25. Going Back Home

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Pamela's POV

We had to go back home with the same patner we came with through the same forest so I was looking for Nathaniel and I already found him looking for me.

"Hurry up I want to go home. " He groaned and we turned to leave.

We walked and walked for a while and I became tired because Nathaniel carried me most of the time when we were coming.

When I became extremely over exhausted, I sat down on some dried leaves and panted pouting. He looked down to me and squatted a bit too close to my side.

When he looked at my lips, I stopped pouting realizing I looked like a total idiot in front of him as his eyes moved to look at mine.

"Why have you stopped walking?" He asked.

"Um.. I'm a bit tired. " I lied and he smirked at me making me blush. This was because he looked more handsome when he smirked even though it was for mockery.

"Why are you even blushing?" He asked and my face turned redder. "Get up." He ordered and I stood on my feet and we continued to walk.

We walked for a while and I got a severe muscle cramp. I fell on the ground and moaned in pain.

"Your are pretending right?" He asked and I shook my head holding my calf. He sighed and bent and scooped me up from the floor.

"Y.. you.. don't.. have.. to-"

"So should I throw you unto the ground?" He asked and I went silent as we continued to walk.

I wonder how he's not tired of walking a very long distance.

Aren't I too heavy for him to carry? Who am I kidding?.. I'm the kid here.

We finally got to where the buses were and he put me down. My arms were briefly around his neck when I was on my toes and his hands were on either sides of my waist, causing my stomach to flip. I unwrapped my arms and gripped my wrist as if he lets go, I'll run away.

He's not wrong there.

"You won't sit with anyone apart from me." He declared and dragged me into the bus and he sat beside the window making me wonder how I'll sleep because ours seats were virtually joined together and if any of us slept, either on of us will fall on the other.

It was now night time, and it was dark inside the bus because they turned off the lights. I brought out my phone and replied the messages I got from Eugene.

Later, I played subway surfers and temple run until my phone went low on battery and I felt sleepy. When my eyes nearly closed, Nathaniel wrapped his arm around me making me gasp and a knot tied in my stomach.

Why would he wrap his hands around my waist? He'll probably continue his taunts and insults again. I gently tried to squirm out of his hold."Nathaniel? " I called still squirming.

"Shut up." He silence me and dragged me closer so I had no other choice than sit there till sleep arrested me.


I opened my eyes and realized the bus had stopped and we've reached school. My head was on Nathaniel's arm and his arm was still around my waist.

His hold was making me warm from the cold air in the bus due to the AC but I knew this comfort can't last for long and we needed to get down.

"Nathaniel?" I called and he groaned and looked down to me with his eyes narrowed. He leaned down and joined our foreheads us our breathing synced.

"Hurry up and get down!" The teachers ordered and the lights in the bus was turned on. We got down from the bus and found Eugene waving frantically at me.

I went towards him and sat in the car as he revved the engine and started to drive.

"So how was your trip?" He grinned and I glared at him.

"What?" He asked chuckling causing me to smile.

"You tighten the cork of my drink!" I said and he laughed.

"It's not funny Eugene." I deadpanned.

"I didn't say it was." He countered.

"Then why are you laughing? " I scoffed.

"I asked you a question first." He said and I remembered his question.

"What question?" I pretended as if I don't remember.

"Then one I asked,'when will you get your boyfriend.'" He answered and I glared at him.

"That wasn't your question! you asked how the trip was for me!" I pointed out.

"So how come you remember?"He asked.

"The trip was great I guess." I answered. We finally got home and I went into my room to take a shower.After showering, I laid on my bed in thoughts till I fell asleep.


So what's your favorite mobile game?

Extremely sorry for a very short chapter.Writers block is an annoying disease.

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