6. Warning.

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Pamela's POV

Okay so Nathaniel was really messing with my head. I didn't want to use the word "jealous" for his actions because he felt nothing towards me but I had no other word to replace his actions.

What was his problem we me around Nolan? Was it because he hated him or something? Definitely something.

Maybe he hated me along with Nolan so he didn't what any of us to be seen together?

I wondered why he wanted me in his car. I was even a bit scared but I also thought about what he would have done if I refused to sit in there car. The ride was uncomfortable, seriously.

He was looking at me in a way which made goose bumps spread over me. No one has really looked at me like that before. I really thought he was messing with my head, and that was not cool!

Before my phone was snatched, I was able to text Eugene to go straight home. I felt the need to breathe, but I couldn't. Nathaniel was gazing at the skin on my neck and it caused a form of twist in my stomach. He gazed at my thighs and I felt bare. I don't know I just felt bare under his scrutiny.

When I got a message and he snatched my phone with speed and slapped it on the dashboard and I even heard the device wince. I fumed and mentally folded my arms. Was the phone his?

The phone rang and I took it and he snatched it, again.

"Did I say you can pick it?" He growled glaring at me.

"But it's my phone.." I whispered and his eyes flared dangerously.

"I don't have time to listen whatever mushy shit you and your boyfriend are gonna exchange." He hissed gritting his teeth when he said boyfriend.

Boyfriend? What?

I sighed and ignored his comment and look out the window. This guy had been really annoying during Biology class. His was making me red with anger. Was he trying to get some sort of reaction from me? If so why?

I sighed and looked through the windshield and tried remembering the stuff I learnt at Biology. I thought so much my that my head hurt. I tilted my head to a side and rubbed my neck, something I usually did to relax mind. I heard a deep groan and I wondered how to react to him.

"Stop doing that, it's weird." He groaned glancing at my neck. I stopped and sighed under my breath. He was nearing my house and I was glad it was all coming over.

I slipped my hands into the straps of my school bag and he pulled up at my house. I took my phone and after muttering a "thank you." I closed his door and walked away as I felt his gaze burning on my back.

I only heard his car move when I opened the door to enter. I sighed and realised how my heart started beating as though it was restricted before. I groaned and entered the hall and heard some noises from the kitchen. He came out with a coleslaw on a plat in his hands.

"Eugene where's my car?" I asked pouting slightly.

"It was literally parked in front of the house, how could you not see it?" he asked.

"Or.." A smirk on fell on his lips.

Was he drunk?

"What?" I asked and his smirk deepened.

"Your crush dropped you at home and he did something which made you forget your surroundings. " He teased.

"He's not my crush. And he most certainly didn't do anything!" I countered grumbling and walked past him.

"Whatever!...say it till you believe it!" He said behind me and I rolled my eyes climbing the staircase to my room. I open my room's door and puffed out a sigh before I opened the windows to allow in fresh air. Ten minutes later, I went to the bathroom to take a shower and came back into my room in my pyjamas even though it wasn't fully night time.

I laid on my bed and decided to change my thought. I thought of Nolan. After what he told me about him, I couldn't help but be overwhelmed. He told me about how his little sister died due to cancer.

And he added that I reminded him of her, Raven. Just like me, she had red hair and she was humble. But Nolan also made me understand that it wasn't because of that which caused him to be nice to me. So that meaning he would have done it to anyone since he was a nice person in general.

Since then, I and Nolan consider each other as siblings and I don't understand why Nathaniel will be so mad at me for being with Nolan.

What wrong with him? Why does he care?

And the fact that he thinks if me as a player is really quite disturbing. How dare he call me a player when he tried to hold my waist while he had a girlfriend? His girlfriend.

The last thing I want is nothing to do with her. She was poison. Real deadly poison.

To be honest, the way he kissed her hurt me, even though I'm not supposed to be hurt. Moreover I felt...used.

I really needed to make a note to never ever allow Nathaniel to touch me ever again. That guy had issues I could barely decipher. And it's not like I could do something about it. I grabbed my phone and dialled Rochelle's number.

I had to dial twice before she picked up.

"Ok girl, what's up?" She asked.

"It's that guy again." I groaned.

"What the hell?" She asked. "What did he do this time?" She asked.

"I dunno, he's kinda strange and it's like he hates everything I do!" I sighed.

"But you aren't there to please him so what's the issue?" She asked.

"Well the issue is he's always disturbing me and making me feel bad at myself sometimes and that is not cool! Could believe he poured sprite over me and later he gave me his jacket. Is there any sense at all in all this?!" I sighed.

"Whoa. Then he really craves your attention." She concluded.

"Rochelle are you okay?" I asked.

"What it's true." She said and I even felt her shrug. "Has he been making any advances?" She asked,

"What are you talking about?" I frowned and later on I felt the sudden rush of goose bumps when I remembered how Nathaniel and I were up-close.

"Gurl don't play dumb, you know what I mean." She sighed.

"Well.." I trailed.


I opened my locker but someone slammed it shut nearly hurting my hand and I came face to face with an angry Belinda.

Did I accidentally fill her pompoms with black pepper?

"You slut." She hissed. "You are trying to seduce my boyfriend  by getting into his car right?"

Whoa, where did that come from?

"I..didn't-" I couldn't finnish because she smacked my face with her hand and I ended up holding my burning cheek.

"Listen carefully bitch, stay away from Nathaniel because you'll never be his..he's mine..all mine!" She claimed and walked away with her heels clinking on the tiled floor. I tried all I could to hold back the tears but the rolled down involuntarily. I've never ever been slapped before.
But I- We-d

"What's wrong Pamela?" Nolan approached me and cupped my cheeks. Angela too arrived and stood at his side.

"N..Nothing." I whimpered.

"How can you say nothing?...why are your cheeks red?..wait..who slapped you?" He asked.


"Don't be scared..who the fuck slapped you?" He asked again.

"B..Belinda." I managed to say. He frowned and left the hallway. Angie moved towards me and embraced me in a hug.

"Why did that bitch slap you?" she asked,

"She..said..I..want..to seduce...Nathaniel."I explained in between sobs.

"What the fuck?...why did you allow her to slap you?" She asked. I didn't say anything. She sighed and I said to myself that I needed to stay away from Nathaniel.

"But what is Nolan going to do to Belinda?" I asked Angela.

"He's gonna warn her." She explained. "Let's go."


I plopped into an empty seat beside the window and began to revise my notes. When the class was nearly settled Nathaniel walked in. There were many empty seats including the one beside Belinda so I was glad he won't sit by me.

A minute later, I felt a warm masculine cologne reaching my senses. Nathaniel is sitting by me! Out of his own free will!

"There a..are many em..empty s..seats-" I stuttered.

"So?" He asked staring at me when I turned to him.

"S..so you can...sit with B...Belinda.." I muttered.

Pamela, are you stupid or what?

"Listen here bitch, I get to sit any where I want..so suck it up." He said.

"Should...I get up?" I asked to lessen his annoyance with me.

"Shut the fuck up and sit here." He ordered.

Great, I've accomplished my mission, lessen his annoyance.

So I shut up and looked through the window.

"Why are you looking there?" He asked and I faced him.

Oh God can't this boy leave me alone?

"Answer me dammit!" He demanded and I flinched.

"You said I should shut up." I muttered.

"Ugh! you're so nervy." He rolled his eyes and I stared at him.
"Why are you staring at me?" He asked.

What is wrong with him? Or was it just me?

"Didn't I ask you a question?" He asked and I realised that I was just staring at him instead of actually speaking.

"I was staring at you because you asked me why I was looking there." I replied meekly.

"Am the only thing to stare at?" He asked.

"You're not a thing." I mumbled.

"Aww, shut the fuck up." He sneered.

Ugh! why am I talking to him? I could feel Belinda's gaze boring holes into my head.

When I turned around, I wasn't mistaken so I just shut up and did not say a thing until classes began and ended.


When classes was finally over, I was the first person to leave. I could feel Nathaniel following me so quickened my steps.

But unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough so he grabbed me from behind and dragged me into the janitors closet and trapped me to the wall.

Again, I fuzzy and warm, even though my dear life was in danger...sort of.

"How dare you ignore me?" He demanded.

Because you're not worth my precious time.

"B..but you..you weren't c..calling me.." I pointed out softly. He held my cheeks firmly and when I winced, he let go. He tilted my head to see the red mark on my cheek.

"Who did this to you?" He asked emotionlessly which contradicted the way he held my face and stared between the mark and I.

"Oh so you care?...it's not like you're gonna do something about it...your crazy girlfriend did this!" I shouted in my head of course.

"N..no one." I lied biting my lip. He looked at me with a blank face and he moved closer and closer until I had to put my palms on his stomach to feel his firm abs.

"I know you're lying...who the fuck did this to you?" He asked practically growling.

"No one." I lied quietly hiding the tears forming in my eyes. He brushed his thumb on my cheek and my eyes closed on their own. At that moments all I felt was goodness, warmth and fuzziness.

Wait, why is he doing that?

Does he care?

He'll probably hurt me later.

Knowing better, I was like, "Nathaniel, please let me go." I pleaded. As though I was right, he pinched my cheek so harshly I winced painfully again and I held his hand and pleaded him through my watery eyes.

Making a blank face, he took steps away and left the closet. I wiped my tears and left later to my car and drove home. I took my last shower and lied on my bed.


I really hope you cry when you read the chapters 😝😏

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