13|| Last seen 48 hours ago.

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The one day that I spent without texting him felt like ages. But I was glad it was over. He will be back today.
I don't know why but I all I could think about, throughout the day, was him.

A blanket of dismal and grim feelings had spread over my insides.

And I was glad the day was over, it's like a new life has come upon me.
I was happy,chirpy inside and the feeling of desolation was altered with ecstasy.
The clicking sound of my phone broke the cloud of thoughts.

✨Groovies ✨
Sallybae [admin]
AKrules [admin]

Allisonlovespizza is added by Sallybae.

Sallybae: since you were not near to adding me. I added ya ;) Welcome to groovies babe!!! :*

Allisonlovespizza: I was about to add you but I just forgot your id 😛

Sallybae: nm... We can now talk here 😉

Lexihaspixiedust: omg girl!! u just vanished from stelp! what happened?? are you okay??

Allisonlovespizza: yeah Lex I'm just fine. and about stelp I was just spending a lil more time here 🙈

Tammarasmexcy: And we have to know why 😏

Before I could type my reply another message invite popped up in my notification panel.

Sallybae [admin]
Lexihaspixiedust [admin]
Tammarasmexcy [admin]
Venicenotvenus [admin]
Sherrysnores  [admin]

Tammarasmexcy added you to

Allisonlovespizza is now an admin.

Allisonlovespizza: wow now this is another secret society 😂

Sallybae: lol yeah kinda 😂

Allisonlovespizza: why everyone is admin here?  😮

Lexihaspixiedust: every girl loves gossip here 😏 So you know we can't talk about everything in front of the boys?

Tammarasmexcy: and here we have the liberty to add "sources" for some news so yeah that's the reason of every girl being admin here 😁

Sallybae: remember to remove the sources before they start calling themselves in with "groovies" 😂

Lexihaspixiedust: gahhh IKR!! some sources are so desperate like they'd do anything to get in. 😑

Allisonlovespizza:  uh okay... So what are sources?

Tammarasmexcy: You know boys? they get swayed away and to keep track with, the sources help us ;)

Lexihaspixiedust: we can know which girl is flirting with our crushes/boyfriends.

Sallybae: and the next moment, she's out of stelp. 😌

This cruel side of the girls was never shown in Stelp. They appeared the most cheerful. I feel lucky I didn't land up in their bad books instead I was now one of them.


That's what we call each other. One thing was sure, these girls were most loyal to each other.

Sallybae: and now that you've won our trust, you deserve to be added here 😘

Allisonlovespizza: my pleasure babe ❤

__ _ __

Even though I was texting the girls, my mind was fixed over the last seen of Austin every now and then.

48 hours ago.

I checked again.

2 days.

It was almost midnight. He told me his match would be over by yesterday.

Then why isn't he texting me?
Is he ignoring me?
Is he sick of me?
Is he avoiding me?
Why isn't he coming online?
Is he okay?

The chain questions just expanded like that of a carbon chain.

I decided to check on Stelp, if he has come there.

Logged in at 11:45 pm

any Groovies on?

Posted by Allie

I clicked on the comments and it expanded to show me the 6 comments.

Heya Allie! Your pfp is so radddd!!

replied by Annette

My nose scrunched up looking at the comment.

All were the fan followers.

Except the last two.

Hey pizza girl 😘 what's up?

replied by Sal Queen

Please people don't reply when post is specified for the groovies 😊

replied by Sal Queen

Sal did Austin come here? I mean he isn't on for a while now

replied by Allie

No I was on the whole day. Haven't seen him here. Did you check Mchat???

replied by Sal Queen

Yeah didn't come there either :/ His match was to be over by yesterday. He should have gotten his phone by now...
I hope he's alrite 😕

replied by Allie

Don't worry Als okay? He's just fine. Probably celebrating his victory 😉

replied by Sal Queen

The least he could do was to text me once. 😕

replied by Allie

Boi he is going to get a good scolding from me for getting you worried. Now go get some sleep it's really late nw. 😘

replied by Sal Queen

Yeah.. You're right .. I should sleep now.. goodnight babe 😙

replied by Allie

goodnight babe 😙

replied by Sal Queen

With that I slid my phone under the pillow and closed my eyelids, pulling over the covers. Neglecting the feeling of desolation that crept over again, I feel asleep.

__ _ __

Look who's back!
Yeah me! 😄
The Beautiful graphic is made by my personal bugger _capriciously_ I LOVE you bae 😘
Well I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter! If you did, Vote!
Comment down what you think about chapter 😉

Special announcement:  So I wrote this short story for Christmas which I will be posting soon. I hope you check it out! 😄
(and it's really short 😂)

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