Chp.1 Coming Home

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"Give me like 5 minutes bro, I'm almost home" I said as I was talking to Marco at my phone.

"Okay make it quick dude, our parents really missed you."

"I know, I missed you guys too."

"Hehe, I know you do."

"Alright then, I'm almost home, later bro."

"Okay, later."

I hanged up. I was watching the window, looking at my hometown, there was sign saying "Welcome to Echo Creek." I was glad to be back home to see my hometown and to see my parents as well. Two minutes later, the bus stopped by to my house.

"Alright Diaz, your destination is here." Says the bus driver as I grabbed my backpack and my suitcase.

"Gracias bus driver." I said.

"No problem amigo."

I got off from the bus as it left.

"Man, good to be back home, I can't wait to see my-Huh!?!"

As soon as I turn around to see my house, I realized that my house....was attached to a castle loft? Not only my house, but it looks like it was attached to my room.

"Is it just me, or did my parents started to become more royalty when I was away?"

I then started to walk to my door as I knocked. The door opens to see both mom and dad rushing towards me as they hugged me tight.

"(Y/N)!!!!!" Says both of them.

"So glad that you are back mijo!" Says my dad as he started cry.

"You cannot imagine how much we missed you, my angel!" Say my mom as she started to sob.

"Good ... to see you guys... too....Ack!" I started to lose air the fact that they were hugging me tightly. " guys let me...go!?"

"Whoops, sorry mijo, we got too excited." Said my dad.

"Come on in, Marco's in his room, here let us help you carry your bags." Said my mom.

"Thanks mom."

We all got in as then felt relief to be back home. I then jump and landed on the couch face first, so soft.

"Man, is it good to be back home."

"Are you hungry sweetie?" Ask my mom.

"Yea, can you make me some Mac and cheese please?"

"Sure honey."

As i was still laying down on the couch, I just realize to tell them about that castle loft.

"Oh...uhm Guys?"

"Yes (YN)?" Said my mom

"I was gonna tell you something about the house."

"What is it son?" Ask my dad.

"Have You goes noticed that there's a castle loft attached to my room?"

"Castle loft?...Oh yea, I forgot to tell you, We have a guest that was living here for a year." Said my mom


I stood up.

"Yea, she now sleeps in your room, but she didn't like the size of it, so she made hers with her wand and created her own room like her dimension."

"Guest!?! Wand!?! Dimension!?!"

"Yea, in fact, she's up there right now in her room with Marco."


I yelled as I started running upstairs and went to my room door and kicked it open.

"Okay Marco, you got some a lot of explaining to do before I start kicking your...your..."

I then stop for a moment to see my room, was nothing but girls stuff, stuffed toys, a treasure box, another set of stairs, a huge bed, and a huge book that has...spells?!?

"Woah, this look cool...Wait what the hell am I saying!? Where's Marco...most importantly, where is that "guest"!?!!"

I then go to Marco's room as I kicked it open as well, he wasn't there.

"What the?! Where is he!?! I just talked to him a while ago?!"

I then realized that there was a open portal, it was blue and twirly.

"Is that...a portal?"

I started to slowly approach to it as I put my hand inside of it. I had it for a moment as I felt something bit my hand. I pulled it out to see...a monster having his whole mouth on my hand?!

"Aaaaagh, get off my hand you freakin monster!!"

The monster looked like a bear with a corn object on his head, a bearicorn??

I started punching it in the face as it let go and went back to the portal.

"What was that???"

I was then curious about the portal.

"Maybe Marco has to do with this, probably went in...Wait? If there's a monster in there, then that means...OH SHIT! Marco is in there as well! Marco, im coming for you brother!"

-End Of Chapter-

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