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I didn't go to Stelp for the next few days. I changed my stelp password into 'Andrew' so that I don't go there again.

But oh well, who are we talking about?

Yes, I logged into stelp another fine day.

But this time, I made sure not to reply to guys with fake profile pictures.

I opened Stelp discussion forum as soon as I was directed to the home page.

Once the little blue circle on the tab changed into Stelp icon, something on the page caught my eye.

Some familiar features of an unknown, gorgeous stranger.

My mouth was a gap open and my eyes refused to blink as if the picture would vanish in a split of a second.

How's this even possible?

Heya ;)

Posted by Austin Salford

Comparing to the seconds he posted the post that's a huge number of comments in such a short span of time.

Austin Salford.

My eyes were still stuck in his profile picture.

Is that really his photo?

Or... Is this some random Internet guy picture?

I've always dreamt about a guy.

The kind of fantasy every girl have, or I hope so I'm not the only one.

He had a perfect jawline, could manage to look just as gorgeous in dark rimmed glasses and that tiny faint dimple when he smiled.

Of course, that dream guy had character developments, too.

He'd be a little flirty, cute, nice to everyone, romantic to me, could make my stomach turn with happiness with just his smile.

This was my fantasy, my dream guy.

He was a living person only he wasn't.

The guy who I thought was too perfect for reality, whose physical matter was never an actuality.

But strangely enough, Austin seemed to tick off every other physical appearance I had of my dream guy.

And I found myself eccentrically attracted towards him.

I had to pinch myself to believe this wasn't one of my fantasies.

What is wrong with me? How can I just like him?

It's okay Allison, that's called infatuation.

I mentally facepalmed myself because of the double commentary I was doing in my head.

Should I talk to him?

What if he turns out like Andrew?

What if he's entirely different from the personality criteria I have of my dream guy?

I looked at the other new posts by the popular crowd-

Ohmigod Ausie! whEre were You foR aLL tHese dayS??!!we (#sherry #tamie and... # Ari *cough cough* )Missed ya #Austin

replied by Sal Queen

Hey football bud ^_^ Where were you??!

replied by Sherry

Guess he belongs to the popular crowd.

Should I check the replies?

Who's Ari?

Why is there 'cough cough' written beside her name?

I tried looking at the comments on his post.

But I stopped midway... What if he already has his girl?

And Ari is his girl?

He probably has a girlfriend. How can he not?

Nah, I won't get myself into something I can't come out of.

Besides, he is far out of my league.

So I closed the tab.

__ _ __

Whaaat?! But you said you won't update until your exams were over!
I know. But then you guys got this baby to top 100? (#98) How can I not? ^_^ Well hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Vote if you did!
thoughts about the chapter? comment.
Love, Althea.

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