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Allisonlovespizza: I hate her

AustinSalford3098: hate who?

Allisonlovespizza: I am literally crying rn

AustinSalford3098: what happened? Are you okay? Did someone hurt you?

AustinSalford3098: Ally you're really getting me worried... What happened... just tell me okay? I will take care of whoever that is.

Allisonlovespizza: it's my sister

Allisonlovespizza: I really really really like Justin Bryte and she's like "I like him and a friend of mine has met him and I'm gonna meet him soon" she's so evil. she knows that I like him! such a bitch she can be i never knew

AustinSalford3098: hey, it's okay..

Allisonlovespizza: and now she's gonna meet him someday and he will like her back and i will never get the chance to tell him how much I like him!!!!

AustinSalford3098: calm down Ally

Allisonlovespizza: How can a sister possibly do this to her own blood-sister?! I hate her so much

AustinSalford3098: knock knock

Allisonlovespizza: not now Austin, I'm feeling really low rn

AustinSalford3098: knock knock

Allisonlovespizza: arrgh fine. Who's there?


Allisonlovespizza: Aldo who?

AustinSalford3098: Aldo anything for you!

Allisonlovespizza: that was... stupid.

AustinSalford3098: aww but I know you smiled at that 😏

AustinSalford3098: I wish I could have hugged you right now and wipe out your tear but this computer screen is being an obstruction

Allisonlovespizza: virtual hugs will do

AustinSalford3098: Alright how about a tight "don't cry Ally you know you already have the best" hug? ;)

Allisonlovespizza: best who?

AustinSalford3098: Need i mention names now? ;)

Allisonlovespizza: Wait

Allisonlovespizza: You got me two nicknames and i got you none

AustinSalford3098: think you forgot the one you offered when we first texted

Allisonlovespizza: oh that one... don't remind me

AustinSalford3098: what? it was cute... I liked it ;)

Allisonlovespizza: stop teasing me tin-tin!

AustinSalford3098: look you already found me another one! ;) we're even now

Allisonlovespizza: yeah guess we are

AustinSalford3098: So what else are you doing other than crying over this Justin brat?

Allisonlovespizza: don't call him a brat! you hardly know him.. He plays the guitar and he can sing really well

AustinSalford3098: I can play guitar and sing as well ;)

Allisonlovespizza: You never told me that! Send me an audio? pretty please?

AustinSalford3098: I will... Maybe in a day or two... I'm out on a tour for football inter-school championship. Once I get back i will ;)

Allisonlovespizza: You never tell me anything, do you?

AustinSalford3098: I just told you :(

Allisonlovespizza: alrite :/ Best of luck for the championship which is happening...?

AustinSalford3098: tomorrow. I'm really nervous. It's a big game.

Allisonlovespizza: and you are just going to do great tomorrow I know that :)

AustinSalford3098: I don't know...

Allisonlovespizza: C'mon! you've been practising for the whole week you will do well ❤

AustinSalford3098: you just know what to say

AustinSalford3098: good thing I managed to get my phone.. I really needed to hear that I guess :)

AustinSalford3098: I won't be online tomorrow.. coach is really making us practice every second we have got.. I hardly managed to get hold of my phone today...

Allisonlovespizza: I'm gonna miss ya tin tin :(

AustinSalford3098: I'm gonna miss you too, Als :/

AustinSalford3098: gtg coach will behead me if he finds me with my phone. Take care okay? and please don't cry over that Justin brat :P

AustinSalford3098 is offline.

Allisonlovespizza: Play your best! I will wait for you to come back :)

Allisonlovespizza is offline.

__ _ __

Aren't these two cuties? :P I'm really really sorry for updating so late, I had been so hooked reading HP, right now I'm at the third book :D ( #alwayslate) Hope the chapter is long enough for forgiveness Cx
Vote and Comment! (if you liked the chapter)
Oh and exams are coming up so I might not update for sometime.
(the knock knock joke used here isn't my creation, I just got that out from Internet) [honesty Cx ]

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