5. She Was Just Too Tempting.

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Pamela's POV

It had been almost ten minutes. I was still standing in front of the mirror looking at that red mark he left on me. I sighed and opted google it. I didn't specifically know how to even begin the search.

So I just typed what I thought of, "When a guy bites a girl on her neck , what does it mean?" I was anxious as I allowed the webpage  
to load.

My eyes widened when I read the results,

"In the most basic of senses a hickey (if this bite left a bruise) is meant to “mark” one's “territory” if you would. Between a boy/girlfriend (or man/woman) this action - a hickey - can actually be quite a sign of passion."

I couldn't continue anymore. My entire face reddened and my heart was palpitating so fast as butterflies swarm everywhere. But then, I realised I wasn't to feel like this. I was supposed to angry with him.

And this didn't take a second before it occured. He bit me, when, knowing well that I'm not his girlfriend. What the heck?! Was he trying to confuse me or something?

I bit my lip and disheveled my hair.

Later I got up and went to the bathroom to change out of my clothes into my night wear. I combed my hair again before I covered it in a hairnet. I then flopped into my bed and took my phone again. I read more about it and my stomach churned when I saw the word "love bite." more than thrice.

Nathaniel gave me a love bite.
Ferb said he was jealous
Nathaniel told me to stay away from Nolan.

My heart skipped a beat when a weird conclusion starting forming in my head.

Could it be...he kinda..liked me? No....wait..

He body shamed me.
He told me I'm ugly.
He made me feel like a player.

Ok...so I had six answers which had three opposite the other three. I groaned again. My mind concluded it was better for me not to misconstrue his actions as feelings for me. Moreover he has  girlfriend and if he just bit me on my neck, it was probably because of his um..guy hormones.

But I assured myself that even if I can't stand up for my self,  I wouldn't let him do anything intimate with me.

Nathaniel's POV

I really felt hurt when she escorted Ferb to the recovery bay, despite the fact that he fucking threw a ball at her.

It was an accident-


Only God knows what they did there. The thought of that alone made my blood boil. Damn I hated this feeling. And that too over some girl I detest.

Going home, a part of me felt bad for hurting Pamela and another felt good I got a chance to feel her against me. She was so soft, fragile and delicate.

And damn I could hardly take my eyes of her. She was triggering my hormones without even realising or  trying. Even though she looked simple, she was stunning, as always.

Ugh shit!

"So honey, how are you and Pamela going on?" My mom asked and my jaw clenched. The fact that I felt like this sometimes didn't actually mean I liked her or something. I still hated her.

"We're good." I answered simply.

"Are you now friends?" My dad asked.

"Not really dad." I replied and they stopped prying me with questions till we got home. I got down from the car and went inside to go to my room. After a cold shower, I lied on my bed mixed with thoughts.

Do I...loose control when I'm around her?
No, I don't.

Then how come I was tempted when I just glimpsed at her smooth thighs?

Why the heck did I bite her on her neck?

Why did I beat up Ferb? Why did I start hating Nolan and Nino?

This girl was unhealthy for me. I need to stop all these sensations.

I tried to sleep but anytime I closed my eyes, this girl just had to flash across my memory. Ugh. Like she just came to our school like three days ago and I had already-

No, I haven't, there was nothing like that. I shut my eyes and tried to sleep. I would sleep instead of allowing this girl to get smit me

"Nathaniel wake up." My mom called and I groggily rollled over and my eyes opened slightly. She had a basket in her hands and she was picking up my clothes probably for laundering.

"Mom it's not yet time." I muttered.

"Exactly, you have to be early." She sighed. "Hurry and come downstairs for breakfast." She said. "And you can dream about Pamela later." She giggled and the mention of that girl's name caused a rise in my heartbeat.

I heard my room door close and I turned over and slept for about ten minutes. The memory of kissing and biting her neck reappeared in my mind and I imagined doing more. This caused me to groan at the stiffness I felt within me.

I got up and went to the bathroom to take a bath to cool me down.

After doing that and wearing some clothes, I slipped out of my room and went downstairs for breakfast. My dad had already gone for work so I was at table alone with mum while she served me breakfast and I scrolled through my phone. She looked keenly at me.

"Okay so would you like to explain the longing look you gave to Pamela?" She asked trying to to grin.

"Mom what are you talking about. I don't even like her." I grumbled stuffing food into my mouth and hating the tiny colour that fell on my cheeks.

"I see. Says you who's blushing." She sighed.

"I'm not blushing mom, the weather is just cold." I sighed.

"Hmm. I agree." She said sarcastically and ruffled my hair before she left. After my breakfast, I got up, grabbed my backpack and went out to my car. I slid in, ignited the engine and drove to school.

I parked my car at the parking area and got down to take out my backpack. Slinging a strap onto my shoulder, I walked into the building and for some reason I knew absolutely nothing about, I just wanted to pass by her locker.

When I got there, I was a bit afar and the scene I saw made my jaw clench. Pamela was opening her locker with Nolan beside her and she was laughing heartily with Nolan blushing. Okay so now she had the ability to make guys blush too?

She looked so beautiful in that jeans and blouse despite how much I wanted to deny it.

This was the first time I've seen her hairs length. She had braided her hair into three strands which hung on the right side of her neck. I started hating the fact that she looked hot.

Wait, why the fuck am I complimenting her?

I don't know why I started developing some hatred for Nolan. It was almost unbearable. She patted the guy on his shoulder and they exchanged smiles before Nolan left.

When he left her, she  turned back to her locker and I advanced towards her. I stood behind her and she froze, giving me the chance to stretch my arm above her head and slam her locker shut. She gasped and even trembled from the action.

"Turn." I gritted. She turned slowly, trying not to touch her body with mine as she pressed her back to the locker and looked on the floor while I stared down at her head.

"So you're going back to square one?" I seethed and she gave me a confused look.

"Um.." she stuttered when I came a bit close to her.

"What?" I asked raising her chin making the braid shift and I saw the slight reddish purple mark on her neck.

"Why do you keep acting like it's your first time being close to a guy?" I asked slightly irritated.

"Or it's some sort of act? Just to get their attention?" I growled.

"I..I have to go.."

"Go try another guy?" I asked and I saw her take in a deep breath.

"You think you're quite the player huh?" I asked nearing my face to her ear as I breathed onto the mark, making her shiver.

"You think that this mark was a sign that I was starting to 'like like' you right?" I asked restraining myself from extending my lips downwards.

"I..I never..I.." She whispered.

"Guess what bitch, you're delusional." I gritted and heard her squeak. I placed my hand on the cold metal she was leaning on, making sure it was close to her waist.

"Na..Nathaniel." she breathed placing her hand on my forearm which was close to her waist. She was trying to push it down but I was more firm that her.

Her chest heaved when I breathed on her neck, specifically on the mark and I got confused when my heart skipped a beat, just because she was trying to push my chest. Just because her soft hand was on me.

"Um..I have a class." She whispered. Next I knew, she ducked her head down and passed my right side since that one had my arm above her head. I groaned frustrated when she left and I left that hallway to my locker.

I knew I was late to class and I didn't mind much. The teacher as usual looked at me in a disapproving manner, as though I cared. I took a glance at the board and refrained from rolling my eyes.

"You're late to class again, Mr.Demen,..go on sit." She seethed. I looked over the class and spotted that redhead girl with her face in her book and thanked the Almighty God when I saw an empty seat by her. There were other empty seats but I decided to sit next to her specifically just to..um..make her more miserable.

I glanced at Pamela who looked nervous at my presence and I plopped into the seat beside her.

She took a short glance at me and turned to her notebook. The teacher carried on with the lesson and summarised what she taught them while I was away and I only understood in bits since my attention was divided.

During the lesson, despite my intense gaze on her, she didn't cast single glance at me and I knew she could feel my gaze, judging by how her cheeks were flushing. It got to a point I even learned a bit close and I could hear her inhale as she rubbed her neck to prevent blood from rushing to her cheeks.

For some reason, I decided to catch her attention so I intentionality accidentally dropped her pen. The both of us made an attempt to pick it up at the same time when our foreheads bumped onto each other.

"Ow." She winced under her breath, rubbing her forehead.

"N..Nathaniel p..please give me m..my pen." She requested looking elsewhere and stretching her palms. I ignored her, waiting for her to look at me and ask again. And it wasn't like I would give it to her.

She turned and faced me, expecting me to give her her pen and I decided to just stare back into her absorbing eyes. Her pupils increased under the glass and her blue eyes shone. I gaze into them for a bit before my gaze moved downwards to settle on her kissable soft looking lips. I unconsciously licked mine when she bit a side of hers and quickly changed her gaze.

"Nathaniel, I hope you're paying attention instead of staring at the beauty beside you." The teacher said and I clenched my jaw and tightened my fist and I heard a portion of the pen tube break.

Pamela then dipped her hand into her bag and brought out her new pen and drew out her book which looked like notebook, or was it a diary? The lesson was almost over and she was jotting some things down while and when my craned my neck a bit, she shut it quickly and glanced at the board. I rolled my eyes ans three the pen tube onto her table.

"Nathaniel, pay attention." The teacher ordered and I glared at Pamela.


At the Cafeteria, Belinda approached me and I kissed her immediately when I saw Pamela enter as well. Something like pain flashed in her eyes when she saw us. It gave me a sense of slight satisfaction.

She went and sat by Nolan and Angela when I pulled way from Belinda.

"Can't get enough of me can you?" She asked holding my arm and it took a lot not to cringe. I really wished I was single. But just because I wanted to get access to the school's basketball team with ease, I had to date this girl, aka the cheerleading caption.

We sat at a table with the guys and started chatting as usual.

"Why did Nolan leave this table just to go sit at that table? With that pathetic excuse of a girl?" Belinda sneered

"Bitch don't be rude, you know so well that she's far prettier than you." Aldrick shot back.

"Hey!" She frowned and pouted at me,

"Babe is it true?" She asked and Angelo suddenly feigned a cough and she glared at him. I on the other hand was indifferent to everyone as I ate my lunch stealing glances at Nolan and Pamela fuming internally.

"You didn't answer my question Nathaniel." Belinda glared at me and I sighed frustrated.

"Can't wait for Val's I'm gonna ask her out. She's so gorgeous." Aldrick said dreamily and I clenched my jaw and Belinda rolled her eyes.

"You know we have exams before that right?" Angelo asked.

"Fuck exams." Aldrick groaned.

"Hey that's mine!" Belinda growled.

"Oh really?" Arjun said placing back the burger. He dusted his palms together and took his juice box while Belinda's face shaded red.

The guys weren't rude at all. They just loved to behave like that towards Belinda, because of her bitchy attitude.

When lunch was over, Pamela and Nolan were the first to leave and I clenched my jaw at the thought of what they were going to do. Something was urging me to get up and follow them but my friends caught me up in the conversation.

I felt really grateful when they started bickering and I used that as an opportunity to get up and slip away. I was walking towards where I had no idea go. I went to where her locker was situated but she wasn't there and I opted to go up where Nolan's locker was.

I fisted my hand and snarled towards where they were. Nolan's back was to his locker while he was holding her wrist.

"Who did this to you?" He asked her gently rubbing her wrist.

"No one." She lied poking her tongue in her cheek.

"How can it be no one?" He asked looking worried.

"It's none of your fucking business." I interfered moving towards them. Pamela looked terrified while Nolan rolled his eyes before he retorted.

"It's my business because she's my-"

Girlfriend? Hell no! Fucking fuck no!

Pamela cut him off by rubbing his arm and he kissed her wrist and I just stood there fuming about their display of affection.

I'm not jealous am I?

Yes you are.

Stupid inner voice..Shut up! I shouldn't be jealous of such an utter trivial thing.

I walked past them and took a glance at Pamela who was staring back at me but quickly looked away.


"He offered you a ride?" Pamela asked.

"Yes." Angela replied excited and I rolled my eyes.

"That's great you know." Pamela replied.

"What about you? Where's your car?" She asked. "I can ask him to drop you off too." She offered.

"No, no." Sne refused.

"Why not?" She asked.

"My brother dropped me off and he said he was going somewhere with my car so I'll wait for him to come pick me up." Pamela explained.

"Are you sure?" Angela asked.

"Yep, bye!" They hugged and she left.

I was in my car, listening to their conversation.

That was creepy but whatever

When Pamela turned to the road and saw me, she looked away and kept walking until she was inches from my car. She ignored me and was about to pass somewhere else to where the bench was.

"Get in." I ordered looking ahead.

"N-no it's ok..I..I.." She started but I cut her off.

"I said get in." I repeated almost yelling and she flinched. She then made for the back seat which angered me to the core.

"Did Nolan instruct you not to sit at the passengers seat of other guys' cars?" I hissed.

"N..no..I've never been..in a car w..with N..Nolan before." She stated mumbling.

"Then get into the front seat." I ordered. With shaking hands, she opened the front door and sat down. After she buckled her seat belt, I started to drive.

We drove in silence and I heard a small noise which indicated she was texting someone. She finished texting and put her phone away and looked out the window to avoid my stares. I glanced at her thigh, which was covered by her jeans and I wished  they were bare.

I could-

Okay that's too much.

She got a message which made her grin and so her dimples were in view. She tucked her hanging hair behind her ear and I got a view of her beautiful face and amazing reddish orange hair.

In my opinion this girl contradicted herself. I mean she looked like some fiery feisty badass but she was the opposite, internally.

She nearly laughed at the message and curiosity took the best of me.I stopped the car and snatched her phone and saw the messages were from Nolan. My jaw clenched at the messages and I put the phone on the dashboard.

I then continued the driving and a while later, the phone rang. She took it again and I snatched it.

"Did I say you can pick it?" I asked.

"B.. But it's my phone." She muttered whispering. My grip on the phone tightened and I cut the call and placed it back on the dashboard.

When we reached her house, she picked up her bag and requested for her phone and muttered 'thank you' and she left.

I continued driving to my home and thought .Why do I care if she's with Nolan? it's not my business anyway so..

What the fuck is wrong with me?


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