Her Decision and Contract

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Chapter 16


Aylin goes back to her only to find everything normal in her house. Her mother treated her warmly like usual. She was also worried about why she was all dressed up and came to visit so late at night.

Aylin glares at her father and mutters,

"You lied to make me come here."

"What are you talking about, my dear?"

"Enough! I have had enough of being your doll!"

Aylin for the first time in her life shouted back at her father. She felt exhausted. Even now even if she was angry, her eyes were clouded as if she would break down any moment.

Brendon's face hardens, and without any glimpse of emotion, he slaps her mother.

"Mom! What the hell!"

Aylin covers her mother protectively.

"Should've thought of that before running your mouth in front of me."

"Why do you take it out on her? If I am making you angry then hit me! Take it out on me! Not her! What did she do wrong?!"

"Her sin is that you are attached to her."

"What the hell! Then does that make you a sinner too, since I am your daughter?"

"Don't try to act smart with me! This all wouldn't be happening if you would have been a good perfect daughter who obeys her parents! It's all your fault."

"But I have been so good....all my life...I did every single fucking thing you asked me to do!"

Even if Aylin hated cursing, she was at her limits. The bottle of emotions inside of her was cracked and the water overflowed.

"Yet you're still a fucking disappointment! Always messing things up. Did you think I wouldn't realize?"

He grabs her mouth with force,

"What the hell did you tell Axel? Spill it. You fucking mole."


Aylin tried to speak back. He then takes his hand back and instead breaks the nearby vase near them. The shattered glass ends up scratching her mother's leg and her arm.

"You fucking liar! I asked you to spy for me yet you ignore me and instead pretend as if I don't even exist! Who do you think you are playing with?"

"I didn't!"

"Then where the hell are the names?!"

He breaks down another decoration.

"I told you, I got sick!"

"You look fine to me. Stop with the act!"

"You ask me to spy for you yet you don't believe me! Am I even your daughter?!"

"Again! You are talking back to me!"

He again smashes a nearby vase.

"Give me your phone! Right here!"

Aylin gives him her phone as he looks through it.

"After today, you will never cut my call. You will report every single fucking thing including when you woke up and how many breaths you take. What you talked about. What he talked about. Every single thing! Got it?"

Aylin glares back instead of replying.

"Answer me you fucking rat!"

She grits her teeth and nods in return.

He throws her phone at her and says,

"Good. You better go back tomorrow and get to it. If you don't then forget your mother and I even exist. I won't let you ever see her again. You will be disowned. Don't worry, I will tell the press that you died."

After he leaves, Ayling helps her mother sit on the sofa and then goes to get the first aid kit to treat her leg where the shattered pieces were stuck and blood was flowing out.

She looked for the kit but couldn't find it until Sam came holding it for her. For the first time, he looked at Aylin and her mother with empathy and pity.

Aylin quickly takes the kit from him and starts treating her mother.

"Why are you looking at us like that?"

"...I....uh...I am sorry."

"Did you find out who killed your parents?"

"...it was Brendon..."

He whispered back to which Aylin's mother's eyes went around.


"Mom, I will explain later. For now, please. I beg you. Let's leave. I will talk to Axel. He hates dad so he will take care of us if I think...."

"Aylin! He is your father's enemy means he is your enemy! Don't talk like this! Just be a good girl and do what your father asks of you."

"But mom....this is unfair..."

Tears flowed down Aylin's cheeks like a stream as she sobbed and added,

"I am tired....I even lost myself because of this....I want to find me again....I can't stand seeing you treated like shit because of me. You have sacrificed so much for me. So many times you stood in front of me, to protect me, I can't stand this anymore so...please..come with me...."

"I am not going over to the enemy's side! Also, if you hate seeing me like this then why do you do this, my dear Aylin?"

Her mother softly caresses her face and sweetly says,

"My sweet beautiful Aylin, don't care about me. Just be a good girl and listen to your father. He knows what's best for you."

"Mom...you're just blinded by love. This isn't the best for me."

"Of course it is! You are the heiress to this whole business and also the wife of the rival one. You're the most envied woman ever. Be happy."

"...I don't know how to be happy anymore...please...mom...for me...let's just go away...we won't go to Axel...we will go somewhere else...just me and you...please..for me?"

Aylin fell into her mother's arms and cried her eyes out.

Sam who was watching this added,

"I will help if you want. Although....your father is a powerful man. He will hunt you down so I will suggest that you take your husband's help..."

"Enough both of you. I love that man. I won't go anywhere."

Aylin's mother remarks but Aylin caresses her and adds,

"This isn't love, mom..."

"You won't understand. You will finally get what I am feeling right now when you will be in love."

"No, mom. Love isn't supposed to be like this."

"There can be different forms of love."

"Ma'am, even I will say that this is not love. You should get away before it's too late."

Sam interrupted to which Aylin nodded, grabbing her mother's hand. Her watery eyes pleaded with her mother to just say yes.

"What has gotten into both of you? Everything is fine here. This is how it has always been. Nothing new happened today. Except for Aylin talking back to your father. That was wrong. He is your father, dear. You need to respect him. I'm worried for you my love. I'm afraid I won't be able to protect you so don't talk about running away. Just keep your father happy. After all, he does so much for you. You have everything every girl could only dream about."

'I have everything but I lost myself in the process.'

Aylin thought to herself while hugging her mother.

The next morning, at breakfast, Aylin found out that Axel is here to pick her up. She was surprised at this but also slightly happy. Because she has finally decided to finally take a step. Before her father could be informed of him coming here, she quickly leaves.

On the way back, Axel is worried about Aylin. He couldn't sleep last night. He coughs and then breaks the silence,

"I'm sorry."

It seems as if Aylin was so deep in thought that she flinches upon hearing his words,


"I'm sorry for last night. I said some harsh things. I had and still don't have any intention of hurting-"

"You know what? I have something to talk to you about as well."

Aylin interrupts before he could even speak.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"I'll tell you once we go home."

Upon reaching home, Axel continues explaining,

"Look, I never once lied to you. Sure, I did hide the fact that I want to bring Abbot's business down and find the truth behind my parents' murder but with you, I have always been my true self. I..."

Before he could continue, Aylin interrupts firmly,

"I know. I also know you have no intention of hurting me. As do I. I also used you to escape so it's even. No need to talk about the same things again. We can just conclude that this marriage started with a lie and it still is becoming a lie."

"This marriage has nothing to do with what we were hiding from each other."

"To me, it does."

"And you're still not gonna tell me the reason?"

"On to the more important things, since this marriage has come to this point that even you want to divorce me. So let's make a contract."

"What are you even talking about?"

"I admit. The reason my father agreed to this marriage was so that I would become a spy and inform him about every single deal you make with him."

Upon her confession, Axel's eyes flickered.

"But I also admit that I never once did anything of that sort because I have no intention of helping that man. It's just a lie I told him to convince him of this marriage. But the more we go ahead with this, the more messed up it becomes. And I am the one that gets hurt in the process. You may call me selfish for thinking about myself but so what."

"So you want to make a contract?"


"Why? What type of contract?"

"I will become your ally. I will help you bring my father down. If it helps, I used to handle most of the paperwork for him so I know quite a lot of things."

Axel's response is full of silence. He doesn't know what to say. It seems as if the person in front of him is a different woman than he used to know. What the hell happened? Also, he did mention divorce but he wasn't thinking it would happen so quickly because after all, he loves her.

"I know you must be thinking what will I gain from this, right? Well, let me work at your office. I need good pay and when all of this is over and I leave, I need a house. I'll tell you the location where. Oh also, I need around 30% shares on my name."

"....why? What do you mean to leave?"

Axel grits at the word 'leave'.

"The contract needs to end one day or another, right? Also, why focus on that? I said a lot of things. Tell me if those conditions work or not."

"...I need some time to think."

"I don't have time. You may not realize it but I am practically declaring war against my father. I can't afford to waste any more time. I need your guarantee."

"But first tell me, why leave? Where are you planning to go?"

"Does it matter?"

"Of course it does! So, you are just gonna leave and that's it?"

"Weren't you the one who brought up divorce?"

"That was a maybe option and it was for your good! I don't want you to leave!"

His words make her gulp. If he keeps talking like this, it may be hard for her to leave. But she needs to show a strong face right now because she doesn't want him to be hurt later on.

"But you will have to because what else is there in this marriage?"

Axel scoffs angrily,

"What else? Love!"

"...and I have started to hate love. What has love ever done well for anyone?"

Aylin snaps back after recalling her mother and father's love.

"So, you are telling me you were never happy? And that you don't love me?"

"Tell me about the contract. Don't drag the conversation."


Axel laughs in anger, playing with his hair he adds firmly,

"Tell me the reason. Why did you escape?"

"Make that a condition too. You won't ask me anything."

"So, you won't tell me even now?"

He grabs her wrist and pulls her to him and in a deep voice inquires,

"Who is that bastard? The one you were talking about. Just who is it?"

Anger flickered in his dark brown eyes.

Setting herself free, Aylin retorts,

"I already told you. There is no guy! Why do you keep coming to the same thing?"

"Then what else am I supposed to think? Why else would you want to leave me? I don't understand."

"Just don't think too much about it. Now, tell me about the contract. Do you accept it or not?"


Axel grudgingly admits.

'I will find out what you are hiding and I definitely 100% won't let you go.'

So...any thoughts about Aylin's mother? Also what do you think about Aylin's decision about the contract? What would you have done if you were in her place? Looking forward to all your replies and hope you enjoyed reading! ❤️❤️❤️

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