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Chief(M): That is why I did that...... She had to let it out.....

Chief (D): *scoff* That still doesn't seem an excuse to bring her past up.... You knew she is extremely sensitive for that topic.....

Chief (M): Someone got to be a bad cop here.... And seems like you all have already taken Good Cop position for her so yes.... I will be bad cop here... let her hate me if that means she can let it out like this bad somehow brings them two together....

Chief (D): You are unbelievable.!!! But I don't know how Siddharth seems to have forgotten Avneet..... Cz back in the meeting it felt like Abhishek figured it out.... Avneet came to know its Siddharth and she looked so happy..... But..... Siddharth forgetting Avneet.!!!! Doesn't fit right...!!!!

Chief(M): Hopefully this merger helps them to come close....

Chief (D): Oh that you leave it for Avneet... She knows he is Siddharth.... Ain't no way he is getting rid of her now.!!! She is gonna make him fall for her...

Chief(M): Let's see... Cz Siddharth is not to be underestimated as well.... Before that... I hope both agrees to join the team...

(They both went inside whereas by Avneet and Siddharth... Avneet broke out from the hug and took a step back and looked at Siddharth questionably....)

AR: Why did you come after me.?
(Did he remember me?)

AB: I was just out to get some fresh air and saw you here so came to you.....
(Ain't no way I am telling the truth...)

AR: Really now....(she said with her hands behind her back and leaning in with a teasing smirk......)
I am touched by your such caring nature.... Sexy and caring...!!! My oh my Agent Black...!!!! You are going to be death of me.!!!

AB: Be careful what you wish for Agent Red...(he finally shot back with equally flirty attitude and grin plastered on his face....)
You never know when your wishes can come true...
(Is she insane.!!! What a character change in blink of an eye.... Lord have mercy and give me strength but won't back down either..... There is no way I will fall for her now that I know who she is.... She wanna play.....Fine then.....Cz two can play the game.!!)

AR: Ahh.!!! Flirting back han.!!! Lemme warn you Agent Black..... (She said getting close to him.... She traced with her two fingers.... His neck to his open area of his pecs to the tiny area of his abs that were peeking from his opened buttons and pulled him close with a tug on his shirt that her lips were by his left ear...... she whispered by lightly brushing her lips with his ear... sending sparks through his body.....)

You are playing with fire.....

(Siddharth was already questioning whether he will be able to play this game with her but then again he remembered how she broke his trust years ago and that snapped him back into Agent Black mode and he quickly got the hold of the hand of Avneet that was holding his shirt and in fraction of seconds turned her around still holding her hand in a way that her back is now colliding with his chest and he said....)

AB: Maybe....... Cz I maybe a Pyromaniac (NOTE: A pyromaniac has a frequent, powerful desire to set fires. This is different from an arsonist, who sets fires for money. Pyromaniacs just set fires because they want to and feel a compulsion to.)

AR: Really now.!!!!! That is a very serious sickness Agent Black.!!!!(playful chuckle)

AB: If that sickness is in a form of Hot n Sexy Agent coming with an Attitude and Confidence to die for.... Then I am here for it.... Don't you think Agent Red.!!! It's a win win for me?


If you are feeling better.... Let's head back inside.... Atleast we need to hear them out....

AR: You are way too soft for your Chief....

AB: And you are too blunt.....

AR: Guilty as charged..... (she said raising her hand playfully up in the air on defense) But I would suggest call me Rebel.!!! Cz rules are not meant for me.!!! Anyway.... Let's head back.... Nothing to lose in hearing them except for time....

(She starts to walk ahead followed by Siddharth.... She took off her jacket and swung it over her shoulder revealing her cigar box...... Along with her perfect curves that were showed perfectly as her t-shirt hugged her body in exactly perfect places....
Siddharth gulped and tried to look away....

Yup.... Definitely wrong decision to make to walk behind her.....
When she said she is Rebel.. She really meant it..... She isn't the Neet I remember..... She has completely changed..!

They entered the meeting room and instead of sitting on their seats next to their teams coincidentally both stood by the two seats by the end of the table that were exactly opposite to the Chief's.... Avneet draped her jacked on the chair and sat on the chair and Siddharth took the seat next to her.....)

Chief (M): Took you long enough...

AR: I swear won't take me long to leave again for good...... Quit with unnecessary drama and get to the point....

Chief(M): Manners...... Where are your Manners Agent Red..??? Is this how you will train the trainees???

AR: Do I look like I give a fuck.???

AB: Before this heats up again.... Chief... train the trainees.??? What exactly are you talking about?

Chief(D): Lemme say it clearly without including extra context..... (he said glaring at chief of Mumbai)

We are hiring new trainees for our agency....
We want you both and the agents present here to make the team and select the areas you guys are expert in and give them training in those areas..

Amidst the training you will be the judge on who passes your training and who will leave....

The ones surviving your training will be hired as our new Agents...
And last but not the least as she mentioned earlier.... We want you both to lead the team....

AB: Aahh...! I get it now..... I see....

AR: But you know I don't work for the government nor do I want to reveal my face to them... How do you expect all this would be possible without revealing our identity....??

Chief(M): Simple..... By making another identity,... In stead of Agent Red you will be the trainer that WE hired..... and as usual you will be paid by us and not the government....

AR: Aahh.!!! See.??? Now that wasn't hard.... Was it.??? Talking without being extra.???

AB: Alright.... I am in....

AR: I am in as well.... As far as they don't get to know who we are.... And we are the only ones who have a say for who will be selected and who returns home....

AB: That's a good point... I agree..... The selection process, the training process everything will be according to us..... Anyone comes to you... you guys show them the direction to us... no interference....

Chief(D): I dont mind.... I am ok with that..... But....

AR: But.....???

Chief(M): we have got you covered with the place to live..... All of you..... But...

AB: But.???

Chief(D): Umm..... You both have to share a house...

AR & AB: WHAT.???

Chief(M): That will be best option....You guys can discuss about the progress and strategies together and come and go at the same place...

(Avneet just shrugged........
I don't mind..... And above all.... I will get more time to punish this fine young hot stuff for forgetting me.!!!! How dare he.!!! Oh you just wait and watch Mister.....)

AR: Fine by me..!

AB: NO....... Not me...... I...... I can't live with her.... (Ain't no way...... There is a turmoil going on in my head..... How will I be able to get a. Breather when she will be vd me 24*7??? On and off work both.??? She is my Idol.... I admire her and respect her.... She is sexy, hot and has and amazingly attractive attitude..... that is more than enough to make me go crazy but she is the same person who I hate the most.... Avneet.... My ex-best friend.!!! The one who..(my chain of thoughts was broken by Avneet's voice....)

AR: Why.???? Scared that you will fall for me.???? (She said with smirk plastered on her face.....)

AB: N.No.... It's because.......(shit.!!! What the fuck am I suppose to say.??? Why can't I stay in the same place as her.??? Oh shit.!!!! Should I reveal my secret.!!! Noooo... I didn't want it to reveal it like this but I guess this could save me from living together with her.....)

AR: Oh ! C'mon Agent Black... Admit it...! You are scared that you will...(cut off by Siddharth's voice)

AB: It's cz I have a Girlfriend...!!!

Everyone: What.???

(Avneet stood up and went closer towards Siddharth.... Her eyes getting narrower as if studying his face... But he is an Agent too..... He knows how to hide his real emotions.... So he kept very neutral facial expressions....)

AR: Girlfriend.!!!! YOU...... You...have a Girlfriend.?!!(is he playing with me or does he really have a girlfriend? Did I lose him already? Should I ask my informer to look into it.... No no no.... This is the the only thing I wanted to keep normal... I will deal this my way...)

Girlfriend.!!! Do you really have a girlfriend.?? (Her voice sounded mixture of both shocking and saddening......)

(Clears her throat..) A.Anyway..... Ask her.... If she is okay with you staying with me in the same house... It's not as if we are sharing a room.!!! (Hearing this Siddharth's almost choked on his water that he was drinking on the other side Avneet was completely unbothered as if it was very casual to say such thing out of the blue....)

AB: I...... I will talk to her.....

Abhishek: You have a girlfriend and you didn't bothered to tell me.???

(Hearing this Avneet thought....... what a damn minute Abhi doesn't know either.???? Is this man serious.??? )

AB: Dada I really didn't see any necessity to inform this to you as it was something personal and I didn't wanted it to be out so it could be used against me.... But as.... Right now the situation came up as something like this I had to bring it out..... I wanted to reveal it to you in very different way I swear....

AR: Since when.????

AB: Sorry.??

AR: Since when do you have a girlfriend?

AB: 2 years...(Her expressions since I mentioned about my girlfriend is been different.... Even the cockiness is gone from her voice... What is with the sudden change?)

(Avneet nodded her head and said)

AR: Oh.... Okay... Talk to her.... If so... I wanna meet her.... I can help you convince her that it is completely ok for you to stay with me in same house... I just checked the layout.... It's pretty big...

AB: How do you know.?

AR: My manager sent me the layout.....

: I have a name you know.... (A voice called from the door of the meeting room..... he came along with Krupali.....Siddharth was trying to scan him as if to recognize him where as looking at Krupali, Avneet nodded as she already knew who she was....)

AR: And you are already half an hour late.... Don't expect me to call you by your name when you know I hate it when someone is late...

: I was doing something for you.... Your luggage, your necessities, your equipments, gym and training area has been set up in your new place..... (He said coming towards Avneet and hearing this her face lit up with bright smile which was the first time they all saw after they met her... And out of excitement she turned and hugged him which was pretty common for them but this made Siddharth a bit "uncomfortable" why??? He still doesn't know)

AR: Bhavesh...!!!!!!!!!! Love you love you love you...... thank you so much..... aaaaahhhhh..... Now I can just go.... Take a long warm shower and sleep.... Aaiiisshhh.... It's been long tiring day..... Oh God.!!! What will I do without you...... (And mind you she said all this still clinging on to him with her one hand around his neck..... which if you see is pretty normal but someone who still is unaware of his own feelings is finding it bit too much of affection....)

Anyway I am off now guys.... I am heading to my new place now.... If anything.... Text or call me...(she said pointing towards both the chief then she turned towards the agents of both the branches and said.....)

Why don't you guys freshen up at your dorms and come to my place.... We will have dinner there and discuss our plan to train the new trainees.... That will be much easier than to do it here.... We can get to know each other better and have dinner and discuss some ideas to work on the training plan as well....

Khan: Sounds good to me...

Vaishnavi: Count me in.... I really need a break from the monitor....

Darsheel: Alright then.... Let's meet up around 7 at your place..?

Jannat: Yup.!!! See you all at 7.!!! I am looking forward to this gathering....

AR: Sounds good to me... And you Agent Black..! Decide if you wanna join us or if not... I will ask Bhavesh to email your manager about whatever we have discussed once he makes guide for it..... if YOUR GIRLFRIEND doesn't allow you... (to Siddharth she suddenly started to sound a bit distant and for some reason that is bothering him...)

(She started to go outside followed by Bhavesh and Delhi team along with Mumbai team.... Bhavesh whispered to Avneet...)

Bhavesh: He has a Girlfriend.?
(To which Avneet just nodded and kept walking which Bhavesh felt a bit strange.... Avneet stopped walking as she saw the only government agent who knows who she is walking towards her and behind him in distance she could see other agents walking the guy she helped capturing being held and taken somewhere... He walked to her with the same usual smirk which she ignored and asked....)

AR: So.? Anything.? Any luck?

Agent: Nu-uh.... He's one tough nut to crack...!!!!

(Avneet turned back, took off her jacket, took off her ponytail and messed up her hair a bit... asked for a vicks inhaler that Bhavesh that he always carries with him and applied by the underline of her eyes and her eyes started to water in no time.... She gestured the other agents to stay away from them.... She handed her jacket to Bhavesh..)
She turned back again and said...)

AR: Quick..... handcuff me behind my back and act as if you have arrested me as well cz you think I am involved with them...

Agent: What.?

AR: Jesus Christ..!!! (She took the handcuffs from his pants and did the same to herself and went close to him.... And by that time the agents who had the man cuffed walked passed them and the man's eyes landed on Avneet and the Agent.. And his eyes widened as if he still remembered her and seeing his reaction Avneet internally smirked but made crying face outside.....)

Man: YOU.!!!! (He stopped walking.... And asked with a worried face......) Why are you here.???

AR: *sniff* I...... *sniff* I..... (she jerked herself in front on purpose as if the agent pushed her and the Man almost walked to her.... This just made her work much easier....As her doubt that the man had a thing for her just got confirmed...) T....they think..... *sniff* I am.... i..involved.....*sniff *

Man: WHAT.??? No... She is not....

(She leaned back to whisper to Agent)

AR: Will you speak...... Go with the flow you idiot...

Agent: She was the only one in that parking lot along with you guys.... Of course she is involved... I need to interrogate her more severely to get the information out of her as normal interrogation didn't help and you are not ready to open your mouth either....

(Suddenly Avneet fell on her knees with a painful yelp and jerk showing as if he pushed her on ground....)

Man: The hell.... Hey.... She has nothing to do with us... God ... are you ok.??? (He asked with concern to Avneet)

Agent: You seem concerned much about her... Who is she to you.???

Man: No....No one......yet(the last word was mere whisper who no one noticed)

(The Agent made Avneet stand up forcefully and started to take her in opposite direction dragging her while Avneet cried out "I don't know them...", "Leave me....." "Please Believe me....."..... They barely moved a Step or two and they heard....)

Man: OKAY STOP....... I am..... *sigh* I am ready...!!! Just leave her... She has nothing to do with us.....

(The Agent nodded toward the other Agents and they took him away.... As soon as they were out of sight Avneet took out the handcuffs from her hands and gave it back to him..... Took a tissue and started to fix her smudge eyes......)

AR: You owe me big time..!!! (She said while checking herself in the pocket mirror of hers before putting it away...)

Agent: He is down bad for you...... (he said laughing)

AR: Who isn't.... (She asked with a smirk and wink and that instantly made the Agent's face a bit worried as he thought..... Does she know already?? Naah.... I don't think so.... I am not that obvious am I.??? He was pulled out from his thought process when Avneet snapped her fingers in front of him....)

AR: Alright... my work here is done.... Aadios....

Agent: Remember..... I will get you...... One day....

(Avneet just scoffed and started to walk away with her helmet and jacket in the hand saying....)

AR: Sure sure...... (Everyone present there saw the way Agent was looking at the disappearing figure of Avneet.....)

Bhavesh: She won't reciprocate your feelings..... Better just stop right here....

Agent: Am I that obvious....???

Bhavesh: Not till today.....

(The other agents of Mumbai and Delhi team who were a bit in distance saw this and Khan said...)

Khan: That Agent surely has a thing for her....

AB: What.??? (He knew... he could clearly see it.... But why is he feeling like this.... He has a girlfriend for fuck's sake..)

Vaishnavi: Oh ya.....Even that man who she just by mere act convinced to open his mouth... he too is into her.... For sure... Damn she is popular.....

Darsheel: Wait till the trainees come... They are surely gonna hit on her and try their luck... and as she's the only one single among us.... Hopefully she finds her special one.....

AB: What.?? No.....!!!!!!

Abhishek: And Why not.??? You have a girlfriend right??? You worry about her.... ( Siddharth could clearly sense sarcasm and angry tone of Abhishek.... Of course.... He hid the truth of having girlfriend from him too.... He would be upset....)

AB: Listen Dada....(cut off by Abhishek...)

Abhishek: Save it .... Can't believe you had a fucking girlfriend for two years and you didn't even thought it was necessary to tell me.... (Saying this he left as other Agents from Delhi team already started to leave the building.....)

Vaishnavi: C'mon.... You still have a girlfriend to persuade..... Don't stress..... If she disagrees.... Bhavesh will send  Krupali everything in the email..... Bye.... (She was calm.... But her calm tone was showing her complete disinterest in his girlfriend as to show him she is hurt as he ignored her too in informing about his girlfriend.... She left from there followed by Darsheel n Anushka...)

AB: Fuck...... I messed up big time..... (he too started to walk towards his car while calling his girlfriend....)


AB: Hey babe... How are you?

: Hiiiiii...... I am great.!! How are you.??? How's work at your new location.?

AB: Ya..... About that..... You got some time.??? I wanna talk with you....

: Is everything okay babe.?

AB: Ya..... Just.... (He told her everything..... And waited for her response.....)

: You mean to say you have to stay with another Agent.?? And that is a girl.??

AB: Yes...
(He completely removed the part of telling who is she.... Why you ask.? As the story progresses.... The girlfriend reveal..... Avneet's connection and Siddharth's ignorance of this revelation to his girlfriend beforehand would be connected....)

: Does she know you have a girlfriend.?

AB: Yes...
She was the one who asked me to ask you for the permission....

: Woah..... She is something else..... Well.... As far as you promise me you won't cross the line..... I don't mind....

AB: What.??? (Are you serious.?? Can't you just say NO.??? How the fuck am I supposed to stay in same house as her.??? Cross the line.??? Fucking hell.... I was this 🤏 close to almost kiss her today...... )

But.... What if she flirts with me.???

: Then flirt back....

AB: What.? (Is she serious.??)

: Healthy flirting is okay.... And you always do flirt with your colleagues.... Nothing new....

AB: oh....... (Well she is just not some other colleague.!!! She is...... She is Avneet..!!!! God.!!! The amount of self control I will need....)

Alright..... I just didn't wanted to upset you....

: Don't worry sweetheart.... I know you're a good boy..... And if possible.... Someday I do want to meet her...

AB: Sure.... (Heck to the No..... Never.... Avneet should not know who my girlfriend is......)

Okay then.... I will get going.... Have to take all my stuff to the new place..... call you later ya!

: Okay.... Talk to you later.... Be safe.... Love you....

AB: Um.... Ya.... Bye...

OTP ends

(Fuck..... Why am I never able to say those three words to her.... Two years!!! It's been two years.!!! And I still can't say it back to her.... Geez..!!!! )

(It was almost 8:30 pm when Siddharth reached the address sent to him along with his luggage...... The address was not of a house.... But Villa.!!!! And the moment he saw it..... he gawked.....)

AB: Holy shit.!!!! It's beautiful.!!!!

(He entered through the gate and by counting the cats he could say all the Agents are there and he must be the last.... He rang the doorbell and after few minutes was opened by none other than Avneet..... She was looking completely different... She was wearing oversized hoodie with shorts and hair tied in a messy bun..... She didn't say anything.... She just nodded and entered the houses making it clear to him that he should follow her what he noticed after she turned was the rabbit ears of the hoodie and it just reminded of their old days and a fond smile unknowingly formed on his face..... He stopped when he heard his name....)

Khan: Oh Siddharth..... You came.!!!! (He said welcoming him in with a warm hug..... here it seemed like everyone's demeanor changed.... They are no more Agents here.... Just new friends trying to know each other.....)

Shivangi: So your girlfriend let you stay here.... That's sweet of her.... (As soon as she said this she earned an eyeroll from Abhishek....)

Abhishek: Avneetaayyyyyy...... You done with dinner..???

Siddharth: She cooking.???

Abhishek: Why.?? You won't eat if she cooks...??

Vaishnavi: God Abhi will you relax..... Talk with him later.... Stop being salty will ya.???

Siddharth: Dada..... its not like that.... It's just..... *sigh* Nevermind

(Meanwhile Avneet called from the kitchen....)


Faisu: I will call Bhavesh....

Anushka: Imma be calling Krupali....

Vaishnavi: That leaves us.... Let's help her out....

(After some time both came and they all sat together and started eating...... )

Vaishnavi: Wow Avneet... You made Dal chawal....!!!

Jannat: Thanks meri laddo for making biryani for me....

Khan: Dal makhni is delicious Neet....

(Abhishek saw that Siddharth was not taking anything.... So he whispered....)

Abhishek: Are you supposed to take permission from your girlfriend to eat food cooked by Avneet or what.???

(Siddharth just shook his head as No and took his portion of Dal chawal....)

(While eating they got to know each other even better..... Right now they were just sitting in the living room while having drinks.... Avneet however is standing by the window watching at the night sky with her wine glass.... She was lost in her thoughts that she didn't knew someone came and stood next to her....)

Siddharth: So you still remember.?? My favorite dish....

(A chuckle left Avneet's mouth and she shook her head in disbelief looking down as finally indirectly  he admitted that he remembers her....)

Avneet: I remember everything Sid..... But it seems like you forgot everything..... Even me..... (Saying this she left....)

Alright Alright Alright....
Don't come at me...

The chapter is here....

Siddharth has a girlfriend.!!!!!!! 😱😱😱😱😱

Should Avneet move on.???
Or fight for her love.???

Why is Siddharth adamant to not let Avneet know who is his girlfriend.???
Any clue.?

A quick question...

Tell me who is better choice for the Agent who seems to have interest in Avneet...
Rohan Mehra or Dev Joshi?

Anyways hope you liked the chapter....

Do like and comment...

Also if any suggestions.... Drop them in comments or message me....

Until next time....

Aadios Amigos

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