Chp.3 Explanation

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We got back home as we got out from the portal as it closed itself. We were at Star's room, or should I say my room.

"Geez, Thanks again (YN), you really kicked some serious ass." Said Star.

"Well what can i say Star, a brother will always-"

"Marco, Star, Explain!" I Said, cutting Marco off talking.

"What is it?" Ask Marco.

"First off, I just wanted to say so glad to be back home, and second...Who is she?! And why my room looks all girly!?!"

"Oooohhh, Yea, long story bro hehe.."

"There better be a good explanation Marco."

"Well first off, before you ask Marco, I just wanted to say that My name is Star, Star Butterfly, a magical princess that came from another dimension."

"Yea i could tell by that wand you have and that crown it has on top..buts still, I need an explanation Diaz! Now!"

"Okay Okay, don't get your temper up, okay this how It all stared...After you left to your trip to Mexico to me abuela, for like eight months, I met Star at school the day you left, she came to earth to train herself to become a better princess, not only that, her parents wanted someone to look out for, and it was me. At first when I met her, I thought she was nothing but a weird girl..."


"Hehe, sorry Star, but you did started to act weird when you started biting the water fountain when I first met you."

"Continue .." i Said, having my arms crossed.

"Anyways, she somehow founded where We lived, and my parents decided to accept her to live with us. So we used your room for her to sleep, but then she had to used her magic to create her own like her home dimension. For a second, I thought she was nothing but a weird, unnatural, and abnormal girl, but I thought wrong, she was fun, awesome, and really sweet to become best friends with her."

"Awww." She said, having puppy eyes with a smile as she hugged Marco.

"Hehe, and yea, that's how it happened."

"Mmm, makes sense now."

I somehow started to approach to Star, she started to blush a little.

"So, your name is Star Butterfly, right?"


"Hehe, woah...what a nice name for a cute girl like you..."

"Hehe, thanks..." she said, grabbing her hair and blushing.

"Oookaaaayyy, What is going on with you dude?" Ask Marco.

"What? Can't I have a little fun teasing our friend over here? What? Jealous?"

"What?! Me!? No, I have a girlfriend."

"You do!?! Who is she!?"

"It's Jackie.."

"What!? Wait, Jackie Lynn-Thomas!?"


"Oh my goodness! You finally asked her out! After all these years of wussing out and you managed to ask her out! Man, I'm really proud of you bro, give me some."

I gave Marco a high five.

"You know Jackie too??" Ask Star.

"Yup, Marco has a huge crush on her back then in pre-kinder, and took him like what, seventeen years to finally ask her."

"Wow, you really were wussing out Marco."

"Oh shut up."

"Hehe, just messing with ya."

"Anyways, I'll be back, I have to go use it."

Marco leaves the room as me and Star were alone.

"So, a magical princess huh? ..nice."

"Yea, I have to be here in order to become a better princess."

"And to become way cuter also."

"S-Shut up silly." She started blushing.

"Hehe, just messing with your girl."

"Hmmm, Anyways just wanna day thanks for saving us back there, really means a lot, of you weren't there, who knows what would happen to my wand."

"No problem, as long as you are safe with me and Marco as well."

"Hehe, yea."


"Hey (YN), I like the way you have those fighting skills."

"Really? Thanks, I was a UFC junior fighter."


"Yea, it stands for Ultimate Fighting Champion."

"Oh, I thought you were a karate dude like Marco."

"Nah, I'm not into that karate thing."

"What's the difference between Karate and UFC?"

"Karate is a martial art that is under the influence of Chinese king fu, UFC is an mixed martial artist/boxing/kick boxing, it's more like karate but UFC is more gore and really bloody."

"Oh. So your like a dangerous one?"

"Kinda, I can have a temper sometimes."



"It must be good to use those skills to defend your brother huh."

Yea, he would always get bullied by this one dude name Lars.

"Lars would always be such a douche to other people, especially Marco. One time, he wanted to fight Marco just because he "purposely" drop his lunch. Lars got mad one day and punched Marco in the face. I saw everything, and that got me really pissed, so I beat the holy hell out of Lars and I started become the devil brother, Marco was the angle because he's always sweet, nice, and really a generous guy you know? But me, they consider me as the devil, a beast, and danger one."

"Well, you don't seem danger nor a danger one, I see you as a sweet and kind person as well." She said putting her hand on my shoulder."

"Heh, you think so?"

"Of course."

"Heh, thanks Star."

I hugged her as she stood still for a moment and hugged me as well.

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