feel these many happy emotions.

He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, pulling me towards his chest. "Thank you for coming into my life, Aurora Eugene," with that, he kissed the crown of my head.

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