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This was obviously not what I was hoping to see when I opened that discussion forum.

I was expecting more of a "Hey! Can someone solve this question for me?" or "What is the percentile required to get into Stanford?"

At first I was dumbstruck, what was happening, well obviously it wasn't what I expected it to be, instead, I was welcomed with posts like-

Hey guys!

posted by NewbieAsh

1 comment

I love u bbe :* -dedicated to Sally

posted by King AK

OmGee!! Tamie U LoOk sO HoT iN d Nw pfP!!

posted by Sal Queen

It obviously didn't look like what was told in the disclaimer.

"Discussion forum for students for academic interaction, queries and doubts"

It sure was interaction but not so much of 'academic'.

The Posts were nothing near studies. It revolved everywhere, from 'love' to 'seXy pFp' but, academic queries.

The number of comments in each post was very contrasting. It didn't take me long to get acquainted with the pattern of this forum.

It was a popularity warzone.

People were judged on the basis of profile pictures, username and of course, posts. If you can't get pass those criteria with a clear A plus, you're not 'cool enough' to befriend.

And like every social networking site, this secret social network had its own popular crowd.

It was not a rocket science to know that Sal Queen and King AK held a high place in the social hierarchy of Stelp.

It seemed like the popular crowd talked among themselves and treated the newbie and outcasts like 'fan followers', ignored and thanked occasionally.

The posts of popular were worshipped and offered with comments from all the strata, 'popular frenzies' to 'fan followers'.

Opening Sal Queen's profile and finding her friend box with 500 friends wasn't much of a shocker.

__ _ __

The idea of having a secret social media was very exciting and frightening.

Nevertheless, I changed my username into the possible cool name I could come up with and a cute, aesthetic tumblr girl picture as my profile picture.

Enough for an A plus, I hope.

Well, at least I managed to make it look like the kind of profile I've always wanted.

The thing was, I wasn't allowed on any social media because of my dearest mother. She had strictly told me not to open one at any cost.

Well, I can't be cheating her when this is not a legit social network, right?

I filled in some John Green quote in the space where we were supposed to put school's name.

Definitely, enough to satisfy the requirements for an A plus profile.

And I was all set for a new entrance in Stelp school discussion or better as well call it, stelp chat.

After numerous attempt at making a perfect A-plus post and editing it every two seconds, I ended up writing:

Heya!!!! I am new here!!! Anyone wanna talk???!!!!!

posted by Allie

Genius post.

Oh god, I suck at this part.

And yes, changing the spelling of my name was the only cool thing I could come up with.

Because Allie sounded sexier than Ally.


I refreshed the page with thoughts running around in my head, like the blue circle rounding at the tab.

Did I come out too desperate?

Will I be accepted?

What if no one of the popular crowd is online?

Wait that will be good because the post did come out desperate.

The blue circle was substituted by the icon of the site, putting a halt to my crazy thoughts.

My eyes searched for my post, longing for a reply, hoping not to fall with the Outcasts.

Heya!!!! I am new here!!! Anyone wanna talk???!!!!!

posted by Allie

I took a sigh of relief as I was acknowledged with some comments.

I clicked on the comments, which then expanded showing me the replies.


replied by anxiie

Hey wc to stelp ;)

replied by Andrew


replied by Lemoniekid

Ignoring the two weirdos with weirder usernames and bland profile picture, I replied to Andrew.

Hey Thanks, Andrew... I'm Allison btw

replied by Allie

Andrew caught my attention with his cute Tumblr boy profile picture.

We had a good long chat for some hours before exchanging our emails. There, in his email, was his full name.

Andrew Hale.

The curiosity to know how he actually looked, got me to search him on my mum's friendsbook.

And he looked nothing near attractive.

Nothing near my dream guy. Not even close to what I had hoped him to look like.

I was so horrified that I exchanged by email with this guy. And so I did what anyone probably would not have done in that state of panic.

I deleted my email.

__ _ __

yep. I wrote another chapter. Progress? cheers for me xD my god it took me so so long to fix all those lines. left to right to left to right. phew.

Thoughts about the chapter? Comment down. Vote if you liked the chapter!

Love, Althea.

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