Chapter fifty five

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Avni was sitting in the room and was lost in her thoughts her eyes were teary and she was thinking why they did that to her Neil came with the tray in his hands he stops to see her he feels bad because he never saw her like that he looks away because he can't see her condition he sighs and came to her he sits and keep the tray on the bed avni look at him then she wipes her tears he smiles to make her feel good.

Neil: it's dinner time.

Avni look at him she knew if she refused he will also not eat so she didn't say anything she was thinking and Neil feeds her he was feeling a sharp pain in his heart to see her because his avni is not weak she is strong she know how to fight back how to control the emotions but may be this time the pain is beyond her tolerance so she broke down Neil feeds her and was about to get up avni look at him.

Avni: you will not eat?

Neil: well you feeds me daily but today you forgot about it.

Neil makes a sad face avni smiles she wipe her tears and feed him he smiles then Neil went to keep the vessels in the kitchen he came back and he saw still avni is sitting on the same place he close the door and went to her he made her stand and took to her side and laid her there and kiss her forehead.

Neil: good night sleep now.

Neil went to his side he lays and turns his face he think.

Neil: avni.

She turns to him and again her eyes filled with tears she can't hold her emotions more she hugs him and cries Neil captures her in his arms and he was also crying then she look at him and keep her head on his chest and Neil caress her hairs they were silent sometime silence speaks louder then words Neil knows now she don't understand so he decides to talk to her later avni feels good in his arms and sleeps Neil saw her and kiss her forehead and think.

Next morning avni wakes up she saw Neil is sleeping by hugging her she smiles she thinks.

Avni: thank you for being with me if you was not with me don't know what I did.

She kiss his cheek Neil wakes up and look at her he cups her face and she cries Neil feels bad he kiss her forehead and she close her eyes he kiss her nose they look at each other and avni hugs him.

Avni: thank you.

Neil: is this a way to say thank you?

Avni frown she breaks the hug and look at him neil smiles.

Neil: give me a thank you kiss.

Avni look at him and laughs Neil smiles and sigh to see her.

Avni: you and your kisses morning kiss night kiss and now thank you kiss.

Neil: so what I love it so I want it.

Avni smiles and wipe her tears.

Avni: I know you are saying this to make me feel good you can do anything for me right?

Neil smiles.

Neil: anything.

Avni smiles.

Neil came after getting shower he saw avni her face was pale and she was rubbing her head.

Neil: avni.

She look as him Neil throw the towel on the couch and came to her.

Neil: avni are you ok?

Avni: yaa just headache.

Neil: get ready we are going to doctor or I call doctor at home.

Avni: no Neil I am fine I think it is because of crying i will take medicine then I will feel good.

Neil: are you sure?

Avni nods.

Neil: ok we are not going to office today. take rest.

Avni: no Neil I am fine.

Neil: but your face is saying something else.

Avni: Neil today is our meeting to xyz company and its important I can't go but atleast you should go.

Neil: but avni.

Avni: I said I am fine I will take medicine and feel good please you go it's important please.

Neil: ok I am going but I will come back soon ok.

Avni smiles.

Avni: ok.

Neil get ready they were having breakfast in their room but avni was not liking that.

Neil: avni why you are not eating?

Avni: I am not liking it.

Neil: avni you are not fine come let's go to the doctor.

Avni: Neil because of the headache I am not liking it I am fine trust me.

Neil: why are you so stubborn yaar.

Avni: because I am Mrs avni Neil khanna.

Neil give her a look she smiles Neil shook his head after that Neil was going he takes the cell phone.

Neil: should I call neela maa you will feel good with her.

Avni smiles.

Avni: you will not live me alone right.

Neil: yes you are right wait let me call her.

Neil call neela maa but her phone was switch off.

Neil: her number is switch off.

Avni: Neil leave it it's fine.

Neil: no it's not I can't leave you alone.

Neil think.

Neil: aa ab aa should I call m mo mo mr raichand.

Avni was looking at him she understand his situation but she is happy atleast he is trying avni nods.

Avni: ok.

Neil nods he call Shweta she smiles she was very happy she was waiting for his call since days.

Shweta: hello tillu.

Neil was about to say but he stop to hear tillu his eyes filled with tears he control.

Shweta: tillu.

Neil clear her throat.

Neil: ummhh aa ab actually avni is not well and I have to go for a meeting can you come I don't leave her alone.

Shweta: what happened to her?

Neil: nothing to worry just a headache.

Shweta: ok I am coming.

Neil: ok thank you.

Shweta smiles.

Shweta: you are seeing thank you to your mom hmm.

Neil: ok bye.

Neil cuts the call Shweta feels bad but she was happy atleast he talked to her. Situation is so wondering all are sad but somewhere they get the happiness by thinking atleast it happen like avni is sad but she is happy atleast Neil tried Shweta felt hurt when Neil cut the call but she was happy atleast Neil talked to her may be this is called life.

Neil look at avni.

Neil: she is coming.

Avni: ok.

Neil came to her he kiss her forehead.

Neil: ok I am going but take care of yourself and I will come back soon ok.

Avni smiles.

Avni: ok.

He smiles and went then avni think then Neil came in his cabin after attending the meeting he keep the phone on the table and sits.

Neil: first let's ask avni how is she?

He picks his phone to call but his phone rings he saw Shweta's call and frown he picks the call.

Neil: hello.

He shocked.

Neil: take her to the xyz hospital I am coming.

Neil get up and run he get in the car and drives fast he was sacred and wipes his tears he speed up the car then he get down from the car outside the hospital and runs inside where Shweta was standing at the corridor he came to her.

Neil: mom mom avni aaavni.

Shweta was looking at him.

Neil: wh where is she wh what happened to her?

Shweta points the room Neil look there and cries.

Shweta: don't worry Neil she will be fine.

Neil: how this happened?

Shweta: I don't know I just went to bring juice for her as she refused to eat anything and when I came back she was on the floor unconsciously.

Neil was looking at her.

Neil: I didn't want to go but she insist me to go It is my fault how I leave her she was unwell I should not leave her it is my mistake.

Neil catch his head.

Neil: it is all my fault.

Shweta: calm down she will be fine.

Then the doctor came there Neil went to her.

Neil: doc doctor how is she how is my wife?

Doctor was looking at neil then the tears fall from Neil's eyes.

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