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I wanted to tell someone about this. The new thing that was going on with my life. I had thought this summer would just like my other summers, slept most of the day and studying for coming exams. But I had never thought something like this new would come up. It was so new and so exciting that it was getting hard to keeping it to myself. Knowing my best friend she'd obviously dismiss it with a "hm". So I decided to go to stelp and talk to my girlfriend, as she calls it, Sally.

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Sal there?

posted by Allie

I waited for a considerable long time but there came no reply.

Not really.

To be Precise, no reply from groovies groupie.

Left with no other options and the desperation of telling someone what happened I decided to text my least favorite person.


Allisonlovespizza: Hey

Allisonlovespizza: hey

Allisonlovespizza: Hello?

Allisonlovespizza: I can see that you're online

Allisonlovespizza: oh my god! reply already!

Ariford30: what do you want

Allisonlovespizza: So you told me to confront him about Felicity and I did..

Ariford30: Wow that's great! Now bye.

Allisonlovespizza: no wait. Don't you want to know what he said in reply???

Ariford30: I'll pass on that.

Allisonlovespizza: I knew it it wasn't a good idea to text you

Ariford30: then why did you bother to text me dead princess? :)

Allisonlovespizza: wtf?! I know you hate me but calling me dead is a whole new level.

Ariford30: that was autocorrect

Ariford30: *dear is what i meant

Ariford30: shit

Ariford30: I'm sorry

Ariford30: and fyi i have better things to do than hating you.

Ariford30: Oh my god. Reply already.

Ariford30: I can see that you're online

Ariford30: Are you crying again?

Ariford30: Alright please tell me what he replied and narrate the whole shit with your loads of exaggeration and how cute that was blah blah blah as my apology i will listen.

Allisonlovespizza: when you put it like that it sounds anything but an apology

Allisonlovespizza: wow you are the first person who can be this rude even when apologising!

Ariford30: Alright I'm sorry Allie ^_^ please tell me what happened with you guys!! I am soooooo Excited to listen! Yay!

Allisonlovespizza: go die.

Allisonlovespizza is offline.

Ariford30: You annoy the shit out of me. Idk why I still talk to you. Alright when you come back just know that I am genuinely interested in listening to whatever that you had to say. Sorry again dead princess!

Ariford30: opps i meant dear xD

Ariford30: damnn I love my autocorrect xD

Ariford30 is offline.

__ _ __

Yay update! ^_^ Tell me your thoughts about this chapter in the comments! This chapter was so much fun to write though. Vote if you liked the chapter and sorry to all my sweet readers for such a late update! I love you all for waiting patiently ^_^ Please share the story if you really like it!
Love, LostCause.

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