Chapter 4

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[Kyle Bentley]

Alice insists that she doesn't need my help, but why won't she admit that, if it weren't for me, she'd never be brave enough to face Callie? Okay, actually Lisa did the greatest part of the job by ditching that brat, but, hey, sometimes getting a little bit of recognition helps, right?

Anyway, she's busy with rehearsal for the upcoming swimming competition, so she can't come round to help me start working on the project. I guess I'll have to do my part on my own—well, unless we come up with a different plan.

My thoughts keep flowing in my mind until Dad snaps me back to reality when he calls, "Kyle, come here, please. Mr. Hatfield is here to discuss the final details about your contract." Oh, shit. I forgot it. Mr. Hatfield, other than being my manager, is also one of the busiest people I've ever met and doesn't take any bullshit.

Plus, he's Alice's father.

Maybe he could give me some advice about her and the project... Oh, come on Kyle, there's no time for that. There's a contract to sign, and that's far more important.

As I head to Dad's studio, I greet him and Mr. Hatfield warmly, but they only nod and shake hands with me. Still, I'm not upset. I kind of expected a cold reaction from them. After all, this is a business matter, so there's no time for pointless sentimentalism.

As I sit down, Mr. Hatfield immediately jumps to the matter. "Okay, Kyle, you know why you're here, right?" he points out. I nod, trying hard to conceal my doubt, as well as my feelings. This is the chance of a lifetime. I can't ruin everything, for God's sake.

"This is an exclusive contract with the label, okay?" I nod again, and he goes on. "For now, you're going to sign a three-year deal. If everything is fine, then we can consider extending the contract, but it will mostly depend on you, okay?" My reaction at this point is pretty obvious. This conversation (if it can be called that way) is as smooth as both Dad and I expected.

Mr. Hatfield doesn't let me ask any questions yet because he isn't done. "Now, before you sign, don't forget to read the terms and conditions. In their entirety, of course. I don't want any complaint if something strange happens or you see your contract invalidated, okay?" This time, he sounds more threatening, making me worry more than I thought.

I gulp. "Okay... I guess." I turn my attention to the papers. I read them carefully, one by one, until I reach the final page of the infamous terms and conditions. Dad clears his throat, noticing that I'm feeling rather uncomfortable, and gives me a sideways glance. If this is his way to try and encourage me, then he failed. And, let me tell you, this is definitely not a good way to put things.

I read every single point of that dreadful list without any other issues. But, when it comes to reading the last passage, I'm frozen. In other words, the contract says that, basically, I'll have little to no time for face to face interaction. And, no, social media are just a way to keep in touch with my friends and family, not a replacement for them.

It also implies that my life will constantly be in movement, between rehearsals and recordings, press and social events, and that I'll hardly have any time for hanging around with my friends. Probably, I'll even be forced to date a girl imposed by the agency. But I don't just want a cover girl. I want Alice.

What the heck am I thinking? If I want to follow my dreams, I have to make some sacrifices, as Dad puts it. He's right. I guess I have to accept the harsh reality.

"Any questions?" Mr. Hatfield snaps me out of my thoughts, after which I pretend to put the papers back in place. He, however, frowns at me when I do so. I think he saw through my mind. What if he already acknowledges that I'm into his daughter? Will me stop me from seeing her? Will he turn my life into hell? Will he stop being my manager?

Okay, Kyle, enough with these silly questions! Get a grip!

Even though I'd like to ask my manager all those questions that are messing up in my mind, I decide wisely not to. I don't want to get in his bad side, this is not what I want at all. Therefore, I just ask, "Can I take my time before I sign? I mean, I want to make sure to consider all the options and, besides, I'd have to inform my mother and my friends."

He doesn't object to these points, much to my surprise. At least, he's showing his human side. Still, he's one of the greatest professionals in the area, so he turns serious again as he answers, "Okay. I'll give you one week to think about it. But, by then, I want a clear answer. Either you sign the contract or you don't. Make sure you make the right choice, since there's no room for changing your mind. Okay?"

I nod resolutely. "Thank you, Mr. Hatfield." I'm glad this is over, at least for now. Now that we're done discussing contract matters, I really need to take the chance to ask him about the project. Yeah, that, of course. I don't want to pass as the guy who uses it in front of my manager just to hit on his daughter, no.

"I have another question." He's taken aback when I point it out, but he still looks like he's willing to listen to me. So, I ask, "Do you know Middle Point? Well, it's for a school project." Technically, it's the truth. Yet, I omit that I'm working on it with Alice. I don't want to ruin things with her or her father, not yet.

"You said Middle Point, right?" I nod, and he continues. "Well, I know them and, if I were you, I'd stay away from them. They're toxic as fuck." Wow. That's definitely not a good start for a project. Has Miss Dawson gone nuts? Why would she force us to do a presentation on a group that has such a bad reputation?

Oh, never mind.

I shoot my manager another question. "What happened to them? I mean, you said they're toxic. And, don't worry, I'm not going to meet them. I just need information."

Hatfield sighs; then, he runs through his files until he hands me one. It's pretty huge. I guess it's packed with their scandals and their music production.

I take the file without hesitations, then, as I bid Mr. Hatfield goodbye, he tells me, "You don't need to return it, okay? It's yours now. I don't represent Middle Point anymore."

That's a great shocker. Why would he stop to work with them? What are they hiding?

I guess tonight is going to be an intense one. If only Alice were with me... She'd enjoy going through this huge file.

As I head back to my room, I start scanning through their profiles and I'm shocked when I find out that one of the members, Padgett Sixberry, attended our high school.

What the hell!

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