Chapter fifty six

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The doctor came there Neil went to him.

Neil: doc doctor how is she how is my wife?

Doctor was looking at him and Neil was hell scared.

Dr: relax sir she is fine and congratulations she is pregnant.

Neil was surprised he don't know how to react the tears fall from Neil's eyes Shweta smiles with teary eyes.

Neil: sh sh is pregnant that that means I i am going to become father right.

Doctor smiles.

Dr: yes.

Neil smiles and his eyes were teary.

Neil: av avni is she fine is baby fine both are fine right why she fainted is there any complications I mean th.

Dr: relax sir she is fine now but she is weak and i think she is in stress her bp was high and its not good for her and baby please take care of her make her happy.

Neil nods.

Neil: ok doctor thank you.

She nods and went.

Shweta: congratulations tillu.

Neil look at her.

Neil: mom mom you heard what she said?

Shweta nods.

Neil: she she said I am going to become father my my baby is coming.

Shweta: yes I heard.

Neil hugs her happiness and sorrow both are so powerful they have the the power to unite who are away and separate how are today that's why people saying that happiness is the best medicine and nothing is worst then sorrow. In happiness Neil forget everything and hug his mother till morning how was hesitate to call her mom but now he is hugging her then Neil breaks the hug he was so happy Shweta caress his face and she was very happy because she is going to become a grand mother and Neil hugs her Neil sighs he look at her and realized he hug her he think After sometime avni was conscious Neil came to her and his eyes were teary and he was smiling.

Avni: Neil.

Neil: avniii.

He came to her sit besides her.

Avni: Neil don't cry I am fine may be I fainted because of not eating properly.

Neil was looking at her she tried to get up.

Neil: avni.

Neil help her.

Avni: Neil I am fine.

Neil adjust the pillow and made her lay.

Avni: Neil.

Neil cup her face.

Neil: avni you don't have any idea how i felt when mom told me that you fainted

Avni was looking at him.

Avni: I am sorry.

Neil hugs her.

Neil: avni don't say sorry I am very happy today.

Avni frown.

Avni: happy but why because of the meeting.

Neil smiles and breaks the hug avni was confused to see him Neil cups her face.

Neil: thank you so much avni for giving me the best gift of my life.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: avni avni we are going to become parents you are pregnant.

Avni was surprised Neil nods her eyes filled with tears.

Neil: yes avni we are going to become parents.

Avni: aa are are you serious?

Neil: yes.

Avni was crying but those were the tears of happiness Neil hug and tears fall from avni's eyes Neil kiss her hairs then he breaks the hug.

Neil: from now you will do proper rest no need to go office no other work no stress nothing just rest you will do your breakfast lunch dinner on time and will do what I say you will daily drink the juices and have medicine on time in short you are not allowed to keep you foot on the floor.

Avni was smiling by seeing him.

Neil: I am not joking I am serious and if you will not listen to me then I will scold you.

Avni: then I will cry.

Neil: no no no no no It is not good for you and baby if you cry you will have headache then you will refuse to eat and it will effect your health and baby too no no I i will not scold you ok I promise but you have to listen to me.

Avni laughs.

Avni: Neil calm down I am joking.

Neil: I am serious avni I know I am sounding like an idiot and fool but I can't explain my feelings in words.

Avni cups his face he look at her.

Avni: I understand I am not showing but my condition is not less then your.

Neil: really what are you thinking?

Now she get excited she keep the hairs behind the ear.

Avni: Neil when our baby will come his hands will be so small and cute and he will be also small how will I pick him in my arms I mean he.

Neil: one sec one sec he means.

Avni: he means my baby I want a baby boy.

Neil: o hello It will be a girl ok.

Avni: no boy.

Neil: no my princess.

Avni: no my Prince.

Neil: princes.

Avni: prince.

Neil: princess princess princess.

Avni: prince Prince Prince.

Neil: princess it will be my princess I will take her in my arms and we will do alot of fun me and my princess will go to the park, playing ground I will daily drop her school and also pick her.

Avni was smiling and Neil was saying.

Avni in mind: people say a child gives a new birth to mother but here our baby will give us new life where we will always live happily.

Neil: In short we will enjoy alot.

Avni smiles Neil also smiled.

Neil: thank you avni for giving me this happiness.

Avni smiles then Neil thinks.

Neil: ab avni I i know it's not the right time to talk about it but it's very important.

Avni frown.

Neil: avni please forgive your parents.

Avni shocked.

Avni: see doctor said stress is not good for you and baby and you fainted because you took stress avni forgive them then you will live peacefully.

Avni: forgive them forgive them you know Neil what they did and you are saying forgive them.

Neil: I know avni but for your own satisfaction forgive them.

Avni: how Neil. they left me at the gate of the orphanage at mid night and you are saying forgive them Neil I lived that life i know how it feels when someone call you illegitimate when people took away their children from you Neil you don't know how it felt.

Neil shocked.

Neil: I don't know really avni.

Avni realised what she said.

Neil: avni I also lived that life yes I agreed people didn't question my blood they didn't tag me illegitimate child because my dad's name was with me but I also spent my childhood as orphan my parents were alive but they were not with me you didn't know where your parents are but i knew still I was alone and you are saying I don't know.

Avni: Neil I am I am sorry I don't know how i said that it just slipped from my mouth.

Neil: it's ok I understand.

Avni: Neil I am sorry now I understand how you felt when you faced mummy ji how easily I asked you to move on but now I am understanding how difficult it is I am really sorry because of me you faced that .

Neil cup her face.

Neil: no avni you did right you don't know what you did for me I was stuck in my past you took me out of it I was living in darkness you came as a light, as a blessing for me because of you I know what is life what is happiness this is what all you did for me.

Avni was looking at him.

Neil: and now I want to help you to come out of your past avni this child came as a ray of hope in our life it will feel our life with happiness the childhood which we lost we will live it with our child we will relive our childhood.

Avni smiles with teary eyes.

Neil: so forgive them and let's start our new journey.

Avni: but Neil.

Neil: avni you are going to become a mother will you want to left our child somewhere.

Avni shocked.

Neil: tell me.

Avni nods no.

Neil: so avni think it was not easy for your mother too I am not saying what she did was right no that was wrong totally wrong but think avni she did that for you your parents were not able to upbring you and she was your mother then how she saw you crying daily because of hunger avni keep yourself at her place.

Avni: I know it was not easy for her but she never tried to meet me if she want she talked to neela maa she helped her.

Neil: I understand but she don't know neela maa and there is no use to talk about it because we can't change the past so avni forgive her not for her but for yourself your peace your satisfaction atleast for our baby doctor said if you take stress it will effect our baby so avni for our baby try to move on.

Avni think and Neil was looking at her she look at him and nods he smiles.

Neil: I know it's very difficult but trust me avni you will feel good.

Avni smile.

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