Chapter 3

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[Alice Hatfield]

I'm surprised, or, better say, shocked when Kyle stands up and approaches Callie Barham and her stupid friend Lisa. He points at the brat and scowls, "Listen, Callie, if you've got nothing better to do than putting down Alice, then why don't you just take a hike?"

After those threatening words, Lisa stops giggling and just looks down. To be honest, I pity that girl a little bit. How come is she letting Callie treat her like that? The point is, I've never been brave enough to tell her that she deserves far better friends, despite being both in the swimming team.

On the other hand, why is Kyle defending me? Why does he care so much about me? I mean, I can perfectly defend myself, I'm not his freaking damsel in distress. As much as I'd like to point it out, I can't. Not only this isn't the right time to do so, but he's too busy trying to put Callie back in her place to listen to me.

The brat, however, doesn't look like she wants to pay attention to Kyle. She ignores him, shooting a glare at me instead; however, he intervenes again, "I'm not going to repeat it again, Callie. Leave Alice alone or-"

Callie cuts him off. "Listen, Bentley, I don't see why you have to defend that poor midge," she points out in a very rude manner, angering me. "Seriously, what do you see in her? I mean, you'd find me a lot more interesting. Would you like hanging out with me after school?"

Kyle shakes his head. He's not even interested in her. Why is she keeping making such a poor figure? But why is he insisting that I need his help? Wanting to prove that I'm a strong, independent young woman, I push Kyle aside and approach Callie. "Listen, Callie, I know you're seeking for attention, but I'm afraid I can't help you," I say in a calm but firm tone.

She, however, gives me a cold glare. "I don't pay attention to midges, Hatfield." She pushes me and struts away, yelling at Lisa to follow her. The latter, however, refuses to listen to her. Callie shrieks, "Lisa! You're supposed to come with me!"

Kyle and I both shake our heads. Then, we glance at each other but I look away almost immediately. We need to talk about what happened before. He needs to realize that I don't need to be saved. I can defend myself.

Meanwhile, Callie is still waiting impatiently for her "minion" to follow her like her loyal puppy. I'm glad that Lisa has just found out that she has a dignity, though. Not only doesn't she obey the queen bee's absurd order, but she also remarks, "I'm not your shadow, Callie. I'm a person of your own. Go and find someone else to treat as your toy."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Callie's scene is attracting the rest of the school. Seeing who tries to pass as an elegant, poised and graceful yet snarky girl go berserk is so amusing that I can't help giggling, followed by Kyle. But why is he copying me? Oh, come on, Alice, get a grip!

Callie goes on ranting, much to my displeasure, but, at the same time, to my joy. She's definitely making a fool out of herself. "I'm not done with you, Lisa! Now choose: you side with me or you side with that midge! But, beware, if you choose her, your life is going to be hell!"

"Get a fucking life, Callie! It's your fault if I have no friends in the team!" Lisa's statement shocks me. Why is she realizing that she needs to make true friends only now? I mean, has she ever tried to get to know someone else beside that bitch? I guess it's time to talk to her about this. Hopefully.

When she approaches Kyle and me, she gives us a tense smile. She bows slightly before me as she apologizes. "Thank you for opening my eyes, Alice. I guess I'll see you at the competition. It's tomorrow, right?"

Oh, crap! The swimming competition! If I don't complete my training sessions, my chances to take part in it are very slim. But how am I supposed to juggle the competition and the school project with Kyle? I guess swimming is the priority, for now. Hopefully Kyle will understand.

He doesn't even look too bothered when I ditch him to spend the remainder of lunch period with Lisa.


Coach Mayberry has just posted the list of the official participants for the various specialties of tomorrow's competition. As I scan through it, in the hope to find my name anywhere, even if it's just one single specialty, I can't help thinking of Kyle and the project. What if the thought of him distracts me? What if I make a poor figure in front of everyone?

Okay, Alice, drop the negativity and move on! Life is beautiful, remember?

As I'm done with reading the list, I notice that Kristen Burdette and Rosie Givens were chosen for the 50m challenge, Lisa for the 100m, and Mackenzie Durkin for the 200m. The four of them will also take part in the 4×50m and 4×100m relay. I'm actually surprised, since they usually compete for longer, harsher, more challenging categories.

I'm shocked when I move to the 500m. The person who has been picked to compete is me! I've always taken part in 50m, at most 100m specialty competitions, where speed counts the most. 500m is mostly about endurance, and I've never even tried it. And, no, the ten daily pool rounds I do in my training sessions don't count.

This is an actual competition! I mean, there must be a mistake and, if I don't point it out, I'll be doomed. That'll be the end of my reputation. Everyone knows me as a pretty good swimmer and I've also won two or three medals so far. Two bronzes and a silver. I'm not flaunting, of course, I just want to make people know because they often take me for granted.

But how am I supposed to even earn a good placement when I'll face fiercer, better trained competitors?

"Coach," I say, trying to catch her attention. She smiles weakly at me, which confuses me, but I still go on, "I think there's a mistake. You signed me for the 500m, and-"

"There's no mistake, Alice," she states, leaving me even more dejected than before. "You'll compete for the 500m category. That's my final decision."


She gives me a hard stare, making me understand that there's no room for objections. "I think it's time you overcome your limits, Alice. You really need to step out of your comfort zone. This competition is going to help you to achieve this, I promise." That said, she turns her back at me and leaves, not allowing me to even ask her questions.

I'm screwed. I wish I could avoid to show up, but I have to. Being disqualified and kicked out of the team isn't exactly what I want.

I guess I'll have to accept the idea of making a poor figure in front of everyone.

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