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(As soon as she left that's when Siddharth realized that he actually blew up his "fake" cover that he didn't knew her.!!!!)

Siddharth : Shit.! Now I can't even use that excuse to stay away from her.... But why is she so distant.!?! Where did that all flirting and cockiness go.?

Krupali: You complaining.???

Siddharth : Jesus Christ.!! Krupa why the fuck would you do that.??? You scared the shit out of me..!!! Don't just sneak up on me....

Krupali: I scared you.?? Boy we all been calling you for a while... but you zoned out.... So I came to call you and that too I was talking to you slowly not like screaming to scare you..!!!

Siddharth : I......*sigh* Sorry..!!!

Krupali: Sid you decided to be in a relationship when you know damn well that you don't love her.... Goddamnit you still love Avneet..... I always told you that I can't process the logic of you being in relationship when you still love Avneet.!!!!!
(She said getting frustrated)

Siddharth : Krupa my past with her won't let me.... Neither can I fall out of love with her nor can I fall in love with Ritika....

Krupali: You are spoiling her life too Sid.... What's the point of such relationship.?? You haven't even been able to say "I love you" to her....

Siddharth : Let's..... let's just not talk about it Krupa..... let's get inside....

Krupali :Sometimes I wonder how till date Ritika was able to cope up with you being like this? No real love or affection for two years.!!! How.??? Don't you ever wonder!!

Siddharth : She is really nice for this world and for me Krupa..!

Krupali: Whatever you say cz if you ask me..(cut off by AB...)

Siddharth : Nope.. Don't start it again.... Let's head back....

(They reached inside and saw everyone is gathered around by the table and he too joined them....)

Faisal: Avneet was saying that we take care of the areas of training that we mastered in for the trainees as a pair....

AB: Hmm.... I agree.... (he said nodding his head in agreement)

Anushka: We have decided our specialties and made pairs for the training too.... Our managers will make the schedule for the training sessions for us and the trainees....

Bhavesh: According to me.... As you both will be lead.... There is no need for you both to come everyday to the Agency.....

Krupali: I agree.... That will help with less exposure too.... We can report the progress of trainees to you guys and pick one day of the week when both will come and test them and give their final verdict....

Siddharth : Bribes always work in any profession.... Tell them whoever does better performance and will be selected by us in the test provided by us... will be given a special training In special areas that we are expertise in by us personally.....

Avneet : Wow.!! I like that idea.... That way we can bond with and get to know the trainees personally too....

(They continued to discuss their plans on training and handling the trainees in the headquarters for a while and then decided to go back to their own places that they were provided with leaving Siddharth and Avneet alone in this villa. On the way out Shivangi took Avneet to the side and said)

Shivangi: Listen.... I know you are full of pride and you planning your own way to take revenge on him forgetting you and all but...(cut off by Avneet)

Avneet: He remembers me.... That asshole was faking it... he just blew off his cover.... Ain't no way I will ever go on any mission with him.... He will get us caught as soon as we step in....

(Shivangi laughed and said)

Shivangi: There must be a reason Neet.... Talk to him... before pulling off any stunt... Talk to him... You guys have a whole week with you... try and talk to him...

Khan: And even if then he doesn't give a shit.. oh well... fuck him then... there are a lot of other fish in the sea..... (he said joining them with a wink )
If you look around properly you might find some around you too....

Shivangi: Mohsin....(she hit his chest playfully while he caged her in a hug...)

Avneet : Gosh you guys are just too sweet....(she said making a bit irritating face)

Khan: Oh c'mon you want something like this too for yourself....

Avneet : Please.... This is too much fluff ok.... With me.... I will be having things spiced up and more skin to skin and...(cut off by Shivangi placing her hand to cover her mouth with her cheeks being flushed red...)

Shivangi: Oh my gosh Neet..... Shut up with your lustful desires..... God this is embarrassing...

Avneet : You guys started it.... (She said with a hearty chuckle... Thanks to these two she was in much better mood and she too thinks that she has to sit down and talk to Siddharth about his behavior towards her then to jump on any conclusions and take any action)

(They all hugged each other and left the villa leaving the two alone... As soon as Avneet turned back after locking the door she was met with a poker faced Siddharth who was standing with his arms crossed on his chest making his arms flex his muscles naturally....)

Avneet : Siddharth I wanted to...(cut off by Siddharth)

Siddharth : Let's get it clear.... Left side of the villa is yours and Right is mine.... Don't cook for me... I will do it myself or order something for myself and....(he said taking a long breath and looking up while combing his  fingers through his hair which in turn just made made it a bit hard for Avneet to not notice it...... "Fuck..... At this moment I am supposed to be mad and angry with him but this man is just making it harder for me.... How the fuck am I supposed to not jump on him and take him to heaven when he fucking looks like this... a fucking full course meal..... Fine you know what..... He wanna play dirty..... let's be dirty... two can play this game baby....." she was lost in her thoughts that she forgot Siddharth was still talking to her and she completely ignored him... She was pulled out of her thoughts when Siddharth snapped his fingers in front of her face...)

Siddharth : You didn't listen to me did you.!!! How can you ignore me like that when I was legit talking to you.??

Avneet : I tend to ignore unnecessary things.... You want me to be on my side... fine by me.... But you too keep one thing in your mind.... Whatever happens.... Keep your ass in your side.... Don't you ever think of coming on my side.... No sound, (fixes one pillow of couch and putting it down with a bit force) no noise, (fixes another pillow the same way) no activity should make you step in my Zone.... RED ZONE... (finally fixes the last pillow and place it down rather roughly) Got it.??? Now if you will excuse me I have to sleep rather than wasting my time in discussion of another set of rules made by a "taken man" (she said air quoting it) like you...

Siddharth: F..Fine by me....("Fucking hell... That was too hot.... Shit it's gonna be so hard to avoid her but it's better that way.... She can't break my trust again if I stay away and be professional with her...")

(Avneet reached her room and threw herself on bed.. she was tired and wanted to get some good rest.... She was almost about to drift into sleep when her phone buzzed with a call, she groaned and checked the caller only to be Jannat.... She picked it up and asked)


Avneet : What?

Jannat: Ouch.. hello to you too..

Avneet : Spit it out why the fuck you called it's fucking 2:30 am! And I wanna sleep..

Jannat: I wanted to ask you something...

Avneet : you guys just left half an hour ago.... (sighs in disbelief) Fuck it... what is it?

Jannat: Did you talk to him as Shivi asked.? (This.... This triggered her as the person to whom this question is addressed to that person do not want to associate with her in normal way and her teammates want them to patch up... She is ready....... so ready to bang their heads in the wall so they can get in right state of mind but she took a deep breath and said...)

Avneet : Listen.,... I am in no mood of talking to him,... he wants to keeps distance from me... he has made it clear time and again.... Now I am just going to make sure to keep it simple.... Maintain distance and stay professional....

(Same time Faisal got on the phone call too and said...)

Faisal: Neet but.... You need to talk to him... Atleast we would be reassured that he is with you when you know....(he trailed off)

(Avneet sighed as to what his friends are talking about but she didn't want him to know about it.... She first wants to know the reason behind his cold behavior... And see if this will continue for how long....)

Avneet : Let's just leave it guys.... I am taking medication for that.... It should be ok.... plus I see Bhavesh have installed a button by my bedside... I believe it will alert you guys if I press it... I don't want any favor from him...

Jannat: As you say Neet. Just take care of yourself okay? I know once you step into agency you will turn off the switch of Avneet and become the infamous Agent Red or The cold trainer Avneet, but please.... Also try and talk to him again tomorrow.... It might be too much today that could be the reason he might have behaved like that.!!!

(Avneet sighed...)

Avneet : okay... now sleep you guys.... You have work tomorrow.... It's Monday after all...

OTP ends

(The next morning Avneet woke up got freshen up and went in the kitchen made breakfast and started to eat when Siddharth came downstairs rubbing his eyes still with bed hair and looking sleepy and "shirtless" Avneet took in the whole view and gulped down the juice.... then averted her gaze before she get caught. She almost choked on her toast when Siddharth spoken in rather raspy morning voice )

Siddharth : M..'Morning.....( still with half of his eyes closed as if still sleepy he walks over to fridge and gets his protein shake to which Avneet just makes a disgusting face and shakes her head in disbelief which to her surprise got noticed by Siddharth who is now awake....)

What.?? Why making that face.?! 

Avneet : Nothing.! Just protein shake in morning.!!!! Seriously.!!!

(Siddharth roles his eyes and walks over to sit on the sofa but he did catch how Avneet was scanning his body and smirked internally and said...)

Siddharth : Like what you see Kaur.?? (He asked raising his eyebrow expecting a flustered face Avneet who got caught red handed but he chocked on his protein shake when she leaned back on her chair and adjusted her sitting position as if to get a proper look of him and said....)

Avneet: Why not.?? I am getting a free show.... Of course I am going to enjoy to the fullest..! (She said with a wink getting back her usual flirty tone which shocked and surprised Siddharth... And suddenly he felt exposed and to his dismay his cheeks flushed a light shade of pink....)

(Watching him getting all flustered and avoiding her eyes made Avneet chuckle.... She decided not to drag and tease him more against her urge to do the same and stood up to wash her dishes. Once done she with one swift move grabbed the hem of her hoodie she was wearing and took it off leaving her in just sports bra and shorts that she was wearing underneath her hoodie making Siddharth gawk at her sight.... She made a ponytail and fixing her watch and tying her shoes she just said before getting out of the villa....)

I will be back in an hour..! Also I don't keep favors.! If you know what I mean....

Siddharth : The hell..... Why the hell am I feeling so hot.??? (He said still looking at the door which was now closed after Avneet left.... He was about to go to gym that is in the villa when he got a call. Looking at the id of the caller he frowned.... But decided to pick up the call...)


Siddharth : She is not here
: I know... That's why I called you...
Siddharth : What.? Why?
: Listen to me and listen very carefully.....
(............... whoever called Siddharth and whatever he/she told him will be later on revealed in the story..............)

:Got it.?
Siddharth : Got it.! Anything else I should keep in mind...
: Try to get along with her.... Talk it out...
Siddharth : listen if she said anything or complained about my behavior than I am gonna tell you it's not gonna change...
: She didn't say anything.... It's clearly visible...
Siddharth : Forget it... you won't understand.... If nothing else I will be disconnecting the call... bye

OTP ends

Siddharth : Try to get along with her (he said in a mocking way) *scoff* Never.... After what she made me go through..... Never...

(Week started to pass and even though Avneet tried to talk to Siddharth he always gave her cold shoulder... He would purposely ignore her.... Avoid coming together in the same area of the house.... Even the  Notalks related to the training were done just on the group chat that was created the last time everyone gather at their house... he avoided to talk regarding even that with her alone... just through the group chat.... Avneet was loosing her patience.... She started to go on her personal missions that she did in her spare time.... Which eventually included killing that person... the assassin in her was showing up and once during the week when Jannat came to meet her and Avneet was describing how she handled her last mission she was terrified..... Avneet was getting better but she was getting deadly as well.... Jannat tried to talk to Siddharth... which he did but avoided absolutely everything related to Avneet which pissed off Jannat....
One evening Avneet was in the kitchen and was about to head to her room when she overheard Siddharth's conversation on a call...)

Siddharth: What.??? Really.??? Baby.!!! You are here in the city and you didn't even tell me.? And you staying in hotel.?? Wish you could stay here.... (He could clearly see Avneet standing in kitchen listening to him talking to his girlfriend so he purposely said that and as he thought this did gave him satisfied reaction from Avneet as she threw her glass in the sink and left for her room.... He smirked and continued to talk)

(After 15-20 minutes Avneet returned complete dolled up with a clubbing outfit and left the house without saying a word. Siddharth who was sitting in the living room remained seated shocked by the way she looked.... "Extremely Hot"!!)

(It was currently 3 Am and Avneet still had not returned from wherever she went and that was driving Siddharth insane... His heart wanted to go search for her but his ego... his mind was not allowing him to do so... so he waited for her .... Sleep was long gone from his eyes.... All he could think of was.... "Where is she?")

(Half an hour more and he heard cluttering of keys outside the door and being trying to open it clumsily.... He rushed to open the door would be an understatement.... And there stood a completely wasted Avneet.... Bloodshot hooded eyes.... Reeking of alcohol...... her eye makeup seemed to be ruined.... She must be crying.... Her hair was a mess.... She stumbled inside but Siddharth caught her and hold her firmly in his arms.... He closed the door behind them and tried to take her inside the living room but she shook herself and got herself out of his grip and that almost made her fall but she held on to the wall......)

Avneet: Ddddddont...... touchhhhh....meeee..!!!! (She said in completely intoxicating voice putting out both her hands...)

Siddharth: Avneet you are drunk.... Lemme help you get sober.... Geez if you can't handle than why would you drink that much?
(He approached her again but she backed off)

Avneet: Sssssstop ittt...... Stopp.... Showwwingg yourrrrrr fffffffake caaaare.... (Saying this she started to walk backwards to go to her room..... but for that she had to climb the stairs and in this state there is no way Siddharth would let her walk forget about climbing the stairs alone.... So he pulled her back making her collide with his chest making them finally look into each other's eyes....)

Avneet: Why.??? (She asked almost as a whisper..... Siddharth could see and feel the pain in her eyes and voice and he hated it to the core but his mind..... his mind was telling him that he too went through the same pain so it should be okay..... he tried to change the topic even though he exactly knew what Avneet was talking about...)

Siddharth: L.....let's ge..get you se..seated....(he stuttered as he could feel Avneet's hot alcohol reeked breath on his skin and it was making him feel things against his will....)

(Avneet refused to move but instead pulled him back when he tried to pull away making them almost touch their lips...)

Avneet: Tell me Sid..... (Avneet was now just whispering) what did I do? What did I do to receive this cold behavior from you? How could you not remember me Sid? Tell me.... Please for goodness sake tell me.... What did I do? (By now she was in tears and clinging on to his t-shirt...... but her next words were the ones that actually broke the ice....)

Please Mado..... (the urge in her voice when she called him with that name which they used for each other when they were kids pulled something in him.... And that something snapped and he pushed her away making her stumble back and fall on the couch....)

Siddharth: You want to know.??? (Avneet just nodded her head as Siddharth's voice raised a bit)

You cheated on me Neet.... (He said pointing at her.... When she made a confusing face he continued...)

Neet we were best friends.... I trusted you blindly.... You were the first one who became friends with me when no one wanted to cz of my nerdy appearance....
But then suddenly you changed.!!!
(She again made a confusing face so he continued)

I went for my gymnastic championship remember..? I won that championship.... I was so excited that finally everyone in the school will be proud of me and stop bullying and you won't have to deal with it all the time.... I was excited to share the news with you.... I........wanted to surprise you with.....(he stopped himself to complete it..)

Avneet: With.??

Siddharth: It doesn't matter now.. What matters is when I came back.... The whole school was looking at me as if judging me and making fun of me.... I was confused.... So I was looking for you to ask if you know anything but before that someone showed me something that shocked me to the core.... The group of boys who bullied me uploaded that video and now whole school knew that and saw me as a coward instead of a champion who won a championship for their school..... I ran.... Ran to search for you..... I needed your comfort Neet.... Finally I found you.... I found you but you were standing with the group of boys whom I least expected you to see with..... But then thought you might have watched the video and you were dealing with them but when I heard your conversation.... It broke me Neet..... You were back facing me...... And I heard......


: Thanks for uploading that video Avneet..... We were wondering if you would do that for us or not as you were always with Siddharth....
Avneet: Well.... I had to.... And besides Sid is not here so.... It's okay.....

Flashback ends

(Remembering how she broke his trust and him and ruined everything between them Siddharth fell on his knees breaking down in tears in front of Avneet....)

Siddharth: You broke me Avneet...... You broke my trust..... you broke my faith in friendship.... You are the reason why I HATE LOVE.....(he said in between of sobs and left from there leaving Avneet in the living room who was now trying to process everything and connect the dots...... And then it clicked..... The only word that came out of her mouth was....)

Avneet: Shit.....

I remembered this book..
Haven't abandoned it.... And not even planning to...
It's just that I got sick for some time and then it took me a while to recover...
I lost my touch in writing this story....
Finally got out of my writers block which I got unexpectedly.!
I was able to finish this chapter....

What do you think about the story now.?

There is still one big reveal left..... but so far.... How are we feeling about this story?

Did Siddharth's character gained anyone's sympathy?

Do like and comment.....

Until next time...
Aadios Amigos

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