Chp.2 Monsters

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The portal somehow spoofed in mid air as I came out of it and started falling to the ground.


I landed it on the ground from behind.

"I think I fell on my keys."

I got up after that fall.

"Oh man..that hurt." I said, cracking my back.

"W-Where am I?"

I was in area that was nothing but grass and hills and trees not that far from me. Then I heard someone yelling...

"Cupcake Blast!"

As I heard it, there was an object that was flying in mid air and came falling to the ground as it landed near me. It was that damn bearicorn, and he has shiny cupcakes all over him, but he looked hurt, how? I then picked up a cupcake as it had a smile on its face.

"Hehe, how cute...Wait?! Marco, I have to find him!"

I started running to the direction where the bearicorn came from. Not too long but I say like ten seconds later, I saw monsters trying to attack my brother, but he wasn't alone...he was with a girl? A girl tat had blonde hair, a skirt, a pink squid on her skirt, some devil horns on her head? And a wand!? Who is she? They both worked together to take out those evil monsters.

"Bunny Rabbit Blast!"

She then blasted some bunnies out of her wand, man how cool was that! The blast hit a monster that an extra eye on his forehead, looked like a potato...and a baby...potato baby?

"Hyaaah, take this!"

I then saw my brother, Marco, using his karate skills fighting two monsters, one that is a giraffe with pants on? Weird, and the other that is nothing but a huge chicken!

"What the hell is going on here!?" I said to myself.

There was two monsters that grabbed both Star and Marco. One that had a black mask with huge spike balls and the other that is a reptile and has a huge arm on his right and a human arm on his left??

"Hey, let us go!" Said the blonde hair girl.

"Nrgh, Let is Go you bastards!" Said Marco.

"Damn it, I have to save them."

"Not so fast."

I then heard someone that was approaching to Star and Marco. He looked little, he had a cow-alike skull on his head, a green messed up dress, he looks like a bird cause of the beak obviously and a cane on his hands, he kinda sounded like a grumpy old grandma by the way. But he's a dude, Ha! Funny.

"Give it up you two, you have no match against my monsters!" He said.

"Nrgh, Damn it! Don't worry Star, we'll get out of this situation."

Star...her name is star...what a nice name for a girl like her. Damn it. Focus (YN), you have to save your brother...oops and star as well.

"Enough, now if you brats really wanna be free, hand me the wand." Said the birdbrain.

"Like hell I would, let us go Ludo!" Said Star.

Ludo...? Ha ha! Stupid name right there. Heh, Ludo. Oh my-(YN), stop fucking around and focus.

"Well, if you are not gonna give it to me, then might as well see you crush to death, Spike-balls, Man-Arm! Crushed these fools!"

I can see and hear Marco and Star screaming in pain as I started to get really angry and then step out of the bushes.


"What??" Said Ludo

He and the monster turned around to see me.

"Let go of my brother and Star go!"

"(Y-YN)..!? (YN)! so glad your here bro!"

"(YN)?" Said Star. "You know him?"

"He's my brother."

"Brother!? I didn't know you had a brother!?"

"I'll tell you later, right now, you are about to witnessed some serious ass kicking by him."

"He knows how to fight too?!"

"Oh trust me Star, he's way dangerous than you and I when we fight."

"Silence you two!" Said Ludo "Now tell me, who in the blue hell are you!?"

"Oh me? Oh, let's just say that I'm here to deliver something from you."

"Deliver? And what is this..deliver?"

"Nothing but a couple knuckle sandwiches!" I said cracking both my knuckles and my neck.

"You? Ha! Do you have any idea who your messing with, I am the most evil villain you will ever meet...I am the reigning of awesomeness and-

"Really" I said with a boring expression on my face, narrowing one eyebrow up.


"Reigning of awesomeness..."

"W-Well yea, and I am unstoppable."

". . . HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh man you got jokes, you? You are so little man, how can you be unstoppable."

"Oh you'll see, Monsters attack!"

"What about Star and Marco?" Ask Spike-balls.

"We'll deal with him later, right now deal with this moron."

Spike-Balls and Man-Arm let them go as The monsters started to charge for an attack against me. The Human Arm monster was up first as he grabbed with his huge hand, but I didn't let that happen as I used my strength to free myself.

"I-Impossible! How can a brat like you be so strong?!" Said Ludo.

"Heh, don't worry about it birdbrain, you gotta worried about your monsters that soon will end up being beat up."

I then grabbed the human monster's huge arm as I then slammed him to the ground. Then, I turned around to see that potato baby look alike started to throw punches at me as I started dodging them like nothing. I then dodge the last one as I clenched my fist and gave him an uppercut, making him loose some teeth's and knocking him out. Then both the giraffe and the big chicken tried to attack me. The chicken stared to fly...can chickens even fly??? I don't know but it looks like they could cause that chicken was flying as he turned around showing me his...butt??? Not only that, he did that for a reason, he started shooting eggs out of it.

"Oh crap!"

I started dodging them one by one as the giraffe tried to attack me.

"Check this out, I learned this from a show!"

I then started to raise my right leg up as I jumped towards the giraffe.

"Diable Jambe...Grill Shot!"

I then gave the giraffe a vicious leg strike to his face and started kicking him several times as he was knocked out.

The chicken then blasted his last egg as I luckily catch it with my bear hands as I started swinging it like a shot putter as then launched it towards the chicken. The egg then hit to his eyes, causing him to go blind as he started to panicked a bit and hit a tree and falling down.

"How you like that!"

I then realized a big shadow behind me, I turned to see that monster with the spike-balls on his hands.


He then raises one spike-ball and strikes it towards me, I dodged it with luck, if that would hit me, that would be my death right there.

"Man, i don't know which one to be worried, him or his spike balls? Either way, I have to save my brother and Star."

"As you can see brat, spike-balls has to be one of the top strongest monsters I ever had in my crew and with his spike-balls, he can easily kill his foe with one strike..." Said Ludo.

"So that's why you named him like that? Spike-balls?"

"W-Well, yes...What you thought his name is?"

"I thought it was...Crank...or Jack...or..."

"Enough! Spike-Balls, End him now!"

Spike-balls then started to charge towards me as I stared running away from him. I started running to the trees as he started chasing me, knocking down the trees one by one to clear his way in order to chase me, man is this dude so fast. I then gave a quick turn as he did as well, I then jumped up in the air like I did a backflip jump as I landed on his head. I grabbed his head as he then lifted his spike ball up above me and I moved quickly as he hit himself instead of me, he then started to get dizzy from that hit he just gave himself.

"Nows my chance!"

I then ran up to him as I clenched my fist as I strike a punch to his gut. You can see a scene where his mouth was opened wide and send him flying towards that birdbrain, Ludo where he and him were send flying, crashing towards a wall.

"Wow, that...was...AWESOME!!" Yelled Star as she jumped with joy.

"Yup, that's my brother." Said Marco.

Ludo then was squished by spike-balls as he then free himself and stood up, cleaning himself.

"Nrg, Everyone retreat!!"

He pulled out some scissors from his pocket as then started using them to create a portal??

"Monsters, retreat!"

All the monster that I took out, were getting up all hurt as they all went in the portal.

"Mark my words you brats, I will come back, and I will get that wand!"

He then went in the portal as it closed itself.

"Oh my gosh! That was amazing, you were amazing!" Said Star, with a big smile on her face.

"Uh Yea...thanks."

"Thanks for saving us bro, how did you ended up here anyways?"

"Your room had a portal opened."

"Oh...that explains."

"Yea...Wait!? How the hell are we going to get back home!?!" I said.

"Don't worry, Star?"

"On it."

Star then pulled out some scissors as well and also created a portal, leading us to my house I'm guessing. We all went in as it lead to earth.

-End Of Chapter-

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