Their Fight and Confusion

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Chapter 15

Upon Axel's shout, the whole hall's attention falls onto them with him holding Aylin in his arms before she could fall.

His protocol team surrounds them immediately to stop from everyone seeing what was going on or taking a picture of them. Meanwhile, Axel was worried sick about Aylin. Eric quickly calls a doctor, luckily one of the guests was a doctor and he offered to help. They took Aylin to one of the hotel rooms upstairs where the doctor takes a look at her.

He then explains to Axel that the reason she fainted may be due to stress. But he can't be sure because he doesn't know if she is diagnosed with any other illness or if there is any other underlying cause and that once Aylin wakes up, it's better to take her for a check-up just in case.

While waiting for Aylin to wake up, Axel tells Lexi to take care of all the press and to make sure not a word of it leaks out because he doesn't want Aylin to be troubled.

"What stress could it be? Maybe it's due to her marrying you?"

Eric asked.

"You're still going on about that? You think she is a spy?"

"Well...I don't doubt her intentions but she could be forced by her father. You also wanted to save her from her father, right?"

"So she has been spying all along but then what happened?"

"I'm not saying she has been spying. I don't think she is. But she could be forced by her father to do it and since she doesn't want to do it, she may be stressed."

"That does make sense. This reminds me, who was the guy she was talking to before?"

"He is one of Abbott's men."

"Go find out everything about him and what did they talk about. I need every single detail."

"Got it. But if I may ask, what are you going to do now? Because I know that face....don't do something stupid, Axel..."

Eric advised upon seeing the grim expressions on Axel's face.

"...I won't."

"Then tell me what are you planning?"


"Don't lie, Axel. And don't you dare do something that would hurt her or you. I'm warning you. You will regret it later on."

"So it's fine as long as she is happy, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"She only got into this mess because of me. I shouldn't have talked to her that day. I shouldn't have involved myself with her..."

"Don't tell want to divorce her?!"

Eric's voice was too loud, due to which Aylin woke up wincing. Although her eyes were slightly open she still heard him. However, neither Eric nor Axel noticed that she was awake.


"Axel? Reply to me."

"Just please go do what I said. Oh and get a car ready. We can't stay here."

"...fine. But we will talk about this later."

Eric took his leave. Axel then turned to look at Aylin who had closed her eyes to pretend she was still unconscious.

She had just heard them talking about him divorcing her. How did it get to this, she wonders. She doesn't want to let go. He is her only way to escape. If he lets her go, she will have to go back to that hell....also, she is starting to like him....she has to do something.

She softly opens her eyes to see Axel who asks her if she is alright. She nods in reply. After drinking water and making sure Aylin was okay, they headed back home.

On the way, Aylin kept fidgeting with her fingers, pondering over how to bring up the topic. Meanwhile, Axel also has this serious solemn look on his face. He keeps thinking about how if he lets her go, he can just remove Brendon Abbott from the family head and make her the head. That way, he can protect her and she can be happy too.

"Umm...are you going to divorce me?"

Aylin blurted, going straight to the point.

Axel's eyes went around,

".....why do you say that?"

"I overheard you talking with Eric. I couldn't make much of the conversation but I assume you were talking about is this true? Did something happen? Is it because of the other day? What's going on? I'm so confused. You have also been avoiding me. Did I do something? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to....I'll apologize so...please..."

"Stop saying sorry!"

Axel hated seeing her like this. It pained him to see the one he loves to act like this.

"Then tell me what's wrong. You don't say anything."

"Is anything going to change if I ask you? Are you going to tell me the truth?"

"Huh? What is the truth?"

"I don't want to say it."

"If you won't say it, how will I know?"

"Then tell me. How did you convince your father of this marriage?"

"....that...why are you asking now?"

"Just tell me. Please."

Aylin's mind flashes back to the memory of when her father warned her that if Axel found out that she was a spy, he would cut her off and never let her see her mother again. Inhaling a shaky breath, she retorts,

"You convinced the board members so he had to agree. I didn't have to do anything."

"Don't lie, please. I know Brendon. Even if the whole world goes against him, he stays stubborn."

"But I am his daughter. He would never say no to me. You already know I am famous as his cherished daughter."

"I don't believe those shitty articles and rumors."

"...Then believe me."

"Are you telling me the truth?"

"Why are you doubting me? Is it because I'm his daughter? But I thought you said it doesn't matter to you. Didn't you like me?"

"It doesn't but.....I still need to know...."

"Don't you trust me?"

"I do."

"Then don't doubt me like this. Is this the reason you want to divorce me? Seriously? Do you even like me? What the hell, Axel!"

They had reached the house and were still sitting in the car talking. Aylin quickly gets out and slams the door while continuing to talk.

"I thought you trusted me. All these things don't matter. But in the end, just like everyone else I am just Brendon Abbot's daughter to you, isn't it?"

She scoffs while Axel follows after her. He grabs her elbow to stop her from walking away but she pushes him away. He grits his teeth and adds,

"You of all people should know, it's not like that."

"But it is like that. Isn't it true that you married me just to get back at my father?"

"What nonsense are you saying? Who told you that?"

"You didn't deny it yesterday night when I was drunk."

" you remember everything?"

"....I just recalled bits and pieces."

"Look, it isn't like that. Yes, I am indeed looking behind my parents' murder but that has got nothing to do with you."

"Even if the one who killed them is my father?"


Although Axel had his suspicions about their death, he didn't know that Brendon would be behind it.

"Is that true?"

"I'm just saying. Tell me. Even if he is behind it then what would you do?"


"He is my father after all. Are you going to kill him?"


"Okay, I'll stop trying to put you in a tough spot. But you indeed used me and you even tested me and then you decided that I may or may not be a spy so you avoided me and just now confronted me about it?"

"It isn't like that! I didn't use you....and I will admit about the testing part but it wasn't my me..."

"But you did test me. This means you doubt me and you think I am a spy."

"...are you then? A spy."

"....of course not."

"You hesitated to speak."

"It's not like that. If I was gonna spy on you, I would have been more secretive about it. But all this time, I have been vulnerable and open with you."

"Then tell me the truth."

"I have already told you everything."

"Who did you talk to on the phone at the party?"

"My father."

"What did you talk about?"

"Just basic hello hi. Wait. Are you interrogating me right now? I can't believe this!"

"I just want to know the truth..."

Aylin bit her lip. She didn't know what to say. Should she tell him everything? But no. Her father has spies everywhere. And she doesn't want to drag him into this mess.

"....I already told you.."

Sighing, Axel rubs his hair,

"Then should I think that you don't trust me?"

"It's not like that!"

"That's say I don't trust you and you don't believe me but you refuse to trust me in yourself. Isn't that true?"

"You used me!"

"You used me too! To escape from that house. Isn't that right? You couldn't marry the man you like so I was your only way out..."

"What? What man?"

"You told me yourself in Paris."

"But there is no man!"

"Then you didn't use me?"

"Don't say it like that."

"You said it first."

"That's because you had this whole revenge plot planned. Isn't it true you want to bring my father down? Get him back for everything and destroy everything he loves which also includes me?"

"You're not included."

"Then is this marriage a lie? You want to protect me from all of this so you decided that I should stay by your side. Is that it?"

"...if I said that was the truth then what?"

"Why? What would you gain by doing this?"

"I don't want anything."

"Then why get me involved in the first place?"

"The very fact you are his daughter makes you pretty much involved."

Aylin grabs her forehead and puts her palm in front of him,

"Wait...I am getting confused. My head is starting to ache. I don't get what we are even talking about....I need a break....I need to think things through.."

"About what?"

"About the answer to your divorce. Isn't that what we started talking about in the first place?"


"Why did you talk about divorce in the first place?"

"Because I didn't want you to get hurt...."

"Should've thought of that first before you approached me."

Aylin spats back while glaring at him.


"Fine then. Just give me time to think. I won't blame you because after all, I was the fool to think your actions were true."

"But they were! I never once lied to you."

"Is lying any different from hiding things?"

"Aren't you the one here with secrets?"

"That is different. It has nothing to do with you."


"I just said it has got nothing to do with you. No need to be concerned with it."

"If it has nothing to do with me then you should be able to tell me, right?"

"No, because in my secret you aren't getting hurt while in your secret, I am the one who will get hurt so there is a huge difference!"

Aylin didn't want to show him her pathetic side, she was afraid of what happened back in high school would be repeated and he too wouldn't believe her.

During her senior year of high school, she got quite close with a group of five people. They were rich but not rich like Aylin. Although they would say that money doesn't matter in terms of friendship and they were quite genuine with her, they would sometimes talk about how she lives like a princess.

Once when Aylin's father blackmailed her mother to do something, she decided to ask for help from her friends. However, none of them believed her. They thought she was trying to make up a fake story to show that she too has got troubles like them. But Aylin kept on being persistent and kept sharing it with her and then they thought that she was just telling lies to get attention because after all why would a girl like her have such issues? She recalls the look on one of her male friend's faces and the word he uttered at her spitefully,

'You're pathetic.'

"I told you I won't let you get hurt this is why I even brought up divorce."

Axel's words bring her back from her thoughts. She grabs her jacket and says,

"I need some time to think."

And then leaves.

"Aylin! Where are you going? It's late at night!"

Axel runs after her and tries to grab her hand to stop her but she avoids him, saying,

"Just leave me alone! For once in my life, just let me think by myself..."

She then leaves as Axel stands there frozen.
Axel then calls one of the protocol team members to follow her without her knowing just to make sure she is safe.

Aylin meanwhile goes to the nearby beach and sits by the corner while thinking. Her father then calls her at that moment. She decides to pick it up this time because she needed to hear him make her final decision,

"You bitch! What the hell is wrong with you?! Why won't you answer my calls? Also, what happened? Did you get the names?"

Oh right, he had asked her for some names. She thought with a boring look.

"No. I got sick."

"What the hell! You can never do anything right! Always creating a mess at the wrong time!"

"You don't want to ask me how I am now?"

"You're alive, right? Then it's fine. Stop talking to me! Just find another way to get those names. Or else."

"Or else what?"

"Huh? Are you drunk? Do you want to die?"

"Sure. Kill me. If I am dead then mom will be free right?"

"Did you get smacked in the head? What the hell are you blabbering about?"

"Nevermind. You will never understand. How is mom?"

"Oh that, I had to tell you....she says she doesn't want to see you anymore until you do what you were asked for."

"Huh? That's not true. Where is she? Let me talk to her!"

"Come and see her and talk to her yourself."

With that, Brendon cuts the call and she immediately tries to find a Taxi to go to her house.

Hey guys! How do you like the story so far? There seems to me a lot of miscommunication and at the same time everything seems to be out in the open. Stay tuned for the next chapters because everything will slowly start to unfold one by one. Hope you enjoyed reading! ❤️❤️❤️

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